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Hot ....

Exotic Life

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Today it's very hot ... it's almost 34 C now (93F), tomorrow it's gonna be unsually hot the sya for the netherlands, the expect 37C (98F).

For so far, it's a very hot,sunny and dry summer ! This month we don't have got anay rain yet, also june was dry with 3 day's that we have got some little rain.

If this means the world climate is chaning, then i like it very much ! But the farmers here not, they can't give water tot the crops, because every where the water level is to low .. sow a lot of crops is dying or see very yellow. Grassfield, turned totally brown, and tree's losing the leaves to survive ... My exotics love this weather !

Greetz robbin



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been the same here too, Robbin.....Today is supposed to go over 100f (40c)....


Long Island, New York  Zone 7a (where most of the southern Floridians are originally from)


Summer Highs  : 85-90f/day,  68-75f / night

Winter Lows     : 38-45f/day,   25-35f / night

Extreme Low    : 10-20f/day,    0-10f / night   but VERY RARE

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Its been pretty much normal around here this summer.  The days are running in the lower 90s F and nights in the middle 70s F.  The hottest my weather station has logged thus far this summer has been 94.8F and the highest dewpoint has been 79F.  The lowest temperature this summer has been 72F and occurred during a massive thunderstorm.


Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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That's the great thing about Florida weather... It kinda has it's own patterns that aren't really affected by the rest of the country... We always get everything that starts in the west and whatever else it picks up on the trip coming east.


Long Island, New York  Zone 7a (where most of the southern Floridians are originally from)


Summer Highs  : 85-90f/day,  68-75f / night

Winter Lows     : 38-45f/day,   25-35f / night

Extreme Low    : 10-20f/day,    0-10f / night   but VERY RARE

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Yes...things (generally) stay very consistent here during summer.  The difference between a normal high and a record high for a given day may only be a few degrees.


Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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Yes...things (generally) stay very consistent here during summer.  The difference between a normal high and a record high for a given day may only be a few degrees.

It's da caribbean influence, mon


Long Island, New York  Zone 7a (where most of the southern Floridians are originally from)


Summer Highs  : 85-90f/day,  68-75f / night

Winter Lows     : 38-45f/day,   25-35f / night

Extreme Low    : 10-20f/day,    0-10f / night   but VERY RARE

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(BobbyinNY @ Jul. 18 2006,11:59)

Yes...things (generally) stay very consistent here during summer.  The difference between a normal high and a record high for a given day may only be a few degrees.

It's da caribbean influence, mon

And Ill take it :D

Its just a pity it goes on vacation for a few months a year!


Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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Its just a pity it goes on vacation for a few months a year

I'll trade anyday....


Long Island, New York  Zone 7a (where most of the southern Floridians are originally from)


Summer Highs  : 85-90f/day,  68-75f / night

Winter Lows     : 38-45f/day,   25-35f / night

Extreme Low    : 10-20f/day,    0-10f / night   but VERY RARE

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(BobbyinNY @ Jul. 18 2006,13:40)

Its just a pity it goes on vacation for a few months a year

I'll trade anyday....

Yeah...I cant complain about 72F normal high in Jan really.


Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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Yeah...I cant complain about 72F normal high in Jan really


this is the argument I have with my wife all the time, and she's adamant about having snow on Christmas... she's dead set against it being in the 70's at that time... so my answer was that I would take her to Vermont (where it's REALLY cold) for a couple weeks in december and then we can come home..... I haven't heard a response yet...


Long Island, New York  Zone 7a (where most of the southern Floridians are originally from)


Summer Highs  : 85-90f/day,  68-75f / night

Winter Lows     : 38-45f/day,   25-35f / night

Extreme Low    : 10-20f/day,    0-10f / night   but VERY RARE

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Just show her this map....the odds of a white Christmas in Long Island are slim!  So...her argument is not valid!

Time to pack up the U-Haul and move to the Keys......



Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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Its been very hot here too, well into the 100's the past several days in the east bay. just over the hills its in the 80's.

^ nice map, is that a speckle of white I see in So-cal?

Meteorologist and PhD student in Climate Science

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Have you looked at the predictions for the upcoming winter?  


Tampa, Interbay Peninsula, Florida, USA

subtropical USDA Zone 10A

Bokeelia, Pine Island, Florida, USA

subtropical USDA Zone 10B

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that's a great Map... It's interesting to see that within a hundred miles of LI, the weather changes so drastically... It can be 50f in December on LI and if you go 100 miles north , it'll drop by like 20 degrees...


