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NorCal PRA - The highlight, meeting new Palm people, of course


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Thank you Patrick for taking the time, which was a six hour car drive, round trip, for Keith and others to see Dick's big, big palms. But, it also reflects your work too. I forgot to ask, whatever happened to John Case's B. Alfredii that he gave Dick, did it ever get planted? I love my big, little "pet palm", the Trachy Nanus, very old, but beautiful. It will go in ground when I get back. This one I can handle. I'm off today on my new Ritchey Breakaway, to cycle the passes and eat lots of chocolate. Check out CyclingtheAlps.com. We're gonna ride some of those big guys. I was pleased to see that the back garden appears intact, I was worried when Michael said they had added two bedrooms.

Keith, next time you come, I hope there is more time to visit. Just got slammed at work the last two weeks, and working nights as well. It was a gorgeous California day, warm, but cool under the oaks and palms in the backyard. To me, the back feels like old Hollywood or a Beverly Hills estate. I imagine Dick had had alot of great parties back there.


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Cecile, you set up the garden visit I never in my wildest dreams thought I would get. Once Dick passed, I knew all bets were off with access to the garden, and even its entire future going forward was suspect. I was delighted to know it would go forward for now, and thrilled to get a tour by the person who knows it better than anyone else alive. So, thank you again Cecile, and Patric what could I ever say to thank you enough.

So, even a professional photographer would be challenged to photograph this garden to give it justice. I will just start posting photos and you just have to make up the rest in your mind. The front was under construction and what was a mass of timber bamboo in the front has been cut down.

Here is a panorama of the view upon arrival. Roughly 20 more pics coming over the next day.


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More pictures of the front.




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In Dick's garden you spend a lot of time looking upward. Which palm in these photos do you think blew my mind?





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And as a side note, I brought home Acorns from both the Valley Oak and the Coast Live Oak. Acorns from the latter came from a 600 year old tree. My climate is day vastly different from NorCal, but it will still be interesting to see how they perform here.

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Keith, I'm sorry I was not able to attend, and to meet you in person. :indifferent:

Darold, it would have been great to meet you, but life is a busy thing. That I understand. And for sure, I would not wish having to traverse that traffic on my worst enemy. It was almost as bad as SoCal.

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Is that a mature mule?

Magnificent, isn't it.

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Keith- Indeed. The trunk looks ginormous.. and similar only because it is next to that Jubaea... I don't think I would ever attempt one in my 7/8ish climate. I have 5 acres of 9a maybe that would be a go. Very nice and the leaves look massive.. Im guessing 25 feet spread?

The Jubaea closeup is neat too.. as it shows the leaf bases. No pruning is a win win.

Looks like you had a great time!



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That mule was my favorite as well Keith. I didn't even know they got that tall!

Ben Rogers

On the border of Concord & Clayton in the East Bay hills - Elev 387 ft 37.95 °N, 121.94 °W

My back yard weather station: http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/hdfForecast?query=37.954%2C-121.945&sp=KCACONCO37

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Here a clump, there a clump, everywhere a clump clump (of palms).




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I spot a "me" as well. :)

You do indeed, but I have a better picture of you. Also pictured is Cecile with whom I owe tremendous thanks for setting this up.


The host and commentator, the legendary hybridizer, all around great guy, and the person who now knows the garden best.


And as I said, 75% of the time in Dick's garden, one is looking where?


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Well, it is time to finish this off with the last garden I visited, Jim in Los Altos. And as the old saying goes, it was last but not least. What an astounding bit of tropics in place experiencing a drought. Jim's garden was positively amazing.

Obviously once on his block, it was not necessary to look at addresses on the homes.


I was captivating before I could even see the front door.


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Every square inch was filled with something of beauty.






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And more


And more


And more with a new friend in the photo


And more with many new friends in the photo


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Jim made effective use of every square inch of his property to best advantage.



Well, it was time for a parting look to the back, where I would have loved to have spent more time, with a nice bottle of cab and new friends. There was a great Lanai just out of sight to the left. Sadly I did not get a picture of my gracious host.


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And so off I went. Have to say I loved the streets in this neighborhood.


And the Silicon Valley Hotel was all the modern hoopla.


And as said earlier if you want to have fun, take a walk though a busy airport with your bag like this.

Home in the flying sardine can.



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Coming into the local airport. The lush green was night and day apart from NorCal's drought.


The new T. waggie is tucked in tight and will appreciate the cooler weather on the way.


And the Trithinax acanthacoma is tucked in as well. Its condition is my doing, not Axel's. It took a beating on the way home drying out badly. But last night it enjoyed a few hours of Louisiana's warm summer tropical rains. There is a new spear emerging that is out about 4 inches. I am sure it will be fine. We'll nickname it "Axel's Needles."


And last, Jim, this one is dedicated to you. I was shocked to see that Jim had established Spanish Moss in his garden. Even here where it is everywhere I have failed multiple times to get it established. I was driving down the road today, and saw a nice fresh greenish gray clump downed from the trees in last night's thunderstorms. Jim, in your honor I am giving it another shot.


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Awesome journal of your visit and again great to meet you last week, Keith!

Ben Rogers

On the border of Concord & Clayton in the East Bay hills - Elev 387 ft 37.95 °N, 121.94 °W

My back yard weather station: http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/hdfForecast?query=37.954%2C-121.945&sp=KCACONCO37

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Keith, good luck this time with the Spanish moss and THANK YOU for dedicating it to me. It was a pleasure having you out to my place. I wish I had a palm for you to take back with you but, thanks to Axel, it looks like you have something to remind you of your CA visit! Come back soon!

Jim in Los Altos, CA  SF Bay Area 37.34N- 122.13W- 190' above sea level

zone 10a/9b

sunset zone 16

300+ palms, 90+ species in the ground

Las Palmas Design

Facebook Page

Las Palmas Design & Associates

Elegant Homes and Gardens

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Great tour Keith - Dick Douglas garden is still amazing !

Old Beach ,Hobart
Tasmania ,Australia. 42 " south
Cool Maritime climate

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