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I'm still waiting for the first storm associated rain drops to fall.

Tampa, Interbay Peninsula, Florida, USA

subtropical USDA Zone 10A

Bokeelia, Pine Island, Florida, USA

subtropical USDA Zone 10B

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Ray you may very well not get any rain from this storm?Or minimal amount as the storm is going to pass to your east ,if it stays on the same track.

I'm looking at the radar and everything is on the east side of this storm,looks like it might miss you completely.

It is going to be a very LONG event for us over here in east central Florida,I think.

Ken I'm with you they say it isn't strengthing, I have been through a lot of storms,but I can clearly see a very defined EYE that formed after landfall. Very strange, they usually start to fall apart at least somewhat when they encounter land!

Edited by gsn


Titusville, FL

1/2 mile from the Indian River


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We are getting alot more wind and rain than I expected out of Fay.Before it is over,I bet 10 inches of rain and gusts topping out at 40mph plus.Fay appears to have effected the East Coast as much as the West.No damage but off and on power.

What you look for is what is looking

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We are getting alot more wind and rain than I expected out of Fay.Before it is over,I bet 10 inches of rain and gusts topping out at 40mph plus.Fay appears to have effected the East Coast as much as the West.No damage but off and on power.

I agree. Down here in Broward I got a gust topping 40mph. I know it's not much, but it does make a wreck of the garden. The pool is full of busted fronds.

Tender goodies are whipped and shredded. I would say that I only got about 3" of rain so far. Far better than a Cat 1, so I'll take it.

Rick Leitner

Fort Lauderdale, Florida


Zone 10B

Average Annual Low 67 F

Average Annual High 84 F

Average Annual Rainfall 62"


Riverfront exposure, 1 mile from Atlantic Ocean

Part time in the western mountains of North Carolina

Gratefully, the best of both worlds!

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The 1PM advisory has Fay's winds up to 65 mph now! Unbelieveable! Pressure is still down at 986 mb. You don't see them strengthen over land very often...

As a side note, Accu-Weather had been saying for a couple of days that Fay would jog to the east instead of straight up the peninsula. Lately the Pennsylvanians had fallen out of favor with me, but their forecast on this one was pretty good.


Skell's Bells



Inland Central Florida, 28N, 81W. Humid-subtropical climate with occasional frosts and freezes. Zone 9b.

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A lot of wind and rain here. Not sure how much rain but I estimate the wind gusts early this morning were in 50-60 mph range. Rain picked up late morning but wind gusts down to 25-30. Still buffet house pretty good. We opened the accordian shutters over the sliding doors. All palms still standing up to wind gusts, even the delicate understories. The water in the Isabelle Canal is up but not over the dock. The Coccothrinax in the front garden are laughing off the storm. Still not fit weather to go out, although all the potted stuff indoors is itching to see daylight again.

Hopefully, Fay is our big hit of the season, not the forerunner of things to come.


Palms of Victory I shall wear

Cape Coral (It's Just Paradise)
Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal
Elevation: 15 feet

I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade.

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It's a good day to throw the football around here but I'm at work instead :angry: .

Tampa, Interbay Peninsula, Florida, USA

subtropical USDA Zone 10A

Bokeelia, Pine Island, Florida, USA

subtropical USDA Zone 10B

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As a side note, Accu-Weather had been saying for a couple of days that Fay would jog to the east instead of straight up the peninsula. Lately the Pennsylvanians had fallen out of favor with me, but their forecast on this one was pretty good.


Jason if you have 25 different weather sites,or more (forecasters) along with that 20 or 25 different computer models,chances are pretty good that one of them on any given event is going to be right. On this one Accu-weather just happened to luck out. The bottom line is they have really no idea where these things are really going to go on any consistant basis. Not 24, 12,6 hours in advance, not even 3 hours before they hit.Then after landfall, they really don't know the the eventual track ,as demonstrated by this storm!

Just my 2 cents on weather forecasting!


Titusville, FL

1/2 mile from the Indian River


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Loads of rain in Vero from a big band that's now soaking Brevard County. A tornado hit--you guessed it--a big trailer park in south Brevard. Several injuries.

At 3:35 pm, I suspect we're just beginning to get the wind.

