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  1. In the past six years, the one in my front yard has formed trunk rings and is speeding up in growth. First photo is in 2018. I had to take photos in the dark tonight but you can still get an idea of growth progression.
    7 points
  2. One of my absolute favourite palms in the garden is the Kerriodoxa I planted 20 plus years past it has faired quite well taking neglect and still looking good I never really noticed it until about 5 years past when it started to get a bit bigger they do look good small but nothing can beat one once past the juvenile age I will be planting more in the garden
    5 points
  3. My chamaedorea are loving this time of the with some starting to flower I will definitely be planting more chamaedorea in the garden over the next couple of years that’s for sure they grow so well in the garden
    5 points
  4. My hookeri is flowering for for the second time after more than 20 years of growing if iam lucky I might geta couple of seeds but don’t think that will happen I have others that have flowered I might get lucky one day
    4 points
  5. I had been driving by my old Washy pal for months thinking it had given up after 4 winters of 0° to single digit exposure! This one, by a Mexican restaurant in Garland, Texas (last 30 odd years), is a true fighter! Surely one of only a handful that are left in N Tx area with any sort of trunk. And it is totally exposed in a concrete surrounded jungle! 🥰
    4 points
  6. Every time I visit our chocolate farm in El Salvador, I try to take seedlings with me to plant there. I also have sourced non-palm plants locally (Couroupita guianensis, Delonix regia, a number of different Handroanthus, Ceiba, Mahogany...but the selection of palms locally is pretty slim. We are in the process of planning a new home construction (and the rest of the acreage is cultivated) so I don't have a lot of confidence with planting much yet - I don't want to end up having things ripped out or damaged when it comes time to build - but I have planted a couple of things over the last few years which seem to be doing ok with no irrigation. The dry season here can be brutal. I hope to start brining in some really exotic species once the house is built and we have irrigation in place. This is a really wonderful property and I have a lot of space to play around with. 20240703_052837.mp4 This is some of our heirloom cacao. Tested by USDA and confirmed criollo (of the 10 or so identified genotypes, criollo is the least common but occurs naturally in Central America. We found this particular variety growing wild in a nearby canyon and have cloned a whole lot with it. I like the maroon color on the new flush. First are these kerriodoxa - I planted two and both are going great! they are under a giant Ficus inspida (I believe). Then we have a duo of Chrysalidocarpus leptocheilos. Really excited about his one, as I have not seen these here anywhere. This, I believe, is Livistona saribus A bismarckia nobilis And a few Ravenala as well.
    4 points
  7. A warm day today 23 degrees Celsius for a bright sunny winter day making gardening a bit of fun in the warm air wondering around doing a bit of pruning I just chop up the leaves and use them as mulch creating a natural process of feeding the garden.
    3 points
  8. Well I know it's not the best time of year to move this palm but the last 2 years this palm has taken lots more damage in it's spot in the yard. Add that to that it is growing too tall for where it was and I decided to move it by the house. There are a few more reasons including us not being able to see the palm where it was. Now it is more sheltered and going to be in a group of 3 or more going up close to the wall.
    3 points
  9. Zero is too low. I'm not buying this AI generated tripe and it's misleading. Go to the freeze damage data on this website and look up the Washingtonia threads to get a real world idea of how low they can really go. I would almost bet on filifera to go lower than robusta; but I wouldn't know first hand. I enjoy both species in OTHER peoples' yards. I'm sorry if I've offended tripe.
    3 points
  10. Butia archeri Azul, Syagrus microphylla and Syagrus graminifolia Azul ( a slow grower for me)
    2 points
  11. I have 50 sprouts/spikes Red Sealing Wax Palm. $40. Plus Shipping, Spaghum, & Padded Envelope. Beachpalms@cfl.rr.com Checks, Cash, Zelle, or (No Fee PayPal)
    2 points
  12. I think you may offend the people that live there more than an AI. Again its not ideal but it is possible in dry desert cold. I lived there for a long time and its not normal but it is possible. Like a coconut in central florida its not the best choice but they do succeed. Check out some street views and weather data for the area or some threads here in palmtalk in the cold weather section.
