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first successfull palm seed germination...now what


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well as you can see by my wall of germination attempts (some are other plants)


i have made many attempts and so far no sprouts (palm) until now!


6 little roots with a couple more looking like they may sprout also


should i pot these up in 1 gal now or wait a bit longer

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All right!    Congrats!   I say wait a bit.  You want some roots on the seedling, and also a shoot or plumule.  If you have a shoot starting and it is pale then it will be looking for light to start photosynthesis.  The seedlings can subsist off the nutrients in the embryo for several weeks.   Are you keeping the seeds warm?  Do you have fungal growth in the germinating jars?  Keep the seed warm.  Most want a minimum of 80 F (26.6C) and up to around 90 F (32C).  Keep trying and dont be afraid to fail.  I fail many times.....



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there is just an inch long root sticking out so far so i will wait

they are at room temperature (20c)

my heat mat has plants on it but i might move some around to get some seeds on it

whenever i see fuzz or fungus i clean the container, clean the seed and replace the damp paper towel

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What do you clean the container and seed with?   I always put some liquid Daconil(antifungal) in my baggies/moss when germinating seed.  It suppresses the fungal growth to almost 0%.  Careful if you put the sealed container on a heat mat.  If the mat is continuous on then the inside of the container will get hot hot. 

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i usually just use dish soap and water

the heat mat is set to only 24 C at the moment

i was thinking i could raise them up a bit somehow

right now i have one sitting on a scrunched up bag to keep it from directly contacting the mat

guess i should put the temperature up a bit too

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Soap and water is fine.   I would go up on the temp on the heat mat a little or set them on something that stays warm, computer CPU, water heater, etc, but not hot.

Does the heat mat have a temp probe that will sense the temp and shut the mat down or turn the thermostat on?

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yes there is a temperature probe

maybe i will stick it under one of the containers with seeds inside

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Maybe secure the temp probe at the inside bottom of one of the containers then put the cap back on best you can to retain the heat.  That would give a more accurate temp reading for the seed.  Just make sure it is very clean/disinfected.  Keep experimenting with your setup.  I put all of my baggies inside a large clear tub with a lock top, and set it on top of a heat mat.  I run the temp probe down inside the tub to the bottom under the baggies then lock the top on.  The temp self adjusts to the set temp!

Good Luck!  :greenthumb:

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@subsonicdrone you are welcome.     You might want to read this palm seed germination article provided by Phil @ Jungle Music Cycads and Palms. It is on his website.  He covers all the aspects of seed germination.  He knows All there is about Palms.   https://www.junglemusic.net/palmadvice/palms-seed-germination.htm.


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At this time or a bit later I either put them in beer cups or community pots 1 gallon is too large for a new sprout and takes up way to much space as you get more pop

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  • 2 months later...

so seeds have been sprouting here and there..

at times some seeds have been covered in fungus and i keep washing it off... it keeps coming back and i repeat

so a week ago or so i noticed 3 jubaea chilensis sprouted and i potted them up

yesterday i noticed another two have sprouted

even though my germination rates arent amazing i still feel it was well worth it!

there are other sprouts but the pot with my dead (unfortunately) lychee had the most sitting on the soil surface (picture worthy)

the roots are able to go into the soil in the bigger pot which most have been it seems



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Nice job! I have been attempting germination for years and am only just starting to get the hang of it. 

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thanks everyone!

do you think cinnamon, garlic or some other natural anti fungal might work in my jars?

has anyone tried this? if yes what dosage?

i have been using a tiny bit of hydrogen peroxide since the last cleaning but it has not stopped the white fuzz

also.. i never did use the heat mat.. this is just room temperature

another jubaea is sprouting :)

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