Fla. climate center: 100-119 days>85 F
USDA 1990 hardiness zone 9B
Current USDA hardiness zone 10a
4 km inland from Indian River; 27º N (equivalent to Brisbane)

Central Orlando's urban heat island may be warmer than us

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I'm up to 8 3/4" of rain, but haven't had much more in the last couple of hours, so maybe the worst if over. My power went out, so I'm over at my folks place working until they can get me back up and running.


Royal Palm Beach, FL.

USDA Zone 10A/10B Subtropical

26.7 degrees N. latitude

10 miles West of West Palm Beach and the ocean

Avg. yearly rainfall 58 inches


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Fay is getting stronger over the middle of the State.That is just a little out of the ordinary!What do tornadoes have against mobile homes?

What you look for is what is looking

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Well this is really WEIRD,the Tropical Storm has been over land for over 12 hours now and still has a well defined EYEWALL. I have been through alot of hurricanes living here in Florida starting with Donna in 1960, when we lived in Orlando at the time.Went through the 2004, 2005 season, Charlie,Jeanne,Francis.

While this is nowhere near the intensity of those storms,it still is packing quite a punch up here in east central Florida for a tropical storm. We are getting hammered pretty hard, and the worst is still faily far away,eye just north of Lake Okeechobee. Most hurricanes once over land for a period of time start to weaken and the eyewall start to collaspe,unless it is a very powerful storm.

Well Fay as a tropical storm, not even a hurricane, still has a well developed EYE, and is more than half way across the state and pretty far north to boot.

Whats the deal with this storm?


Titusville, FL

1/2 mile from the Indian River


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I'm hearing now that central Florida above the lake and surrounding areas will get enough good rain that the "official drought " will be over. It will be interesting when it's all said and done, just how many inches the lake came up. Very GOOD news!


Searle Brothers Nursery Inc.

and The Rainforest Collection.

Southwest Ranches,Fl.

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0" of rain here today

Tampa, Interbay Peninsula, Florida, USA

subtropical USDA Zone 10A

Bokeelia, Pine Island, Florida, USA

subtropical USDA Zone 10B

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It's now supposed to exit and return as a Cat 1 hurricane...


Zone 9b/10a, Sunset Zone 22

7 miles inland. Elevation 120ft (37m)

Average annual low temp: 30F (-1C)

Average annual rainfall: 8" (20cm)

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Well as of right now it has stalled,no forward movement. Center of circluation about 60 miles south of me. I didn't want to hear that, go and be gone.

This has been primarily a WIND event here for me in Titusville, it has been howling since about 2:00PM! Some rain ,but considering what they got down in south Florida especally on the east coast, not much about 1 1/2 inches as of 8:00 PM.


Titusville, FL

1/2 mile from the Indian River


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It's now supposed to exit and return as a Cat 1 hurricane...

All but a couple of models show it stayinig over land, but that has happened before. I remember years back, Hurricane Juan I think it was, that thing wandered all over and even made a complete circle in the Gulf. You get fires, mudslides and earthquakes while we get hurricanes, floods, and tornados. We all get to have our fun some way.


In my post I sometimes express "my" opinion. Warning, it may differ from "your" opinion. If so, please do not feel insulted, just state your own if you wish. Any data in this post is provided 'as is' and in no event shall I be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from accuracy or lack thereof, insult, or any other damages

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Sounds like we've been getting as much or more rain w/o the TS.

I've had almost 6" since Sunday, and parts of the RGV have had

over 13" in that time. All the same, Texas and SoFlo need the rain.

I hope for y'all's sake it's more of a rainmaker than anything else.


USDA Zone 9a/b, AHS Heat Zone 9, Sunset Zone 28

49'/14m above sea level, 25mi/40km to Galveston Bay

Long-term average rainfall 47.84"/1215mm

Near-term (7yr) average rainfall 55.44"/1410mm

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Fay looks like she gonna head out this way... ill take some rain and wind....hopefully it brings down that other dead tree in my neihbors yard and finishes off my shed.... I still have my claim open with State Farm!!! :lol:


Tallahassee, FL - USDA zone 8b/9a

63" rain annually

January avg 65/40 - July avg 92/73

North Florida Palm Society - http://palmsociety.blogspot.com/

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hopefully it brings down that other dead tree in my neihbors yard and finishes off my shed.... I still have my claim open with State Farm!!!