    2 points
  13. Check out Las Cruces, New Mexico or Albuquerque. You will likely get replies from people in the region too, but it is possible. Not ideal however. The washies there routinely see low teens every year and some single digits in spots. In 2011 a monster freeze with zone 8 areas dropping below 0 did just that and killed a lot of palms, but many survived. Carlsbad as well has some that have lived through the latest polar outbreaks.
    2 points
  14. Got this from @Steve in Florida last year, so happy to see it flowering already!
    2 points
  15. And in 2023. Slow trunk growth but it kept it’s special features
    2 points
  16. Full sun changes the look all together. Mine has been in full sun since it was young . I planted it on a south facing slope when it was quite small . The older fronds show a bit of stress but the palm keeps on going . I can’t remember how long it’s been there , but at least 5-6 years. My climate is probably not quite as harsh as yours. Harry
    2 points
  17. I’m still trying to remember what street the towering B. edulis are in my town but here’s one much smaller but nice one in my area. The house was knocked down and a new home was built since this street view was taken and luckily the palm was spared and still looks good.
    2 points
  18. Josue, sounds like you have a great plan! Also agree quality over quantity. I was able to visit a Cacao farm in Cuba last October, it was so interesting to learn the process, of which I knew nothing about. Just understanding the growth and process was very interesting to me. We were able to bring samples back, in different stages of the Cacao, including Cocoa butter, which was cool to learn it is a by product of Cacao. Added some pics below from the farm in Baracoa, Cuba.
    2 points
  19. Tracy, yes there is a Cz hildae variant that flushes with color. I have a small colony. I hope to make seed in the near future.
    2 points
  20. Not much growth considering it is almost August. Poor thing! But I should add, I have seen a large washie take until July 4 here to show any green in 2011. It is now fully recovered. So maybe it will become what it once was, and then some!
    2 points
  21. I saw another good sized Bismarckia last weekend in Bacliff. At one time it was surrounded by queens. I guess they all died and it made it. Kind of rough looking house so I don't think it would've been protected. I can see it dating back to 2008 on google maps. Bing maps has the most recent photo. https://maps.app.goo.gl/aCqUJpx4CvRmu1tQ8
    2 points
  22. I've spent a lot of time looking for palms in the I-95 states (Mid-Atlantic/Northeast)...and it seems for the most part that there are few long term plantings above the zone 7 areas. North of Virgnia Beach...mostly from eastern/southern Maryland to coastal Rhode Island) is where it seems most of the palms are (zone 7a/b). Just 25 - 50 miles inland and you see very few. So mostly in coastal Maryland/southeastern Maryland, most of Deleware, southern/coastal NJ, NYC area, Long Island, coastal/southern Connecticut, and coastal Rhode Island. As to the northernmost, it's hard to say. Coastal Del/Ocean City, MD has many bigger ones, like this one in Rehobeth Beach, DE I took last year: (about 15 - 18 feet tall): There are several big windmills on Long Island and coastal New Jersey that I have seen , maybe 12 - 15 feet tall. One of the biggest Palmettos I've seen north of VA Beach is the famous one in front of the University of Bridgeport on the Connecticut coast of Long Island Sound, maybe 15 - 18 feet tall: As far as Pindo's ...I see some now and then in the Ocean City, MD/DE coast, and I've seen one growing in Atlantic County, NJ maybe 8 feet tall. I'm sure there are a few near me on Long Island/coastal Connecticut, but I've never seen even one. This is mine, it's about 7 feet tall:
    2 points
  23. Exactly 6 years later ( july 23 2018) I' ll post pics of the same palm. Maybe other people that showed a pic of there D. decipiens in this thread, can also show how thy grew at there place.
    2 points
  24. Sabal uresana, commonly known as the Sonoran palmetto is a species that is native to the foothills of the Sierra Madre Ocidental in northwestern Mexico. It's habitat is very dry and I had concerns if it would thrive in my not so hot and year round humid subtropical climate ( 1600 mm rain/ year). I have two planted out in the garden. One grew better then the other. The young leaves are blue but the wax is slowly removed by the frequent rains.
