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California winter is here


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I hate cold weather. The only thing the cold is good for is keeping my beer cold :lol:

Carlsbad, California Zone 10 B on the hill (402 ft. elevation)

Sunset zone 24

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I know this is a little soon but after Christmas is going to be another shot of cool air. This one is looking cooler than that just came through. Too soon to tell though, could be horrible or could be nothing at all.

I am beginning to hate El Niño. Time to share these cool temps with our friends back east

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On 12/16/2015, 1:34:15, enigma99 said:

I know this is a little soon but after Christmas is going to be another shot of cool air. This one is looking cooler than that just came through. Too soon to tell though, could be horrible or could be nothing at all.

I am beginning to hate El Niño. Time to share these cool temps with our friends back east

I agree with the "hate el nino statement" I thought it would be a warmer winter?

it seems like last years was better for us in San Diego.


Carlsbad, California Zone 10 B on the hill (402 ft. elevation)

Sunset zone 24

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21 minutes ago, Josh-O said:

I agree with the "hate el nino statement" I thought it would be a warmer winter?

it seems like last years was better for us in San Diego.


Yeah I didn't even hit 32F last year. And it was really warm most of the winter, now it's payback :)

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Definitely different than last year. Then we hit some extreme lows for 2-3 days around Jan 1st. It snowed in Temecula (definitely unusual), and then the winter was mostly over. Lowest I got was 37F

This year it looks like a drawn out chilly and probably will be wet also for the next few months. While 39F is the lowest I've seen so far, winter hasn't even started yet.

My coconut is closing its fronds and going back into the nut saying fuggedaboutit.

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Just checked my local Wunderground forecast and seeing Fri and Sat nights listed at 30F, one warmer night on Sun., but then dropping back down to freezing on Monday. Not the makings for a fun holiday time off exactly, I guess unless you head to the mountains for skiing. Heard there's some happy folks there for a change...'course no palms there either. At least for us here the rain we have been getting has been on the light side, no heavy downpours, and with time to dry out in between. I know a lot of people have been concerned with El Nino that they might get flooding. I did hear for parts of the SF Bay that King Tides will be in effect and they've been encouraging those low areas to get their sandbags. 

Zone 9b (formerly listed as Zone 9a); Sunset 14

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Protect your stuff as a lot of locations will drop to or below 32. Like all ca freezes it depends on your elevation, if you get wind at night etc. man this getting old

Good news is on New Years we could finally see a shift. Time will tell

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Yeah last year was better.   Only hit 32 on two days.  And only for a couple hours.  

This year, my Ptychosperma and H. indica are already spotting on the leaves. None last year.

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Ugh the model just ran a little cooler this morning. Friday and Saturday nights are going to be cold. My location will hit at least 30 on Saturday night. 

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5 hours ago, Palmaceae said:

I hope you guys warm up soon, just don't send it our way!

I'm guessing the pattern will shift eastward as it always does in January:) woo hoo, I will be happy to get rid of it

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A very different winter, so far, for everyone back there in CA. Hearing there may even be snow falling on some of the local peaks  above 2000 ft around the SF bay area Christmas morning. If my memory is correct, thinking there were acouple days in the 80s around the Santa Cruz area aound this time last year.. anyway, also hearing talk of a pattern change and a shifting south of more significant rainfall over the next few weeks.  MJO is also supposed to turn active, which it hasn't been since the end of October.  Should help get rid of the back to back cold spells for you guys.. 


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13 hours ago, enigma99 said:

I'm guessing the pattern will shift eastward as it always does in January:) woo hoo, I will be happy to get rid of it



After December, those east of the Rockies should be prepared to duck.

Ed in Houston




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Yep, KPIX just showed snow on Mt. Hamilton and Lick Observatory now. 

We had rain this a.m. And more showers tonight for us. Friday night cold at 31 with coldest Saturday night, 29. A bit higher night temps next week with highs in 50s. Brrrr.

Zone 9b (formerly listed as Zone 9a); Sunset 14

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32 minutes ago, WestCoastGal said:

Yep, KPIX just showed snow on Mt. Hamilton and Lick Observatory now. 

We had rain this a.m. And more showers tonight for us. Friday night cold at 31 with coldest Saturday night, 29. A bit higher night temps next week with highs in 50s. Brrrr.

Yeah - we're showing 33 for Friday night, and 32 for Saturday night.  If it stays there, I'll be happy.  But it looks like we're in for a good 10 days of chilly temps.

Ben Rogers

On the border of Concord & Clayton in the East Bay hills - Elev 387 ft 37.95 °N, 121.94 °W

My back yard weather station: http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/hdfForecast?query=37.954%2C-121.945&sp=KCACONCO37

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I'm at 32 for Friday and 30 for Saturday. Probably will be making some things are covered for Saturday night just in case it goes lower

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I'm going to see what tonight does, and tomorrow's plan will be predicated on that.  It's supposed to be a degree or two worse tomorrow, so if tonight gets borderline ugly, I may be covering some things tomorrow.