LOL...you have a neighbor like that too?!

Tampa, Interbay Peninsula, Florida, USA

subtropical USDA Zone 10A

Bokeelia, Pine Island, Florida, USA

subtropical USDA Zone 10B

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It has been breezy and overcast with just brief moderate showers, only about 2" of rain here since yesterday.


Orlando, FL

zone 9b/10a

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Fay looks like she gonna head out this way... ill take some rain and wind....hopefully it brings down that other dead tree in my neihbors yard and finishes off my shed.... I still have my claim open with State Farm!!! :lol:

LOL yes, unfortunately. Just planted some Running black bamboo on the property line. Next is to inject here "weed trees" with round up secretly in the night.

I Have a thread going in the Ohani nui or however you spell it forum....

Fay looks like shes gonna get passed around like a 2 bit hoe :unsure:


Tallahassee, FL - USDA zone 8b/9a

63" rain annually

January avg 65/40 - July avg 92/73

North Florida Palm Society - http://palmsociety.blogspot.com/

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Vero Beach is an extremely soggy place today and rain is still falling, but apparently without the extensive flooding that hit eastern Port St Lucie.

Unlike with a hurricane, the laurel and live oaks kept 9.99 percent of their leaves.

Fla. climate center: 100-119 days>85 F
USDA 1990 hardiness zone 9B
Current USDA hardiness zone 10a
4 km inland from Indian River; 27º N (equivalent to Brisbane)

Central Orlando's urban heat island may be warmer than us

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As of noon Wednesday Fay has brought about 3 inches of rain here (south Orlando, about half-way between downtown and OIA). Wind has not been much to speak of - just some smaller oak branches, bamboo leaves and Spanish moss down - no more damage than a strong afternoon thunderstorm. However, Fay is S - L - O - W! I heard about 3 mph on one of the recent updates. Future track is up for grabs, some models show the storm coming ashore again and proceeding west across the panhandle - might be a rain-maker for the entire state.

Bob Johnson
Orlando, Florida, USA

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It sounds like as Faye moves further on up, the less rain she has. I guess we really got the most of it here in south Florida.

But glad to see the lake will get a bunch.


Searle Brothers Nursery Inc.

and The Rainforest Collection.

Southwest Ranches,Fl.

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Fay looks like it will stay just off the coast somewhere between St.Augustine and Daytona for the next several years.I was looking at the paper and Aug,19 2008 year to date rainfall was 39.96 (normal=36.05),next day 45.13(normal=36.27)and next day45.16(normal=36.49).Lake O levels have gone from 11.26(normal=14.59)to 11.34(normal=14.60)to11.80(normal=14.62)I am sure the Lake level will continue to increase as 1,000 inches eventually drains in that direction.

What you look for is what is looking

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Flooding in southern Brevard County (20" storm totals) and parts of St Lucie County are serious.

My own yard is fine--an Archontophoenix unfurled a leaf today, orchids look like they had a party during the storm. Only casualty is a clump of tall Heliconia.

Fla. climate center: 100-119 days>85 F
USDA 1990 hardiness zone 9B
Current USDA hardiness zone 10a
4 km inland from Indian River; 27º N (equivalent to Brisbane)

Central Orlando's urban heat island may be warmer than us

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saw many people filling sandbags at a local sand bag station. they are saying 5- 15" of rain forcasted here starting in the morning.


Tallahassee, FL - USDA zone 8b/9a

63" rain annually

January avg 65/40 - July avg 92/73

North Florida Palm Society - http://palmsociety.blogspot.com/

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Interesting reading. I have to go water my palms now. Maybe I should rent a tanker truck next time.....

Zone 10a at best after 2007 AND 2013, on SW facing hill, 1 1/2 miles from coast in Oceanside, CA. 30-98 degrees, and 45-80deg. about 95% of the time.

"The great workman of nature is time."   ,  "Genius is nothing but a great aptitude for patience."

-George-Louis Leclerc de Buffon-

I do some experiments and learning in my garden with palms so you don't have to experience the pain! Look at my old threads to find various observations and tips!