    1 point
  25. Thought I’d share with the Texans here that NWS was predicting 2-4” of rain for us throughout the week. Three more full days of rain expected and we got 2.55” yesterday and i’m up to 2.9” today. Woohoo!
    1 point
  26. Sometimes people forget to check the underground roots for mealybugs. But the repot would have revealed them. Often they’ll be around the wall of the pot underground and people won’t notice. Once you’ve ruled out any problems with the palm, you’re probably good. Most of the potted palms I have outside have ant colonies in the pots, and there are 100s or 1,000s of ants under every single leaf base on every palm in my yard. As long as they stay outside and aren’t farming pests in the young, fragile palms in pots, you’ll likely be ok.
    1 point
  27. Hazy skies and quiet muggy today. Had a high of 27.8°C and a low of 15.5°C. 🌤️🌫️
    1 point
  28. On the rachis, yes, but not on the leaflets. First three photos are details of the plant in question. The last two are a more mature Encephalartos arenarius specimen showing the longer leaflets particularly less wide in the lower half of the racist than on the purported hybrid.
    1 point
  29. I got my betel nut palms in december and they were all dead within 10 days. I am surprised at the Calyptrocalyx. In the past mine saw many minus 3 nights without damage. My baby Kerriodoxa is doing fine, the cold hasn't bothered it at all. Only one of the small palms outside is showing any sign of damage, and that is just some yellow cold spot marks. It is all the bigger ones that I bought at the palm show and brought indoors for winter that have died. I was needlessly worrying about my joey on a stick, it is doing fine on the back patio and not a trace of damage so far. Peachy
    1 point
  30. It’s a washingtonia robusta (Mexican fan palm) about 4 years old. It doesn’t have any spider mites of insects it would feed off of.
    1 point
  31. I saw a pair of Swallows on monday, a very welcome sight in this long winter. The last few days have been in the low 20s too so the omens are looking good for an early spring. Peachy
    1 point
  32. As cold as it was with a layer of sleet & snow? Low temps are low temps. Her dna must be superior!
    1 point
  33. I have a benthamii about the same size as the Livistona in the OP ( which isn't a benthamii, but then again I struggle identifying Livistona species. They are endemic in the Darwin region and grow in similar habitat as Carpentaria palms Holmes Jungle, Darwin:
    1 point
  34. Yep, That's Ficus for ya, esp. there where the soil is rarely dry for long. Other than killing the tree, you'll be battling them .....forever..... Barriers? heh, ...those tiny little fingers weave or bust right through em'
    1 point
  35. I decided to put her in the ground! Hoping for that storm behind to give us a good soaking. I’ll keep an eye on her on very hot days. I tried putting it out in full sun for a few days and it seemed to do just fine. I know now there might be some transplant shock so hoping with some monsoon rain and not so toasty temps it will take off.
    1 point
  36. Seems like a steal to me ! T J
    1 point
  37. Licuala ramsayi to the right of a cluster of Areca vestiara at Four Arts:
    1 point
  38. yeah. looks pretty similar to photos I found online. it’s a pretty nice looking palm!
    1 point
  39. The way that I’ve germinated my seeds was just put them in a baggy with potting mix and throw the whole thing in my aquarium (sealed bag of course). Depending on the type it would be full of roots in a few days. 82 degrees.
    1 point
  40. Give any palm a go if your confident it will surprise you what will live you have to be prepared to lose a few but you will win a few it’s a gamble but well worth it you just never know.
    1 point
  41. Last year I collected seeds of a mature Dypsis decipiens that I planted in my parents garden many years ago. The seeds were cleaned and I put them in the refrigerator for a few months, waiting for warmer weather. In december my son Leonard ( who studies agronomics) planted them out in big pots. Maybe 1/4 of them germinated and today he and his sister Lydia transplanted 51 seedlings in individual pots. The first brazilian "manambe palms".