Long Island, New York  Zone 7a (where most of the southern Floridians are originally from)


Summer Highs  : 85-90f/day,  68-75f / night

Winter Lows     : 38-45f/day,   25-35f / night

Extreme Low    : 10-20f/day,    0-10f / night   but VERY RARE

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(Ray, Tampa @ Jul. 18 2006,15:24)


Have you looked at the predictions for the upcoming winter?  


I have not.....I dont want to know!  I am just assuming that we will have a repeat of the past three winters.......


Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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(BobbyinNY @ Jul. 18 2006,15:33)


that's a great Map... It's interesting to see that within a hundred miles of LI, the weather changes so drastically... It can be 50f in December on LI and if you go 100 miles north , it'll drop by like 20 degrees...

Water works wonders keeping temps up.

In Maine, there is also a similar effect (altough I doubt there is any location in Maine that would be as warm as Long Island in winter).  Being near the coast helps quite a bit.

Use this map to your advantage!  The fallacy of a white Christmas in NY has been exposed!


Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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(Ray, Tampa @ Jul. 18 2006,15:24)


Have you looked at the predictions for the upcoming winter?  


OK...you made me look.

Not too bad.....looks pretty good.  I dont see a big B centered over FL!



Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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Forecast for Wednesday

Fine. Moderate S'ly winds, fresh at times during the day.

Precis:       Fine                              

City:         Max 21c =  68f

Happy Gardening



Queensland, Australia.

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(Wal @ Jul. 18 2006,18:18)

Forecast for Wednesday

Fine. Moderate S'ly winds, fresh at times during the day.

Precis:       Fine                              

City:         Max 21c =  68f

And that's winter for you ??


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(Wal @ Jul. 18 2006,18:18)

Forecast for Wednesday

Fine. Moderate S'ly winds, fresh at times during the day.

Precis:       Fine                              

City:         Max 21c =  68f

We had the same here Wal. But I'd rather have your night temps. You've had much more rain than us too. Weird.



Millbrook, "Kinjarling" Noongar word meaning "Place of Rain", Rainbow Coast, Western Australia 35S. Warm temperate. Csb Koeppen Climate classification. Cool nights all year round.



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The temperatures that I mentioned in the Global Warming thread have been exceeded every day.  Yesterday was 34°C/93°F here and South London recorded 36.3°C/97.3°F a new record July temperature for the UK and it has been over 30°C/86°F each day this week.

It's supposed to be cooler from today onwards, 27-28°C/81-82°F for most of the next week, although that is still 5-6°C/9-11°F above the seasonal average.


Corey Lucas-Divers

Dorset, UK

Ave Jul High 72F/22C (91F/33C Max)

Ave Jul Low 52F/11C (45F/7C Min)

Ave Jan High 46F/8C (59F/15C Max)

Ave Jan Low 34F/1C (21F/-6C Min)

Ave Rain 736mm pa

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Neofolis, It sounds like you're having a taste of an Oz summer. I bet your palms are loving it. :)



Millbrook, "Kinjarling" Noongar word meaning "Place of Rain", Rainbow Coast, Western Australia 35S. Warm temperate. Csb Koeppen Climate classification. Cool nights all year round.



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(Tyrone @ Jul. 19 2006,08:54)


(Wal @ Jul. 18 2006,18:18)

Forecast for Wednesday

Fine. Moderate S'ly winds, fresh at times during the day.

Precis:       Fine                              

City:         Max 21c =  68f

We had the same here Wal. But I'd rather have your night temps. You've had much more rain than us too. Weird.



No rain here mate, Daryl yes and all his Gold Coast mates, Sunshine Coast yes, but me here in Briz vegas, nothing but a few sprays.

Happy Gardening



Queensland, Australia.

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It's been in the 100s/38-40C around here.  At my parents house in N. Texas, they have been getting up to 109F/43C

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Also here, July is making records. They sat maybe the hottest month ever.

Today it was very hot again with 33.1C/ 91.5F , Yesterday was unsually hot with 37.2C/ 98.9F also the night was warm with 22.1C/71.7F. This morning we have 30 minutes some rain, not to much. And the hole day is sun shining. The give for this weekend and after this weekend tempetures between the 28C/82.4F and 32C/89.6F.

So like Neofolis say it also here to warm for the seasonal average. But i don't care !!


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I can't believe how hot central Europe has been this month.  Berlin has a July average high of 22°C/72°F, the same as here, but it has been about 30°C/86°F or more almost every day for weeks now, since before the World Cup started.


