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Winter Down South


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It reached 25c in sydney a couple of days ago, and tomorrow is forecast at 23c. Apparently there are a lack of cold fronts at the moment, and warm air is being dragged down from Central Australia.

Philip Wright

Sydney southern suburbs

Frost-free within 20 km of coast

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Phillip, The cold fronts are hitting us, but they aren't really cold as such. Expecting thunderstorms tonight, severe weather warnings are out. So far we've averaged around 10C min and 20C max for August. About 2C above average. At the moment it's 10.20pm and 17C outside. It got to 23C today and apart from tommorow with 18C, there is nothing below 20C for all of next week. I think we're about 4 weeks ahead of time at the moment. This is our Sep weather.

But what about Brisbane, lucky so and so's. They're getting 14C min and max's around 30C in what is technically winter. I hope we get that sort of weather in about a months time. I think the whole country is in for a long Hot summer.

best regards


Millbrook, "Kinjarling" Noongar word meaning "Place of Rain", Rainbow Coast, Western Australia 35S. Warm temperate. Csb Koeppen Climate classification. Cool nights all year round.



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Weather here is great lately...look at what's coming too...spring is just around the corner!

Wednesday      Fine.                                 Min 13    Max 26

Thursday      Fine and warm.                     Min 13    Max 27

Friday        Fine. Very warm.                      Min 13    Max 29

Saturday      Fine, cooler.                           Min 11    Max 26

Sunday        Mostly fine.                             Min 11    Max 25

Monday        Mostly fine.                             Min 12    Max 26

Gold Coast, Queensland Latitude 28S. Mild, Humid Subtropical climate. Rainfall - not consistent enough!

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It got to 25C today, 27C tomorrow, and 23C on Wednesday with some rain. High teens after that for a couple of days then back to low twenties. Min's are on there way up again.

Millbrook, "Kinjarling" Noongar word meaning "Place of Rain", Rainbow Coast, Western Australia 35S. Warm temperate. Csb Koeppen Climate classification. Cool nights all year round.



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An early taste of summer yesterday- 28c, but today the storm clouds are building, and a weak change is on the way. Apparently it will be back to 18c by Wednesday because a strong change will displace all this warm air.

Philip Wright

Sydney southern suburbs

Frost-free within 20 km of coast

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A few days ago we went above 27C with nights around 14C , 15C, but it all went cool again, and days and nights have been more wintery although fine and sunny. We have a few days of direct southerly winds so things are a bit cold (THANKS Antarctica), but the High is moving into the bight and seems to be a bit further south than they have been, so by Wednesday we should get a few days of northerlies and temps around mid twenties into the following week. Spring really is here though. Winter was our driest ever and day maximums were above average with 19.7C as the avg max.

Millbrook, "Kinjarling" Noongar word meaning "Place of Rain", Rainbow Coast, Western Australia 35S. Warm temperate. Csb Koeppen Climate classification. Cool nights all year round.



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Our June was very cold; one of the coldest on record due to a persistent southerly airstream, but July and August were warmer than average.

Philip Wright

Sydney southern suburbs

Frost-free within 20 km of coast

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It's been a remarkable 24 hours in Sydney. September is normally the driest month of the year, averaging 70mm of rain, but last night heavy thunderstorms dumped 107mm on the city. Snowfalls blocked the Great Western Highway  on the Blue Mountains.

Today southerlies gusting to 100km/hr kept max temps to only 18c.

Philip Wright

Sydney southern suburbs

Frost-free within 20 km of coast

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I just saw the flooding in Sydney on the news. Wild stuff. The ferries in the harbour were almost surfing the waves, and they aren't small ferries.

It's been cold and very windy here the last few days. Persistent S to E winds, and dry. Tonight we have a weird low coming down from the north pushing the High away, and we're expecting thunderstorms and rain and believe it or not warmer weather all round. If we had this synoptic pattern in summer, it wouldn't be a mere Low, more like a cyclone. It's really early in the season to get this sort of pattern. Probably a sign of things to come. A humid summer would be a blessing.



Millbrook, "Kinjarling" Noongar word meaning "Place of Rain", Rainbow Coast, Western Australia 35S. Warm temperate. Csb Koeppen Climate classification. Cool nights all year round.



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Hi Guys

Warm and humid here, a nice change from the drier air of winter. Have had a few drops of rain and plants are looking good. Only problem is: August and September our our windy months and it has been a bit breezy.




Summer rainfall 1200mm

Annual average temp 21c

30 South

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Had a slightly cloudy day yesterday with a max of 25C, then it rained all night with around 13mm of rain. Had friends over for dinner last night and had all the windows and doors open listening to the pelting rain, and it was warm and humid. My guests were complaining that it was too hot! Temp didn't drop below 18 until midnight and we had an offical min of 16C. We're meant to get to 24C today with clearing showers then more thunderstorms reappearing tonight. After this we go back into a more traditional SW airstream and cool weather returns Monday but steadily warms back to mid twenties by midweek. The rain will be good for my new plantings of Roystoneas, FoxyLadies, Golden Canes, and a Beccariophoenix.  :)



Millbrook, "Kinjarling" Noongar word meaning "Place of Rain", Rainbow Coast, Western Australia 35S. Warm temperate. Csb Koeppen Climate classification. Cool nights all year round.



