Interior, Greenhouse, Nursery, or Container Ranch
1,923 topics in this forum
BIG pots?
by Dartolution- 8 replies
I've got a rather large mule palm in need of a larger pot. It's currently in a 20 inch pot, and I was looking for a 24-30" pot to up-pot it into, however I cant seem to find one anywhere. Anybody have BIG Pots, and if so, WHERE did you find yours?
I need help with my Areca Palm
by Lidia204- 4 replies
Hi! Does anybody know what can cause dropping in areca palm leaves. They are very discolored and dry, but not brown. I have this palm in my care since last year and everything was going great until September of this year. I left the palm in my roommates care and I think she watered too much but I'm not really sure. I used to water it once every week or every other week. Any advice would be appreciated. (It was my aunt's palm but she sadly passed away so I really want to keep this palm alive for as much as possible)
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
so I have had this Ravanea since April, and now that it’s October, I have to bring it in. Are they really that bad to take care of indoors? My room hovers around the mid 70°f-80°f all the time and usually has humidity hovering around 50%.
Successfully rooted a squirrel attacked Chamaedorea Metallica
by FilthyFiveHole- 3 replies
So this year the squirrels have gotten very aggressive.. and the l decided to chew right through my 3 year old see grown Chamaedorea Metallica. Chewed it right in half. I remembered reading that you can root Chamaedoreas so I decided to give it a shot and it worked!!! New leaf growth and roots are showing after 3-4 months of being in spag. So glad was able to save this one! Edit: sorry about the sideways pics. Never works right on my phone
Can you split a kentia palm?
by Vicky-W- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello! 🙂 I’m UK-based and have a few indoor palms that I love. My favourite is my large kentia palm, which I picked up for free (yay!) after a wedding - they were shipped in as decor and then not wanted so it came home with me. It was repotted about 5 years ago, and has sat in the same spot for the past 3-years which it seems to like. However, the palm is starting to look a bit sad - lots of regular new growth but brown ends on the frond's of each palm. It’s watered every 2-weeks and given palm feed too. Any advice on why it’s going brown? I’m also looking to repot it and, for the first time, have noticed that it could actually be four palms that have been…
Variegated Washingtonia Needs help!!
by PlantMami23- 2 replies
Hiiii, I have quite a large variegated washingtonia palm, 2 in fact. Both were repotted into 30 gal containers from 15 gal late last year with a soil mix that I put together myself. If i can recall correctly it was a blend of Pine Bark Nuggets, perlite, sand, fox farm ocean forest... 2:1:2:4 One of the palms seems to be doing okay but could be doing better has only pushed about 4 leafs since winter and the other one has no longer put any new fronds out. It looks to be dead as there is no longer any green left anywhere. They both receive full sun and get watered atleast once a week. I am located in Houston zone 9a. I am a renter so planting into the ground is N…
Varigated palm
by Growsie143- 3 replies
Hello- how can you tell if a palm is varigated -
Identify my palm
by Margaret star- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I have had this palm for ever! Never knew its name! Or if I should cover the roots? help!
- 2 replies
Hello all , about a month ago I purchased a windmill or chusan palm , trachycarpus fortunai . was worried about planting straight in the ground so it’s potted in a makeshift shed affect with plastic glass , hoping I’ve done the right thing .?
A few palms in pots nursery management
by happypalms- 2 replies
In the greenhouse today doing a bit of work spotting for weeds. I like to weed my palms every time I see if I see the tiniest smallest of weed I get them with a vengeance my number one enemy in growing palms and plants. So I don’t let them into my nursery doing anything and everything to eliminate weeds number one priority on top of all jobs. It’s called nursery management you have to do along with knowing what to when it comes to running a nursery cleaning up, watering potting up moving plants around pruning dead leaves and removing dead plants organising soil, pots, labels sales it all falls in different orders .weeding is number one job priority no matter what. Keepin…
Hedyscepe Canterburyana as a Houseplant!
by ZPalms- 1 follower
- 17 replies
Back in September, I was looking for a palm that would work best as a houseplant, and on September 25, 2023, @Darold Petty messaged me asking if I would like to experiment with a Hedyscepe as a houseplant. And of course, I said yes because that would make such a unique and fun experiment, and I'm really grateful to have a chance to try one of these. Not too long after, it arrived, and I was able to pop it into a clear plastic cup so I could see the roots develop, which Darold already had sprouted when he sent it to me with a tiny sprout on it. I didn't change anything for this palm, and I didn't give it any special lighting other than what it gets from the window. Th…
King palm
by mrjc- 1 reply
How long do you think a king palm can last in a 12ft green house and any ideas what I can do with it after because if it out grows the greenhouse I’m in 7a/b and there is no way it will survive here
Johannesteijsmannia perakensis seedlings
by happypalms- 6 replies
A real rare palm the Joey perakensis i germinated these one a couple of years ago a bit slower than Altifrons I have planted none in the garden so far but will probably plant some in the future I somehow don’t think I will see them get a trunk but can only try should have planted some 30 years ago the tray of joey in the background of the picture are the other perakensis i germinated
I need help with my Areca Palm 2
by Lidia204- 2 replies
Hi! I'm back again. As some of you said on my last post that my areca palm has no chance of survival, I still have some questions. The plant is mostly dead as you can see in my latest post, but I will not lose hope. The palm still has 2 green strains and I need to know if there is something I could do (repot, change the soil, leave it be)? Any advice is appreciated ❤️20241027_175452.heic20241027_175439.heic
Needle Palm Deficiency?