Ben Rogers

On the border of Concord & Clayton in the East Bay hills - Elev 387 ft 37.95 °N, 121.94 °W

My back yard weather station: http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/hdfForecast?query=37.954%2C-121.945&sp=KCACONCO37

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18 minutes ago, Ben in Norcal said:

I'm going to see what tonight does, and tomorrow's plan will be predicated on that.  It's supposed to be a degree or two worse tomorrow, so if tonight gets borderline ugly, I may be covering some things tomorrow.

Yeah I'm doing the same thing. I don't need to be covering everything if it is going to be above 30 with no frost. 

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Quiet Christmas day, saw a movie at the theater and came back and checked on the frost covers for tonight. All set for tonight. Weather report said freeze warning over most of the Bay and just looked at radar and it's snowing on the East Bay hills and down on the eastern slopes by Hollister and south and light rain in many part of the Bay. My mom back East is at about the same temp as we are now. Kind of sad. We have snow (on our mountain tops) and she doesn't have any. No wind right now.

Hey, did I hear that Modesto area had 2 tornadoes yesterday?

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Zone 9b (formerly listed as Zone 9a); Sunset 14

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41 degrees here at 6 a.m.  Some nice gentle breezes keeping temps up.

Ben Rogers

On the border of Concord & Clayton in the East Bay hills - Elev 387 ft 37.95 °N, 121.94 °W

My back yard weather station: http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/hdfForecast?query=37.954%2C-121.945&sp=KCACONCO37

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Stayed above freezing all night due to the wind, but the cost was lowering the dew point which now stands at 26F. And for my location winds are predicted to be light and variable so... I'm going to prepare for the worst and hope for a low around 30

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Pretty ugly here - been up since 3 a.m. watching the bottom drop out.  My PWS is showing 31 degrees at 6:30 a.m. - not great.  Lots of 20s down in the valleys - it looks like the low spots have really got clobbered.  I'm getting tired of these repeated cold fronts.  El Nino where are you??

Ben Rogers

On the border of Concord & Clayton in the East Bay hills - Elev 387 ft 37.95 °N, 121.94 °W

My back yard weather station: http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/hdfForecast?query=37.954%2C-121.945&sp=KCACONCO37

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2 hours ago, Ben in Norcal said:

Pretty ugly here - been up since 3 a.m. watching the bottom drop out.  My PWS is showing 31 degrees at 6:30 a.m. - not great.  Lots of 20s down in the valleys - it looks like the low spots have really got clobbered.  I'm getting tired of these repeated cold fronts.  El Nino where are you??

Yeah cold. I briefly hit 32 right after sunrise. I think what sucks is that we have been dealing with cold since mid November. Been a really long winter so far. 

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1 minute ago, enigma99 said:

Yeah cold. I briefly hit 32 right after sunrise. I think what sucks is that we have been dealing with cold since mid November. Been a really long winter so far. 

Yeah, I'm tired of it.  I really hope we get a paternn shift soon.  The next week doesn't look all that awesome.

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Ben Rogers

On the border of Concord & Clayton in the East Bay hills - Elev 387 ft 37.95 °N, 121.94 °W

My back yard weather station: http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/hdfForecast?query=37.954%2C-121.945&sp=KCACONCO37

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This was the coldest morning of the season here in the frost pocket of Santa Barbara.  It was 33F last night at 11pm.  The low in the open was 27F and low under canopy was 30F.  Hopefully the night time temperatures will warm up and we will get some rain.

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16 minutes ago, Jubaea said:

This was the coldest morning of the season here in the frost pocket of Santa Barbara.  It was 33F last night at 11pm.  The low in the open was 27F and low under canopy was 30F.  Hopefully the night time temperatures will warm up and we will get some rain.

Wow...that's even colder than it was here!

Ben Rogers

On the border of Concord & Clayton in the East Bay hills - Elev 387 ft 37.95 °N, 121.94 °W

My back yard weather station: http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/hdfForecast?query=37.954%2C-121.945&sp=KCACONCO37

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4 minutes ago, Ben in Norcal said:

Wow...that's even colder than it was here!

Radiational freezes can really cool things down here.  Here I am in a zone 9b and 3-4 blocks away it is zone 10. 

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46 minutes ago, Jubaea said:

Radiational freezes can really cool things down here.  Here I am in a zone 9b and 3-4 blocks away it is zone 10. 

