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    guest Renda04.jpg

Royal Crownshafts


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Both my neighbour and I have two Roystonea regia specimens apiece, with his pair being twenty-five years senior to mine. I noticed today that the crownshaft of one of his specimens looked oddly bloated and offset quite a bit from the trunk. As a contrast I have put up a photo of my royal - which seems to be in the 'green' of health. I wonder whether perhaps such a bloated crownshaft is a sign of senescence?

This is the peculiar crownshaft.


And this is mine,




Bombay, India

Sea Level | Average Temperature Range 23 - 32 deg. celsius | Annual rainfall 3400.0 mm

Calcutta, India

Sea Level | Average Temperature Range 19 - 33 deg. celsius | Annual rainfall 1600.0 mm

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How old are his royals? They have a fairly long lifespan. Royals planted in Fort Myers in the 1920s & 1930s have only recently started dying off. Have his ever flowered? If not, maybe they are getting ready to.


Palms of Victory I shall wear

Cape Coral (It's Just Paradise)
Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal
Elevation: 15 feet

I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade.

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How old are his royals? They have a fairly long lifespan. Royals planted in Fort Myers in the 1920s & 1930s have only recently started dying off. Have his ever flowered? If not, maybe they are getting ready to.

They are 35-40 years. Unlike mine, they have been flowering for as long as I can remember, - and quite profusely too. You can see the bracts in the photo. Curiously, mine are nearly 11 years and over 40 feet in height but have never flowered.



Bombay, India

Sea Level | Average Temperature Range 23 - 32 deg. celsius | Annual rainfall 3400.0 mm

Calcutta, India

Sea Level | Average Temperature Range 19 - 33 deg. celsius | Annual rainfall 1600.0 mm

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