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Dr. Dransfield Palms

Cindy Adair

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Palms with Dr. John Dransfield's name.

There are many! Here I will post two. Please add to this list even if you don't grow the palm. Pictures always welcome! Thanks!

Dypsis dransfieldii



and Hydriastele dransfieldii. Yes, the cows sampled this one...





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Cindy Adair

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I see my in-need-of-an-update inventory shows I planted a Dransfieldia micrantha in April 2011.

However that was before I realized that the three foot PVC pipe holding an aluminum tag plus orange flagging tape (on the PVC pipe and the plant) were not enough! Now I write a location description and want to add GPS.

I see the references below on Palmtalk. With my move and a computer crash in VA, I doubt I have any photos of mine where I planted it. Lesson learned about writing exactly where I plant something at least when I plant 100 different items in a week like I used to do when I could only visit PR!

Anyway, any photos to share would be most welcome!


Cindy Adair

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Also there's Sallaca dransieldii and Ravenea dransfieldii.

Searle Brothers Nursery Inc.

and The Rainforest Collection.

Southwest Ranches,Fl.

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Also I know of Calamus dransfieldii.  Licuala ridleyana ( L. dransfieldii) are one in the same and is now the accepted name.

Searle Brothers Nursery Inc.

and The Rainforest Collection.

Southwest Ranches,Fl.

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I am sure soon we'll find palm species named  xxxx palmeirii :)




Jungle Paradise in Sri Lanka


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Thanks so much! 

I read that Hydriastele dransfieldii is the newer name for Siphokentia dransfieldii.

I am lacking in knowledge about all the spiny climbing palms and am not sure if all the names in this category are different palms or not.

Anybody have information and/or photos of any of these?


Cindy Adair

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5 hours ago, Jeff Searle said:

Also I know of Calamus dransfieldii.  Licuala ridleyana ( L. dransfieldii) are one in the same and is now the accepted name.

Thanks Jeff!

What do you grow that has Dransfield anywhere in the name? I even read of an orchid Bulbophyllum dransfieldii....

Cindy Adair

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Awesome pictures Cindy

Carlsbad, California Zone 10 B on the hill (402 ft. elevation)

Sunset zone 24

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On 6.5.2016, 12:43:27, Cindy Adair said:

I see my in-need-of-an-update inventory shows I planted a Dransfieldia micrantha in April 2011.

However that was before I realized that the three foot PVC pipe holding an aluminum tag plus orange flagging tape (on the PVC pipe and the plant) were not enough! Now I write a location description and want to add GPS.

I see the references below on Palmtalk. With my move and a computer crash in VA, I doubt I have any photos of mine where I planted it. Lesson learned about writing exactly where I plant something at least when I plant 100 different items in a week like I used to do when I could only visit PR!

Anyway, any photos to share would be most welcome!


Oops, you already posted it, sorry … :asleep:

My photos at flickr: flickr.com/photos/palmeir/albums

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14 hours ago, Cindy Adair said:

Thanks Jeff!

What do you grow that has Dransfield anywhere in the name? I even read of an orchid Bulbophyllum dransfieldii....

I grow Ravenea dransfieldii, and some Dypsis dransfieldii. Currently at the moment, that's about it.

Searle Brothers Nursery Inc.

and The Rainforest Collection.

Southwest Ranches,Fl.

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Just now, Jeff Searle said:

I grow Ravenea dransfieldii, and some Dypsis dransfieldii and usually always have some Hydriastele dransfieldii. Currently at the moment, that's about it.


Searle Brothers Nursery Inc.

and The Rainforest Collection.

Southwest Ranches,Fl.

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Thanks Jeff!

I don't recall seeing the Dransfield namesake Ravenea growing, but will make a point to try to do so in the future. 

Anybody still have Dransfieldia micranthas? I'd love to see some photos of all sizes. If I come across some of my "lost label" palms I can see if I get lucky and have one....

Cindy Adair

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On 5/7/2016, 8:23:16, Jeff Searle said:

I grow Ravenea dransfieldii, and some Dypsis dransfieldii. Currently at the moment, that's about it.

Me too--add Dransfieldia to that.

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On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2016‎ ‎5‎:‎24‎:‎04‎, kylecawazafla said:

Here's a Dransfieldia micrantha growing at Fairchild Tropical Gardens.


This palm was purchased from me many years ago, and it's quite nice to check on it from time to time and see that it's still planted and doing well.

Searle Brothers Nursery Inc.

and The Rainforest Collection.

Southwest Ranches,Fl.

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  • 7 years later...

My Hydriastele dransfieldii produced beautiful big white flowers for the first time this year. 





Please add your photos of Dransfield named plants!

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Cindy Adair

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7 hours ago, ASHCVS said:

Adonidia dransfeldii at Floribunda

Here is the complete list of eponymous palms:



Great photo and list! Thanks!

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Cindy Adair

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I was aware there were a few palms named after Dr. Dransfield, but I had no idea there were so many. Thanks for the list ASHCVS and for the photo of the Adonidia. Nice!

Well, I do have at least two Hydriastele dransfieldii in the garden, let’s see if I can find room for a few others. 



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Hilo, Hawaii

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On 7/21/2023 at 3:23 AM, Cindy Adair said:

My Hydriastele dransfieldii produced beautiful big white flowers for the first time this year. 





Please add your photos of Dransfield named plants!

That's a lovely palm Cindy and those flowers are so pretty.  Can they ever grow in full sun and if so how old would it have to be ? Now that I have a tiny backyard(ette) I only have room for the super skinny trunked species.


I came. I saw. I purchased



27.35 south.

Warm subtropical, with occasional frosts.

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Hi Peachy!

I am sorry I have no idea how much sun H. dransfieldii can take. Mine is shaded by tall tree ferns. 

I hope someone on PT can help with your questions.


Cindy Adair

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Hey ya Peachy, H. dransfieldii can take a fair bit of full sun. I’ve got two of them, with full exposure, since they were planted out eight or nine years ago. They have never shown signs of distress or burning. There is always the caveat of full Hilo sun vrs. say full sun in Brisbane, but these palms are pretty tough. They are beautiful as well. 



Hilo, Hawaii

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