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Why I love Actinokentia divaricata


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Some people complain about Actinokentia.
"They're so slow"

Well, that's true.

One or two leaves a year in Guada La Habra


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What leaves!

Here's mine, putting out its leaf.

Take a deep breath




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It's a mini-Chambeyronea, slower, smaller, a little palm for a little place.


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I drooled so much over my own palm, got the wood-chips all gooey.

Show us yours! Especially if they have trunk!


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nice Dave-O!

how old is you baby?


Carlsbad, California Zone 10 B on the hill (402 ft. elevation)

Sunset zone 24

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10 years in the ground, more or less, from a nice 7 gallon.


But, oh so worth the wait!

The post-lady gasped! (Might get her to join the PSSC!)


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Awsom pics Dave, I've got a few 1 leafers, can anyone tell me how old these have to get to  produce a there first red leaf 



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Lovely Dave!  Put in the right spot, although slower, they always look flawless. It's actually nice having some palms that are not in a hurry to get big.

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Coastal canyon area of San Diego


"In the shadow of the Cross"

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16 hours ago, comic097 said:

Awsom pics Dave, I've got a few 1 leafers, can anyone tell me how old these have to get to  produce a there first red leaf 



If they are sprouted from seed, I would guess 7-8 years. I got some sprouted "watermelon" form of these about 3 years ago, & they're just beginning to go pinnate. No greenhouse here; they're on their own!



Coastal canyon area of San Diego


"In the shadow of the Cross"

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Someone needs to check for viruses!

It's nice to have a palm that rewards just waiting. Sunrise after sunrise, sunset after sunset. Old age, not yet. One joint replacement following another.

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2 hours ago, Pando said:

"watermelon" Actino? :hmm: :wacko:

That's what they were sold as from Rare palm seeds. Obviously I've got a ways to wait for that to happen, if indeed it does..



Coastal canyon area of San Diego


"In the shadow of the Cross"

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  • 1 month later...
On ‎1‎/‎30‎/‎2016‎ ‎11‎:‎54‎:‎47‎, DoomsDave said:

10 years in the ground, more or less, from a nice 7 gallon.


But, oh so worth the wait!

The post-lady gasped! (Might get her to join the PSSC!)


scream        they keep the red leaf longer, well its been my experience until it became a palm of Doom

Coral Gables, FL 8 miles North of Fairchild USDA Zone 10B

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Good to hear from you again!

Hope all's well with you!

The post-lady went postal . . . :rolleyes:

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Ok, I'll bite Dave. Yours looks great! Plus, anything that draws the Moose back is a good thing!



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Zone 10a at best after 2007 AND 2013, on SW facing hill, 1 1/2 miles from coast in Oceanside, CA. 30-98 degrees, and 45-80deg. about 95% of the time.

"The great workman of nature is time."   ,  "Genius is nothing but a great aptitude for patience."

-George-Louis Leclerc de Buffon-

I do some experiments and learning in my garden with palms so you don't have to experience the pain! Look at my old threads to find various observations and tips!

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Whoa, Bill, that thing should draw a whole herd of Meese. Mooses? Moosi? ;):rolleyes:

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David Simms zone 9a on Highway 30a

200 steps from the Gulf in NW Florida

30 ft. elevation and sandy soil

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On 1/30/2016, 8:41:13, DoomsDave said:

What leaves!

Here's mine, putting out its leaf.

Take a deep breath





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  • 5 years later...


Each time a new frond unfolds on my Actinokentia divaricata I feel like I should declare a 'holiday'! Has to be one of the slowest growing palms in my garden. It went through winter fine in a protected place with a Rhapidophyllum hystrix (background) providing some shelter.

Also... welcome Spring (in the northern hemisphere)!
The March equinox – also called the vernal equinox – is the beginning of the spring season in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn season in the Southern Hemisphere: https://blogs.nasa.gov/Watch_the_Skies/2021/03/19/march-equinox-brings-2-seasons-spring-autumn/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought I’d add to the thread. Opened up in the last couple of days and the color is soooo nice.




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Hilo, Hawaii

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39 minutes ago, realarch said:

Thought I’d add to the thread. Opened up in the last couple of days and the color is soooo nice.




Wow, that looks great Tim.  I'm envious of that new leaf color as mine opens green.  

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This palm is a 'no go' without sufficient daytime warmth.  In my warmth deprived microclimate it produced a new frond every 30 months.  Too slow for an old man !  :mrlooney:

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San Francisco, California

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2 hours ago, Darold Petty said:

This palm is a 'no go' without sufficient daytime warmth.  In my warmth deprived microclimate it produced a new frond every 30 months.  Too slow for an old man !  :mrlooney:


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