Selecting and growing palms for colder climates.
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This forum is all about Texas palms. Opinions are welcomed !
St. Augustine palm garden
by CodyM- 12 replies
Hello my palm peeps! This is my current list of palms I have growing at home in St. Augustine. I’m sure the list will look much different next year as it is always growing! Queen (Syagrus romanzoffiana) High plateau coconut (Beccariophoenix alfredii) Christmas (Adonidia) Super cold hardy mule (Butia X Jubaea X Butia X Syagrus) Coconut queen (Syagrus romanzoffiana X schizophylla) Pindo (Butia capitata) Bismarck (Bismarckia nobilis) Pygmy date (Phoenix roebelenii) Royal (Roystonea) Travelers tree (Ravenala madagascariensis) Areca (Dypsis lutescens) Spindle (Hyophorbe verschaffeltii) Mule (Butia X Syagrus) Sylvester…
- 14 replies
I was looking up some record lows in Bakersfield, CA and it showed me lots of hrs of 7°F to 0°F on January 28th, 2017. How is that possible that Bakersfield didn't experience any palmaggedon ?Like nothing has happened. Am I misunderstanding some data or what's going on ? How can Queen palms and Washies survive those temperatures but here in Texas Queens would be all dead . Help me to understand this phenomenon . Is the data wrong ?
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello, I am new to this forum but have been following it for a while now. I am a palm enthusiast that has been intrigued by palm trees ever since I noticed that Las Vegas, NV has them back in 1999. I was just a freshman in high school at the time and from then I would visit often as a lot of my family lived there. I then started going down to El Paso and Las Cruces with my dad who was a Regenal Truck Driver and noticed that there were palm trees down there. Even as far north as T or C. In summer of 2003 I noticed a palm tree in Albuquerque for the first time. I remember that I took a double look and thought to myself "did I just see a palm tree?" I turned around and…
Looking for palm by pool in SC
by ctimgo- 2 followers
- 6 replies
I'm looking for a palm tree to plant by my pool. I would prefer something that doesn't get to big and has a skinny trunk. I'm in Myrtle Beach,SC. Thanks for any help.
Trachycarpus nanus
by Laaz- 12 replies
These are the two Nanus palms I've had in the ground for 20 years now. They are in moderate shade & have never flowered. I trim the lower fronds once a year.
An Ambitious Project
by amh- 1 follower
- 30 replies
I'm in the beginning stages of constructing hugelkultur bed for noise abatement and privacy. The bed will be about 65 feet long and about 5 feet high in an area of dappled sunlight to shade, due to these conditions I plan on densely growing various shade tolerant palms (chamaedorea radicalis, chamaedorea microspadix, Sabal minor, Sabal brazoriensis, and Sabal Louisiana ), Asimina species, ferns and to be determined. The yard is a warm 8A (temperature range of 8F to 112F not including last February) and the area is protected from frost by live oak canopy. My question is what other palms will survive in these conditions, can Sabal mexicana handle shade? Any Ideas for deer r…
Most hardy Livistona 1 2
by Jeveion Amaluhu- 1 follower
- 40 replies
Hello, sorry for the other topic, I can't figure out how do delete it. I am planning to grow a Livistona palm. What are the most cold hardy ones? Thank you.
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The polar vortex is old news, it's time to plant 😄. Put in two new queens this weekend
Queen palm tree from Moon valley nursery.
by Daniel Fernandez- 2 replies
Which moisture meter do you like to use for your Queen palms?
Is this palm in trouble?
by Landasaw- 7 replies
Is this palm in trouble? I think it got dehydrated but I hope nothing else is wrong. It was just put in in the spring.
Standard Chamaerops Humilis?
by amh- 25 replies
I recently bought what I assumed was a standard green Chamaerops humilis var. humilis from a bigbox store, but now I am not so sure. The plant seems to have a blue tint, but it doesn't look like the Chamaerops humilis var. argentea or cerifera pictures that I have seen. Was my original assumption correct or is this some other subspecies? The blue doesn't seem to show up in the evening sun, so I'll try to take better pictures tomorrow.
