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    guest Renda04.jpg

Ike! Yike! No like . . . .


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Hmm. Apparently things weren't as horrific on Galveston as feared.

Which is good.

Sometimes you can't have a false alarm, and have to settle for a partial . . . . .

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.

Abraham Lincoln

The way of the transgressor is hard

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you spoke toooo soon dave



Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.

Abraham Lincoln

The way of the transgressor is hard

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Back in Houston.......... Thank goodness for this little cool front and the lowered humidity............. thisngs will heat up in the next few days I am sure...

No power , but have water , albeit lowered pressure.

nice and cool here at work though...

Glad to hear others are doing ok.

Melbourne Beach, Florida on the barrier island -two blocks from the Atlantic Ocean and 6 homes from the Indian River Lagoon

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you spoke toooo soon dave

Yep, way too soon.

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you spoke toooo soon dave

Yep, way too soon.

Hmm. I guess the lesson (or a lesson) is that it doesn't take much to sweep a barrier beach clean.

Good heavens!

A lot of houses are just gone.

Wish I'd have been right, and I'll bet the good people of the Big G will agree . . . .

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Well, I went on a covert mission to the island to check on my place since they are still not allowing homeowners back on the island....


I think its absolute garbage that they wont allow homeowners on the island while they will allow anyone claiming to be a contractor or an insurance agent.... what good are these people if the owners cant get in and see the damage to know what they need repaired. MORONIC local government. The streets are mostly clear and the island didnt really look too bad, people should be allowed to return.... What an absolute CROCK!!

{/sidetrack off}

All in all my home fared very well, and I am very greatful that everything is intact. My inlaws house on the otherhand had over 3' of water in it and is now groing mold while our fearless city leaders are waiting on the cleanup crews to make everything spotless (because we have a reputation as a vacation destination to uphold) We are still staying down the coast in port o connor, waiting on a return authorization....

on the palm front, there are going to be alot of plant fatalities in this I predict, actually a good part of what I looked at appeared to be dying from salt watter inundation... Not to mention some of the scarring on the trunks of my palms was surprising, I mean I dont know what I expected to happen when hot water heaters and refrigerators floated into the trunks of palms...

Here are some pictures I took. and yes I suppose that trashcan wound up in my yard from across the bay in Texas City.






Galveston Island Tx


8' Elevation

Sandy Soil

Jan Avgs 50/62

Jul Avgs 80/89

Average Annual Rainfall 43.5"

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Royals missing and toppled, S. sancona and d. decaryi on a death lean


Bizmarck on a death lean as well as royals and foxtails unhappy with their saltwater/wind thrashing


D. regia snapped off, and many leaning palms, not to mention a few missing ones...


Sad king



Galveston Island Tx


8' Elevation

Sandy Soil

Jan Avgs 50/62

Jul Avgs 80/89

Average Annual Rainfall 43.5"

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Looks like minimal damage for you comparitavely...

Glad for you ......

Things WILL get back to normal....

Melbourne Beach, Florida on the barrier island -two blocks from the Atlantic Ocean and 6 homes from the Indian River Lagoon

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Still, looks like you did relatively okay.

I'd prop up the leaners and I'll bet they'll just regrow.

(Nothing to lose by trying.)

Please keep us apprized of your progress.

We're all pulling for you.



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Allen, glad to see your house made it through. You were one of the ones I was thinking about through this. Pictures I've seen from around town (not including seawall) don't really look that bad at all- but the whole flooding issue makes things far, far worse than they appear I suppose. That and lack of power/water/sewers backing up, etc.

I used to have a house in fish village, and just sold it and moved in June. Satellite picture shows not a single shingle missing from the roof, and the gigantic trees in front/back yard are still upright and full of leaves. What satellite pictures do not show, however, is the water line- at least one other part of the neighborhood suffered 6' of storm surge from what I've heard. I worked so hard on that house to make it perfect inside and out with refinished wood floors, nice palmy garden, etc. I feel terrible for the new owner and everyone else suffering through this.

What do people usually do with flooded houses? Knock it down and rebuild? Mop the floors and move on? Just wondering.


Zone 10B, starting 07/01/2013

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Well it has been a long 3 weeks and 2 hurricanes. We did well here, comparatively speaking. As others have said, it could have been worse.

I just finished staking the remainder of the down or leaning palms/plants, 36 in all. For the rest of the weekend, I will be concentrating of putting down the 200+ Palm and Citrus spikes to make the best of our 2 remaining months of growing season.

Things feel allmost normal this morning, at least after I strip out of the back of my mind that NWS is watching not one, but two areas in the Caribbean that show potential for storm development.

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