Yeah its that way in most of California.. 90% of freezes are radiational so elevation is important. Wish I had bought at the top of a hill.. But I wasn't into palms then like I am now

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Wow today is cold. Clouds came in at the coldest part of the morning and trapped the cold air here. Currently mid 40s but feels even colder

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We dropped below freezing on Friday night/Sat morning, but last night was colder. Here's the graph from a local weather station pretty close to us (red = temp, green = dew point). Not pretty 9-hour period. We're more or less valley floor and we're at a slightly higher elevation than this location (which is at 310ft) so a tad bit warmer but still below freezing. Last night I checked our town's local stations and those on the east mountain slopes were reporting colder than us but it didn't take them long to send the cold our way. So glad we set up the frost cloth early and didn't have to run around in the really cold temps. It feels cold in the house too.


Wind for the same time period


For the heck of it I looked up a station up on Holiday Estates which is at 797 ft on our eastern slopes and they appear to have taken a beating too. Didn't really matter where you were down here last night if you had no wind or overhead protection. Compare the first chart below to the next one which was Ben's in Clayton with some wind. Wind can be your friend for sure, even with more than a few hundred feet of elevation.

797 ft elevation vs. 387 ft elevation

HolidayEstates797ft_1227151.jpg.407d2d45  Clayton1227151.jpg.48a8db0757c5987cc3cfe

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Zone 9b (formerly listed as Zone 9a); Sunset 14

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2 hours ago, WestCoastGal said:

We dropped below freezing on Friday night/Sat morning, but last night was colder. Here's the graph from a local weather station pretty close to us (red = temp, green = dew point). Not pretty 9-hour period. We're more or less valley floor and we're at a slightly higher elevation than this location (which is at 310ft) so a tad bit warmer but still below freezing. Last night I checked our town's local stations and those on the east mountain slopes were reporting colder than us but it didn't take them long to send the cold our way. So glad we set up the frost cloth early and didn't have to run around in the really cold temps. It feels cold in the house too.


Wind for the same time period


For the heck of it I looked up a station up on Holiday Estates which is at 797 ft on our eastern slopes and they appear to have taken a beating too. Didn't really matter where you were down here last night if you had no wind or overhead protection. Compare the first chart below to the next one which was Ben's in Clayton with some wind. Wind can be your friend for sure, even with more than a few hundred feet of elevation.

797 ft elevation vs. 387 ft elevation

HolidayEstates797ft_1227151.jpg.407d2d45  Clayton1227151.jpg.48a8db0757c5987cc3cfe

I felt I got whacked hard enough, to be honest!  The next week or so is looking to have some cold nights, too.  Hopefully nothing as harsh as last night?

Today felt cold enough outside to keep me indoors after my daughter and I got back from playing around at Flora Grubb.  It takes quite a bit for me to not potter in the yard!

Ben Rogers

On the border of Concord & Clayton in the East Bay hills - Elev 387 ft 37.95 °N, 121.94 °W

My back yard weather station: http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/hdfForecast?query=37.954%2C-121.945&sp=KCACONCO37

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33 low 46 high today......warming trend is at least a week out, I understand....

John Case

Brentwood CA

Owner and curator of Hana Keu Garden

USDA Zone 9b more or less, Sunset Zone 14 in winter 9 in summer

"Its always exciting the first time you save the world. Its a real thrill!"

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What is happening in California this year? It's a strange phenomenon? I see that the East coast is very warm those days.

Someone from the zone can explain me please? At this moment there are 3ºC in L.A. ... I think I've never seen this temperature in LA downtown! 


I live in Altea, Spain 38°34'N 0º03'O. USDA zone 11a. Coastal microclimate sheltered by mountains. 
The coconuts shown in my avatar are from the Canary Islands, Spain ! :)

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2 hours ago, pRoeZa* said:

What is happening in California this year? It's a strange phenomenon? I see that the East coast is very warm those days.

Someone from the zone can explain me please? At this moment there are 3ºC in L.A. ... I think I've never seen this temperature in LA downtown! 


Others with more technical knowledge can probably explain it better.  But my understanding is that it is simply an issue of the flow of the jet stream. It has created a pocket that allows the cold arctic air to slide down the coast in the West.  It has also created a barrier in the East that has "pushed" the cold air north and allowed the warm southern air to move north.

When that jet stream dip moves East the warmth will return. It just isn't moving. So our gardens suffer. 

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6 hours ago, pRoeZa* said:

What is happening in California this year? It's a strange phenomenon? I see that the East coast is very warm those days.

Someone from the zone can explain me please? At this moment there are 3ºC in L.A. ... I think I've never seen this temperature in LA downtown! 


Super strong high pressure over the Atlantic Ocean forcing the polar jet over the west coast. It is slowly weakening but it is happening too slow. Best chance for cold on the east coast will be late Jan early Feb I'm thinking.

But that is Murphy's law right? We didn't have a winter last year so now we get two winters of cold


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