    1 point
  42. There are 10 identified genotypes of cacao - all native from about Central Mexico through the Amazon Basin. Off the top of my head, Amelonado, Criollo, Contanama, Curaray, Guiana, Iquitos, Maranon, Nacional, Nanay, and Purus. Criollo is said to be the creme de la creme - highly sought after and hardly any significant production worldwide. The Spanish took several varieties from both Central and South America into the Caribbean (Islands of Trinidad), where hybrids emerged, and those resulting hybrids were spread throughout the Spanish empire (all throughout Central Africa and to the Philippines.) Most of the cacao grown worldwide originates from these hybrids, selected generation after generation for productivity. Wild varieties have always grown in their native habitats, but hardly any make it to commercial production. A funny turn of events is that even commercial farms both big and small in the Americas cultivate these hybrids. That's why there's alarm about disease or climate change affecting the world's cacao supply - they are all clones of each other and they account for almost 90% of the worlds' cacao supply. If a disease were to affect all these, the world's supply would be gone almost immediately. Take a look at Citrus Greening which has pretty much eliminated Florida's and Brazil's citrus industries. There's a small, but persistent movement of small growers who are moving to farm these heirloom, wild varieties instead of the commercial hybrids. So if there's any hope for disease resistance and climate resiliency, it's probably found in the million of wild varietals found in the Americas.
    1 point
  43. Criollo is generally known for having low anthocyanins - the chemicals within the seed that make the bean appear bright violet when cut open, and also give the resulting chocolate a more bitter (I would say complex) flavor. Criollo can be entirely devoid of anthocyanins, so the seeds are entirely white or VERY slightly lavender when cut open. The resulting chocolate is very mild - almost tasting like milk chocolate even when made into 70 & 80% chocolate bars. A lot of other factors affect flavor - elevation, varietals, sun exposure, soil composition (all summed up by the term terroir) as well as post-harvest procedures - most importantly your fermentation process. If you're growing for the commodity market, none of those really matter, and your fermentation standards are pretty low. Price is low also. We are growing for the craft market, in which pre and post harvest factors all make or break your product. We do have some lots planted with well-known and documented hybrids (most are of Amazonian origin), but every cacao grower from here to Central Africa is growing the same. We want to grow local, wild varietals with special attention to post-harvest processes. Nobody will have the same flavor profile as ours because terroir is meant to be unique. Another reason we planted lots of single-variety is because in the mixed lots, we have varieties with large seeds, varieties with small seeds, and varieties with medium sized seeds. When it comes time to ferment, the large beans take longer to properly ferment, while the small beans ferment much quicker. You can see the issues that arise if your batch isn't uniformly fermented - commodity market? no problem! but craft market? it's a big issue. A cacao with overfermented and underfermented beans in one batch. And each time you ferment, you will have a unique blend of bean sizes depending on which trees you picked from that day. A craft maker won't buy your product if it's different every time. They want consistency - so that their resulting single-origin bars taste the same every time. The wild criollos we're cultivating - there are 3 different ones - are all immediately native to the area (within 1 mile radius of the farm). They evolved with the soils - and although the pods are naturally small, the cacao they produce is not in the market - so we chose to bring these specific varieties to market and produce a unique and high quality product, not exactly quantity.
    1 point
  44. I don't have many cycads in my yard but this one is my bluest of my blues. It just contrast so well with the greenery around it.
    1 point
  45. Of course nobody is stopping you Marcus but let's dial it down. To put it mildly, the comments seem uncalled/discouraging especially for someone who posts very rarely (that was the poster's 5th post on this site) and took the time to upload all of those pretty pictures for our free viewing pleasure. Nobody asked if or insinuated that all of those palms were bulletproof or would need costly removal or whatever, I don't see the need to try to bait an argument like what you are seemingly trying to do with me now. Just chill out and enjoy the pics lol, maybe drop a like 🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  46. Surprised no mention of oropedionis, Surely a candidate for best cool grower.
    1 point
  47. Wow those a very different from each other. Full sun it is!
    1 point
  48. @Alberto, those are fine specimens! I wish I could say they were easy, but they're easier if their specific conditions are met, which appears to be where you are! More pictures, por favor?
    1 point
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