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(Tyrone @ Sep. 10 2006,10:10)

Had a slightly cloudy day yesterday with a max of 25C, then it rained all night with around 13mm of rain. Had friends over for dinner last night and had all the windows and doors open listening to the pelting rain, and it was warm and humid. My guests were complaining that it was too hot! Temp didn't drop below 18 until midnight and we had an offical min of 16C. We're meant to get to 24C today with clearing showers then more thunderstorms reappearing tonight. After this we go back into a more traditional SW airstream and cool weather returns Monday but steadily warms back to mid twenties by midweek. The rain will be good for my new plantings of Roystoneas, FoxyLadies, Golden Canes, and a Beccariophoenix.  :)



Any chance of showing some photos of these plantings Tyronne ?, opportunity to start a before and after series.

Happy Gardening



Queensland, Australia.

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We just had the coldest Sept day for years, maximum was 12c yesterday, with wild winds and seas blowing 30+ knots all night, this was not quite the weather we thought we where coming home to, not much better today



coastal north facing location

100klm south of Sydney



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(palmsforpleasure @ Sep. 10 2006,03:57)


We just had the coldest Sept day for years, maximum was 12c yesterday, with wild winds and seas blowing 30+ knots all night, this was not quite the weather we thought we where coming home to, not much better today



That's freezing for Sept. These cold southerlies that Antarctica has been throwing at the continent have been horrible.

Wal, I wanted to take some snaps but our camera is back getting repaired after the Malaysia incident. They didn't get it right the first time. On Wed I'm getting a shipment down from Kuranda of some 1.6m H indica's, 1.8m D pembana's, some large rednecks etc, and some will end up in the same spot I've just started planting, so I will post photos eventually.



Millbrook, "Kinjarling" Noongar word meaning "Place of Rain", Rainbow Coast, Western Australia 35S. Warm temperate. Csb Koeppen Climate classification. Cool nights all year round.



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Last couple of days were 27C and yesterday was humid. Overnight we hit 100% humidity and the air feels

"sweet" this morning. Going for 22C today and then rain for next few days with cooler temps, but the days and nights are warming up, humidity is hanging around, and it's not really winter anymore, so hello Spring, what do you bring. I'm going out into the garden now.


Millbrook, "Kinjarling" Noongar word meaning "Place of Rain", Rainbow Coast, Western Australia 35S. Warm temperate. Csb Koeppen Climate classification. Cool nights all year round.



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Things are looking better but not the temps that Tyrone in WA is getting. 23C Max so far and lows mainly around 8C to 12C. I have removed the portable heated hothouse for my Grandis, Splendida and Pinangoides. I have left the portable hothouse for the lipstick but have taken away the heater, so it's cooling off during nights. Soil temps are holding around 15C to 17C during the nights. Looking forward to some of your weather Tyrone!


Port Macquarie NSW Australia

Warm temperate to subtropical

Record low of -2C at airport 2006

Pushing the limit of palm survivabilities

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(The Palm Nut @ Sep. 16 2006,00:48)

Looking forward to some of your weather Tyrone!


I think the warm weather is moving across the country so in a couple of days it should be there for you. Adelaide is 29C tomorrow. The next few days for us are around 20C and rain nearly every day, so not as good. Good Lepidorrachis weather. Should warm up a bit more as we approach October. I planted two Dypsis lanceolata, a Normanbya, and two Archontophoenix purpurea that I got as one leafers today in my new planting area. Then I went down to the local stables and filled up a trailer with horse manure and spread it 70mm thick and mulched it another 100m thick over the whole area. When my camera is back from repair I'll post a pic.



Millbrook, "Kinjarling" Noongar word meaning "Place of Rain", Rainbow Coast, Western Australia 35S. Warm temperate. Csb Koeppen Climate classification. Cool nights all year round.



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Tuesday 31c, Wednesday 30c, Thurday 26c, Friday 30c. Gusty dry north-westerlies as well. It would have been scarey bushfire weather if not for last week's rain.

Philip Wright

Sydney southern suburbs

Frost-free within 20 km of coast

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The weather here is certainly getting better, the lipstick is now free!


Port Macquarie NSW Australia

Warm temperate to subtropical

Record low of -2C at airport 2006

Pushing the limit of palm survivabilities

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A nightmarish day of north-westerlies gusting up to 120 km/hr and temps up to 34c. No wonder several houses were lost to bushfires. What a bizarre September it's been!

Philip Wright

Sydney southern suburbs

Frost-free within 20 km of coast

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Hi all

The weather is strange here lately. Sunday : warm at 24c, yesterday 34c and in the afternoon gale force SW wind! Today 24c. Wed 16-29c, thurs 18-32c, fri 17-30c, sat 18-31, sun 17-28 and then a crash to 22c max for monday.




Summer rainfall 1200mm

Annual average temp 21c

30 South

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It's gone all mild and crappy here. Low twenties, SW winds, temp back to 28C on Friday then low to mid twenties afterwards. Still waiting for a 30C day. Bring it on.

Millbrook, "Kinjarling" Noongar word meaning "Place of Rain", Rainbow Coast, Western Australia 35S. Warm temperate. Csb Koeppen Climate classification. Cool nights all year round.



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Got to 31C today. The record for Sep is 31.6C so maybe record heat this year. The long range forecast tend to indicate very hot conditions this year. Rain tomorrow and 21C but a warm humid night tonight, then warming uo again to mid to high 20's again. I'm giving the garden a good break-in watering tonight. My artificial monsoon season begins. :)


Millbrook, "Kinjarling" Noongar word meaning "Place of Rain", Rainbow Coast, Western Australia 35S. Warm temperate. Csb Koeppen Climate classification. Cool nights all year round.



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