Corey Lucas-Divers

Dorset, UK

Ave Jul High 72F/22C (91F/33C Max)

Ave Jul Low 52F/11C (45F/7C Min)

Ave Jan High 46F/8C (59F/15C Max)

Ave Jan Low 34F/1C (21F/-6C Min)

Ave Rain 736mm pa

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We had our first frost here this morning, frost on the grass in the front yard, although we never get frost out the back, probably because I live on a canal.  It was 3C!  Europe has taken all our heat.

Tim Brisbane

Patterson Lakes, bayside Melbourne, Australia

Rarely Frost

2005 Minimum: 2.6C,  Maximum: 44C

2005 Average: 17.2C, warmest on record.

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(Neofolis @ Jul. 21 2006,01:25)

I can't believe how hot central Europe has been this month.  Berlin has a July average high of 22°C/72°F, the same as here, but it has been about 30°C/86°F or more almost every day for weeks now, since before the World Cup started.

I realize that might seem hot to you, but there have been many areas in the US that has averaged 100-110F (38-44C) recently.  Some places in the central US plains got up to 117F (47C) during this heat wave.

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(syersj @ Jul. 21 2006,11:35)


(Neofolis @ Jul. 21 2006,01:25)

I can't believe how hot central Europe has been this month.  Berlin has a July average high of 22°C/72°F, the same as here, but it has been about 30°C/86°F or more almost every day for weeks now, since before the World Cup started.

I realize that might seem hot to you, but there have been many areas in the US that has averaged 100-110F (38-44C) recently.  Some places in the central US plains got up to 117F (47C) during this heat wave.

But Ill bet youve got A/C :D


Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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(spockvr6 @ Jul. 21 2006,12:08)


(syersj @ Jul. 21 2006,11:35)


(Neofolis @ Jul. 21 2006,01:25)

I can't believe how hot central Europe has been this month.  Berlin has a July average high of 22°C/72°F, the same as here, but it has been about 30°C/86°F or more almost every day for weeks now, since before the World Cup started.

I realize that might seem hot to you, but there have been many areas in the US that has averaged 100-110F (38-44C) recently.  Some places in the central US plains got up to 117F (47C) during this heat wave.

But Ill bet youve got A/C :D

Well, that's true.  And I don't spend a lot of time standing around in the mid day sun either.

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(syersj @ Jul. 21 2006,12:23)

Well, that's true.  And I don't spend a lot of time standing around in the mid day sun either.

What jogged my memory on this was something I saw on the news the other day about how most of Europe doesnt have A/C (as they generally dont need it).  So, when these heat waves hit, they can be brutal.

I am from Maine originally (and hardly anyone has A/C there either) and when a 95-100F day hits (which is rare, but happens) it is downright pandemonium!


Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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(spockvr6 @ Jul. 21 2006,12:28)


(syersj @ Jul. 21 2006,12:23)

Well, that's true.  And I don't spend a lot of time standing around in the mid day sun either.

What jogged my memory on this was something I saw on the news the other day about how most of Europe doesnt have A/C (as they generally dont need it).  So, when these heat waves hit, they can be brutal.

I am from Maine originally (and hardly anyone has A/C there either) and when a 95-100F day hits (which is rare, but happens) it is downright pandemonium!

Same with me, I'm from Michigan and no one has A/C except for occasional window units.  You should see the run on window A/C's during the 1-2 weeks it's in the 90s.  They get in the 90's and they think it's the end of the world or something.  All I hear from relatives there, is it's so hot, and I just laugh.  They don't realize that some areas get 5-6 months straght of 90F+ weather.  Wimps.

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(syersj @ Jul. 21 2006,16:35)

I realize that might seem hot to you, but there have been many areas in the US that has averaged 100-110F (38-44C) recently.  Some places in the central US plains got up to 117F (47C) during this heat wave.

It's not the fact that it is hot that surprises me, I realize many places are hotter.  It's the fact that it has been so far above the normal average for so long.


Corey Lucas-Divers

Dorset, UK

Ave Jul High 72F/22C (91F/33C Max)

Ave Jul Low 52F/11C (45F/7C Min)

Ave Jan High 46F/8C (59F/15C Max)

Ave Jan Low 34F/1C (21F/-6C Min)

Ave Rain 736mm pa

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Not only are we having near 40C in the usually mild Bay Area Neo, but the unheard of humidity has appeared.Not east coast humidity,but enough to get plants to start a little aerial root growth. That's a new one to me.