- 167 replies
I have found it increasingly difficult to find good information on this cultivar. Does anyone have any experience with this sabal, or know of references I can check out for information about its culture? I have one on the way soon and want to make sure I know as much as possible. Thanks
Jubaea x Butia f3 blooming 1 2 3
by SailorBold- 4 followers
- 91 replies
Very surprised to see this! How exciting.. These should be viable right? Well I guess if the seeds set... I counted 2 spaths..and maybe a third coming in..
- 19 replies
Wanted to share two pictures of my filiferas I planted back in July 2023. I sprouted them from seed in my greenhouse in fall of 2021. They both had trunks about the size of my thumb and were less than a foot tall. They are planted way too close to my building but face due south and get rainwater from canales above. Hindsight I should’ve planted them right in the middle but was worried I’d never be able to walk around them ( still prob won’t be able too soon!) Exactly one year later the fronds on the palm are up to my shoulder and I’m almost 6 ft tall. I water them deeply twice a week in the summer and use palm gain fertilizer twice a year. Can’t wait to see …
- 13 replies
While waiting for my car to be worked on I snapped a few pics this morning biking around Harlingen. First up our native Sabal mexicana. There's at least a dozen palms in this clump. Personally I would rather see them spaced out but kinda cool nonetheless. Quite common to see clumps like this. Next up, Washingtonia robusta. These are street planted and not on private property. These are groups of about 6 palms each in front of 3 houses. What do y'all prefer? Group plantings of these palms or solitary plantings?
so what palms made recoveries for you this summer?
by njpalmguy- 5 replies
since summer is about to end next month, which palms of yours have made recoveries from damage in the winter?
Summer recoveries.
by Las Palmas Norte- 9 replies
Post any of your palms that have made winter damage recoveries this summer. A substantial spear pull including a fully developed frond, was cause for concern this early spring. I think I used a bit of H2O2 but no follow up or aftercare. Some time later I noticed an emergence of growth and since then nearly a full crown of new fronds has given this palm new life. It's a Home Depot palm and almost certainly not grown locally. Often these need a year or two to acclimate to new surroundings and environmental changes. I should have provided at least an over head canopy during the initial phase while establishing this palm. Now that it's recovered, I'll do that for the upc…
What’s wrong with my windmill palm 1 2
by Wordofadvicce- 1 follower
- 41 replies
It was looking just fine about 3 weeks ago and then I suddenly noticed the leaves were folding inwards. I have not been doing anything different and the temperature is just right at the Jersey Shore. It’s protected in the winter by a greenhouse and never looked as bad as it does now in the summer months. Anyone have ideas? The second picture is of a new frond coming up and it looks terrible!
Palm trees in seattle
by ddd- 12 replies
6 palm trees i found in Seattle,-122.3663048,3a,75y,244.51h,91.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZRbnPM_UchKqAw7NdMytAA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
Salem Oregon Washy update 1 2
by Fallen Munk- 1 follower
- 69 replies
My neighbor's Washingtonia. Even with the number of cold wet days and lots of frost this year, these guys just keep pumping. I keep germinating as much seed as I can hoping to get lucky with this species, but so far not having any. Maybe when these get big enough to produce seed I'll talk to the owners and see if they can help me out. Anybody know at what size they will produce viable seed?
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I am gutted. A 15 yr old jubaea in ground for 8 yrs is seriously ill with what I believe is a fungal infection. Quick background. We have suffered through 2 back-to-back winters with -13.5C minima. First winter (2021/22) I covered with tarp and rope lights over cold period and palm emerged in good form; no problems. Second winter (2022/23) I did the same thing but I was not in a position to remove the tarp for 2 weeks following cold snap as I was out of town and didn't realize it would be a problem (I protected a large chamaerops the same way; it had no issues). During that time jubaea developed a fungal infection that affected many of the outer leaves. I was hoping …
- 25 replies
I am considering transplanting a trunking variety that is very established, (purchased at around 4’ tall) now about 6’ tall and has adapted to dappled Texas sun for over a year’s time. In about a week I am considering moving it to a full sun position with NO shade. I am on the Gulf Coast as my location states. Will my radicals be able to adapt over time and still produce rich green fronds or will yellowing be a consistent problem during the summer months?
Anyway of telling Tr. wagnerianus apart from fortunei at seedling stage?
by apriliarider15- 6 replies
I have variegated examples of both but didn't label them. Thinking about trading this one off but wanted to label it for the next owner. As the title says is there anyway to tell other than just wait and see.