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Steve that is a very solid point man. Sabal Palmetto is a deep, deep subject, so why don't we turn our attention toward Sabal Brazoria. Which is a cool palm.

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Brazoria is a hybrid but here is the catch it is a very old natural hybrid. It has been estimated that it was hybridized before any settlers ever reached that part of Texas; possibly even 1,000 years ago. The population there is also self sustaining and they cross pollinate with each other and produce seedlings true to form. It was thought to be a population that got isolated from other populations because of environmental changes.

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Originally it was believed to be a hybrid of Sabal Mexicana and Minor, but do to genetic research it has been proven to exhibit much more in common with palmetto and then secondly with sabal minor. Amazing really.

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  • 1 year later...

Here's an update of the alleged riverside. It looks like it suffers from some cold damage here in zone 8b. Notice the leaflets are not bifurcate. I'm still not certain if this is riverside, it resembles birmingham a lot and It's a very slow grower putting on 1-3 leaves per year. 


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Los Angeles, CA and Myrtle Beach, SC.

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  • 2 years later...
On 12/23/2015, 2:32:40, Brad Mondel said:

Here's an update of the alleged riverside. It looks like it suffers from some cold damage here in zone 8b. Notice the leaflets are not bifurcate. I'm still not certain if this is riverside, it resembles birmingham a lot and It's a very slow grower putting on 1-3 leaves per year. 


Do three years later did you come to any conclusion? Is the S. Riverside?



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Not sure. I haven't been over to my Grandma's in a few years. That's where it's planted.

Los Angeles, CA and Myrtle Beach, SC.

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  • 3 years later...

I keep reading Sabal riverside rated to 5f, anyone had their riverside tested in the ground to single digits and survived?

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1 hour ago, teddytn said:

I keep reading Sabal riverside rated to 5f, anyone had their riverside tested in the ground to single digits and survived?

I can't attest to single digits but mine Sailed thru Palmageddon with ease.

T J 

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T J 

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8 hours ago, OC2Texaspalmlvr said:

I can't attest to single digits but mine Sailed thru Palmageddon with ease.

T J 

Ok perfect, definitely worth a shot for some experimenting. 

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Here’s a few pics of what I planted 12 years ago as S. riverside, steady grower and never a problem with light frost or mid twenties.







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Matt in Temecula, CA

Hot and dry in the summer, cold with light frost in the winter. Halfway between the desert and ocean

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31 minutes ago, freakypalmguy said:

Here’s a few pics of what I planted 12 years ago as S. riverside, steady grower and never a problem with light frost or mid twenties.

How long has it been seeding ? I'll buy some seed when there ready =) 

T J 

T J 

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Thank you @teddytn

@OC2Texaspalmlvr it’s been setting seed for about 5 or 6 years, I’ll let ya know when they are ready.

Matt in Temecula, CA

Hot and dry in the summer, cold with light frost in the winter. Halfway between the desert and ocean

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4 hours ago, freakypalmguy said:

Thank you @teddytn

@OC2Texaspalmlvr it’s been setting seed for about 5 or 6 years, I’ll let ya know when they are ready.

Good looking Sabal , the seeds definitely should be spread around. I unfortunately had to leave mine at the house we sold. I felt it was a pretty quick grower. Bummed I had to leave it 

T J 

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T J 

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  • 1 year later...

Riverside on the left.

Domingensis on the right.

Might take a few years to compare them...


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On 10/28/2021 at 10:40 PM, OC2Texaspalmlvr said:

I can't attest to single digits but mine Sailed thru Palmageddon with ease

Same here, and I am a zone colder. I've found it to be a slow grower. This year its finally picking up some speed.

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10 hours ago, Swolte said:

Same here, and I am a zone colder. I've found it to be a slow grower. This year its finally picking up some speed.

My Riverside felt like the fastest Sabal I have tried,  granted it went in the ground as a 3 - 5g. It's got to be trunking by now basically @ 3 yrs in the ground. Now it did get irrigation just about everyday during the summer months being in full sun and in a raised bed with many water needy companion plants. I would say S.Riverside is as fast or even faster then Causiarum in my experience 🤙🏼

T J 

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T J 

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Riverside @Jubaea_James760 sold me, thank you sir! First year In the ground, it’s pushed out that tallest center leaf to the left and has that newest leaf mostly out so far this year. Obviously will be it’s first winter in the ground here in zone 7a, planted against the foundation is all the protection I’m going to give it. I’ll keep everyone updated good or bad 😬🙏🏻B7EA5AE3-F39D-4E08-AAA2-8FB9E3300F36.thumb.jpeg.aec5d02cf182f9fae35e236c228fad2a.jpeg

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Not everything sold as Riverside may be Riverside.  I bought one from a now deceased reputable grower.  It is slightly more robust than an average palmetto, but has survived single digit temps multiple times, including close to 2 F.  I don't own the house anymore, but I know the current owner.  Not sure if I care enough about palmettoes to grab seeds (it is flowering) but I could if I asked him.  It is true that when something is common that you lose some respect for it.  Palmettoes are infrequent in Virginia, but very common in Georgia and South Carolina where I spend more time.


BTW the so called Riverside I planted from a 5 gal now has a ttrunk about 16 inches wide and  a stout crown over10 feet tall. For those whose temps rarely fall below 5F, I encourage growing Riverside as a big trunking palm.  I sited my previous palm near a dryer vent facing southeast next to brick.  So it has at least survived below 10F.  


My wife is ,as I kindly tease, a damn yankee (as some of my relatives would say), so she is reluctant to move to civilization near where i work.

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God bless America...

and everywhere else too.

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3 hours ago, teddytn said:

Riverside @Jubaea_James760 sold me, thank you sir! First year In the ground, it’s pushed out that tallest center leaf to the left and has that newest leaf mostly out so far this year. Obviously will be it’s first winter in the ground here in zone 7a, planted against the foundation is all the protection I’m going to give it. I’ll keep everyone updated good or bad 😬🙏🏻B7EA5AE3-F39D-4E08-AAA2-8FB9E3300F36.thumb.jpeg.aec5d02cf182f9fae35e236c228fad2a.jpeg

Way too close to the house.  This will eventually be a problem if it grows to size.

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God bless America...

and everywhere else too.

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2 hours ago, VA Jeff said:

Way too close to the house.  This will eventually be a problem if it grows to size.

I hear you, but that’s a problem I’ll welcome. I purposely have planted a bunch of palms against the foundation around the east, south, and west sides of my house. 

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5 hours ago, teddytn said:

Riverside @Jubaea_James760 sold me, thank you sir! First year In the ground, it’s pushed out that tallest center leaf to the left and has that newest leaf mostly out so far this year. Obviously will be it’s first winter in the ground here in zone 7a, planted against the foundation is all the protection I’m going to give it. I’ll keep everyone updated good or bad 😬🙏🏻

Your welcome! Hopefully this winter is nothing like last & it gets atleast 2 mild winters to get established before any testing 😁

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Hesperia,Southern CA (High Desert area). Zone 8b

Elevation; about 3600 ft.

Lowest temp. I can expect each year 19/20*f lowest since I've been growing palms *13(2007) Hottest temp. Each year *106

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