by OriolesRock100- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello, my needle palm new fronds are coming out yellowish/lighter green with only some spots that are the normal dark green color. The old fronds all look okay color-wise. It has grown a lot this summer and even looks to be trying to send out its first pup (see attached pictures), so it seems to be happy otherwise. I think it must be a deficiency - did I not fertilize it enough during the summer? Is it too late to fertilize it now that we could be seeing our first frost this weekend/next week? Looking for any advice because I think I might put this in the ground in the spring since it should be fully hardy here in Zone 7A, so I want it to be as healthy as possible until t…
Licuala grandis 1 2
by Saara- 1 follower
- 78 replies
Hi! I got this licuala grandis about a week ago, 94cm tall, 21x23cm in a pot. I can see one leaf turn a little yellow. And I made one hole more in the pot and I see root rot. I need probably have to change soil. What soil mixture shoud I use? Something like seramis, kokohum, a pine bark? Should I cut off all the root rot? Should I change all the soil off (everything around roots)? Will this die if I touch the roots? I do not know how sensitive this plant is. Thank you!
How big a pot for bottle
by Bkue- 11 replies
Just transplanted to a concrete pot. Not sure I want to do again.
Filibusta Growth 1 2 3
by ZPalms- 1 follower
- 86 replies
I'm gonna start posting growth of my filibustas here! These were from yesterday August, 19th, 6:00pm, 2021! The oldest strap leaf seems to be dying back I think and most of them are working on their 5th leaf.
Time to repot already?
by JRVL- 4 replies
So I bought this Phoenix a few months ago from a grower and it was in a 7 gallon pot. I put it into a 15 and it's already showing roots on the drainage holes. I've seen advice on here that's typically when it's time to repot but it seems rather sudden to me. Any thoughts?
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
My 3 year old Canary Island Date palms are climbing out of their pots. I don't have any open ground to plant them in so want to keep them in containers. The containers are 40cm deep and 55 cm internal diameter. Location is in the south of the UK. A sheltered south facing patio. We very rarely get temperatures down to -6 in this sheltered spot. The last two winters I have wrapped them with fleece and dragged them into the alcove but they're getting a bit big for that space now so might just bubble wrap the containers and fleece up the trees this winter. So I have two questions. 1. Should I repot into larger pots? 2. Are the trees likely to survive …
Happy Coconut
by DTS- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Probably still too cool for it, but it seems to be doing fine.
- 7 replies
I received the seeds from rps last October and have been putting them in the moss to promote germination. Only three had sprouted as of yesterday. Yesterday I accidentally noticed that the seemingly hard seed coat of this plant was very thin, so I broke the outer shell of three seeds to expose their bud points, and today I found that their bud points are all bulging.
- 403 replies
Please post pics of your potted Syagrus weddelliana 1916 (= Microcoelum weddellianum 1956 = Lytocaryum weddellianum 1944 = Cocos weddelliana 1871)! — At present I have only three year young S weddelliana (of course all grown up from seed), because my (hundreds upon hundreds) older ones didn’t like my several world trips and other journeys … — But at first I’ll post the oldest pic of a Cocos weddelliana WENDL. from 1871, and then a photo of my “working” place as it looks like today:
Never give up on germinating
by NC_Palms- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Planted these Chamaedora microspadix seeds in the spring from a summer 2023 batch I bought online. Was told countless times they would probably never germinate since this specific genus of palms do not produce seeds that have a long shelf life. But regardless, I planted them and kinda forgot about them. And now randomly they have decided to germinate in September Dont give up guys. ✌️
Areca Palm stems dropping, trying to save it!
by ArecaPalmKiller- 3 replies
I received a small Areca Palm in a wonderful vibrant condition about 5 months ago. Today I'm facing a real issue of leaves crispin' and stems dropping. Around 60% of the leaf tips are brown, some leaves have turned a greyish color and are hard and crusty, and a handful of stems have completely lost support and fallen over. I'm not sure what is the cause, no pests I can see. The stems (even the fallen ones) are green at the base. I water about once a week and very thoroughly, the pot has some holes in the bottom for drainage, and the plant sits in front of a window so gets indirect (and sometimes direct) sun all day. I fertilized it for the first time about two m…