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Rain totals here since Tuesday are now over 8 inches. There is now several inches of standing water in the lowest part of the yard. This is not nearly as bad as some portions of Brevard county - which have recorded over two feet of rain so far. Fay is finally tracking west, at about 5 mph - it will take at least another day or so for the outer bands to exit central FLA. The panhandle should get a good soaking over the next several days.

Bob Johnson
Orlando, Florida, USA

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Rain totals here since Tuesday are now over 8 inches. There is now several inches of standing water in the lowest part of the yard. This is not nearly as bad as some portions of Brevard county - which have recorded over two feet of rain so far. Fay is finally tracking west, at about 5 mph - it will take at least another day or so for the outer bands to exit central FLA. The panhandle should get a good soaking over the next several days.

Bob Johnson
Orlando, Florida, USA

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Sorry about the double-post above.

I think it is fair to say that we got Fayed!

I think that about says it! :lol:

If this thing tracks across the panhandle it might be over Florida for over a week. I wonder what the duration record is for one storm staying over the state?

Bob Johnson
Orlando, Florida, USA

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Today was very unusual. We got a good downpour early afternoon, it stopped for about 1 hour, then we had another downpour that lasted probably about 2 hours or more. Somewhere in the tune of 8" fell! The standing water is the highest I have seen since I bilt my house in 2000. I had several walking catfish out in the street. This has been an extreamly wet summer. Todays rain is still associated with TS Faye. It's still pulling lots of moisture up from below Florida.


Searle Brothers Nursery Inc.

and The Rainforest Collection.

Southwest Ranches,Fl.

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Looks like I missed all the fun... Been out of the country for Fay. Glad everyone seems to have not been ill afflicted by her fury. My shade fabric had a tear in it that has opened up pretty good about 18 inches in diameter, but not too bad considering no preperation was made. The rain was welcomed and needed by Lake O.

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From Tues. to Sat. we got about 11.5 inches of rain. The lake here at Leu Gardens is the highest I have seen it (besides 2004 after the 3 hurricanes) in the 15 years I have worked here. I was getting nervous at my house. On Fri. morning there was a new pond in the back yard. There was a couple inches of water up against the back of the house and it was 1-2ft deep further out. Its high sandy scrub habitat; saw palmetto, longleaf pine, laurel oaks. There is still several inches back there today, never seen that happen before. I was afraid another day of heavy rain that it would come in the house.

The winds weren't bad, we had up to 50-55mph gusts. I saw several trees down in my neighborhood. We had one big laurel oak come down at Leu Gardens. It was a mess though, lots of twigs, leaves, branches, palm fronds, spanish moss down everwhere and some smaller trees and shrubs had broken limbs..One thing interesting was the lack of fluctuation in temperaturesFrom Tues. to Fri. afternoon it was solid cloudy, no sun. Here is what the temp guage recorded;

8/18-Monday (the day before the rain started) 90 74

8/19 Tues. 78 74

8/20 Wed. 78 75

8/21 Thurs. 77 75

8/22 Fri. 86 75

and now there is a possible new tropical depression forming south of Dominica


Orlando, FL

zone 9b/10a

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More than a foot of rain here since Wednesday last week. I'm weighing in here....we really need to work on sharing the rain. We've been piggish here in FL lately but now we've got our fill and we're sending it toward the drought stricken parts of the Southeast. I'll do my best to forward every drop for the next 2 weeks. Ciao, from Squishy/drenched Jacksonville.

Land O Lakes FL, a suburb on the North Side of Tampa, FL

Summers are great, 90f/32c in the day & 70f/21c at night with plentiful rain & sun

Winters are subtropical with occasional frosts and freezes. Tropical cyclones happen.

We have a few Royal palms in the warm microclimates but Coconuts freeze.

I am a Kayaker, Hiker, Bicyclist, and amateur Photographer that loves the outdoors.  

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Fay helped my area of Tampa dry out a little. I received around 1/2 " of rain from fay, I was getting more rain from our summer storms. At least the sun has returned to Tampa.

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4 Florida counties officially did not receive significant effects from Fay. Those counties are Pinellas, Hillsborough, Manatee and Sarasota.

Tampa, Interbay Peninsula, Florida, USA

subtropical USDA Zone 10A

Bokeelia, Pine Island, Florida, USA

subtropical USDA Zone 10B

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