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Our weather has been totally messed up today.  It was 25°C/77°F at about noon with dewpoint 18°C/64°F.  I can't recall seeing a dewpoint that high here before, it's normally about 15°C/59°F maximum.  Then the rain hit stupidly hard for about 5 minutes and the temperature dropped to 19°C/66°F.  This was obviously happening elsewhere in the UK, because at 14:00 London was 30°C/86°F, whilst Southampton, 60miles/100km away was 17°C/63°F.  I realize such temperature differences over that distance are common place elsewhere in the world, but that is not the case here.  By 15:00 London was also down to 19°C/66°F and here was back up to 24°C/75°F.


Corey Lucas-Divers

Dorset, UK

Ave Jul High 72F/22C (91F/33C Max)

Ave Jul Low 52F/11C (45F/7C Min)

Ave Jan High 46F/8C (59F/15C Max)

Ave Jan Low 34F/1C (21F/-6C Min)

Ave Rain 736mm pa

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You guys crack me up!

You haven't even seen unusual heat compared to Californias central valley.

Here in Modesto...AKA ScottPettersonville, I had a low of 86f this morning after a high temp yesterday of 108f. We had a dewpoint of 70f...which is unheard in this area.

True... we do normally get a day or two each month during the summer where we get 100f or above, but our normal summer high is close to Miami's.

Btw... We have had over 20 days this year over 100f.  It hasn't effected any of my palms....most of which are in the full sun. ( Except my Kentia )

They include Kings, Foxtails, Parajubea Cocoides, Ceroxylon Alpinum and various dypsis.

Oh yea... you heard that right... Parajubea Cocoides and Ceroxylon Alpinum.... in the full sun with temps approaching 110f everyday for a full 2 weeks and zero damage.

Based on my experiances... they should do just fine in full sun in desert areas such as Phoenix and Palm Springs.


Modesto, CA USDA 9b

July/August average 95f/63f

Dec/Jan average 55f/39f

Average lowest winter temp 27f

Record low temp 18f

Record high temp 113f

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Lol- its 12:20 and its 105 right now. And it continues to warm with 35% humidity. At night the humidity reaches 50% and you can really feel it with the 80F heat at night. I had a low of 72 last night. All the palms are doing fine, growing rapidly but they are fine. That bismarkia is really taking off.

Meteorologist and PhD student in Climate Science

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(Jeff in Modesto @ Jul. 22 2006,14:06)

You guys crack me up!

You haven't even seen unusual heat compared to Californias central valley.

Can anyone top this.  This has been the official temps this month at my parents house in North Texas.  I wonder if even Phoenix has been as hot.  

Day   H    L

9     101  73  

10   103  78  

11   105  73  

12   103  79  

13   108  81  

14   106  78  

15   105  75  

16   106  77  

17   108  80  

18   109  79  

19   107  80  

20   108  79  

21   107  78

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Yeah, we are not impressed yet! :D  You guys probably have another month or so before you hit the REAL heatwaves! Makes me think of one flight into Tucson many years ago (1979 I believe). That was back in the days when you actually stepped off the plane, and walked down ONTO the ramp. As we did so, at 9 pm (=21:00), the captain announced it was 104F!! (Exactly 40C), It may have cooled off a few degrees by early the next morning, but I still vividly remember the high the next day: 118F/48C. I'm sure we have some AZ members on the Forum who can elaborate??


And the funny thing is of course that here WE are on the Big Island, the southernmost location in any of the 50 states, and possibly with one of the most pleasant climates.... Right now, at 1:20 p.m. Sat afternoon, it's bright sunshine and 82F/28C.... And a pleasant tradewind breeze....! I don't even have the ceiling fan on!

Leilani Estates, 25 mls/40 km south of Hilo, Big Island of Hawai'i. Elevation 880 ft/270 m. Average rainfall 140 inches/3550 mm


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(syersj @ Jul. 22 2006,18:58)


(Jeff in Modesto @ Jul. 22 2006,14:06)

You guys crack me up!

You haven't even seen unusual heat compared to Californias central valley.

Can anyone top this.  This has been the official temps this month at my parents house in North Texas.  I wonder if even Phoenix has been as hot.  

Day   H    L

9     101  73  

10   103  78  

11   105  73  

12   103  79  

13   108  81  

14   106  78  

15   105  75  

16   106  77  

17   108  80  

18   109  79  

19   107  80  

20   108  79  

21   107  78

Yup... I can beat that by a mile.

We were 112f today after a morning low of 86f.


BTW... can they grow palms in north texas?


Modesto, CA USDA 9b

July/August average 95f/63f

Dec/Jan average 55f/39f

Average lowest winter temp 27f

Record low temp 18f

Record high temp 113f

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