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Ike! Yike! No like . . . .


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How much is a flight to hawaii? I wonder how much it'd cost to move all my garbage!! It doesnt happen very often but, I hate this!

The freaking line is literally right over my house.......

for reference this is the bay as taken from my front porch, and i dont have a pic of the gulf but its about 3 times as far away from my house....


The only good news is that my house is elevated above the ground level (23' to the living floor, 14' to the garage where the cars are) and new construction so, I really hope to be able to return to something reasonably habitable.

on a palmy note,

I moved all the pots inside the garage and pretty much left everything else alone....

I didnt really have time (or want) to do anything with my in ground palms, I did trim 4 fronds from my 6' bizzie in hopes that would help it not lay totally over.... its still staked after 2 years in the ground because it still tends to lean badly when we get fierce winds. Im lucky enough that I dont have to really worry about trees falling on the house since there arent any! I suppose ill have a heck of a mess to clean when I get home but, I guess thats the price to pay for an ocean view....

My largest palm by far is a queen, 20'+ tall, anyone know how they generally fare in these types of conditions? all the rest of them are less than ~10' overall and if they lay over, im not too worried. The Queen however, would be a pain to get set back up!

as long as the electricity holds out you can see my weather station here



Galveston Island Tx


8' Elevation

Sandy Soil

Jan Avgs 50/62

Jul Avgs 80/89

Average Annual Rainfall 43.5"

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How much is a flight to hawaii? I wonder how much it'd cost to move all my garbage!! It doesnt happen very often but, I hate this!

The freaking line is literally right over my house.......

for reference this is the bay as taken from my front porch, and i dont have a pic of the gulf but its about 3 times as far away from my house....


The only good news is that my house is elevated above the ground level (23' to the living floor, 14' to the garage where the cars are) and new construction so, I really hope to be able to return to something reasonably habitable.

on a palmy note,

I moved all the pots inside the garage and pretty much left everything else alone....

I didnt really have time (or want) to do anything with my in ground palms, I did trim 4 fronds from my 6' bizzie in hopes that would help it not lay totally over.... its still staked after 2 years in the ground because it still tends to lean badly when we get fierce winds. Im lucky enough that I dont have to really worry about trees falling on the house since there arent any! I suppose ill have a heck of a mess to clean when I get home but, I guess thats the price to pay for an ocean view....

My largest palm by far is a queen, 20'+ tall, anyone know how they generally fare in these types of conditions? all the rest of them are less than ~10' overall and if they lay over, im not too worried. The Queen however, would be a pain to get set back up!

as long as the electricity holds out you can see my weather station here



I guess I can say I've been there, and recently. Keep us updated for as long as you have connectivity. Good luck and prayers wished towards you.

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Dear god.

Galveston's flooding already.

Prayers to all . . . .

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if your planning on looting, 288 and belfort has a rare palm and cycad collection!!!

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.

Abraham Lincoln

The way of the transgressor is hard

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You didn't evacuate the island?.....If there is still time to trim that bizzie.....I would take everything off except the spear......good luck!

On a lighter and related note.....here's a surf pic from Mexico Beach...20 miles from here. I tried to go out after work yesterday, but the conditions were not ridable beachside....with funky swell and wind directions. I'm sure Mexico Beach was still going off.


David Simms zone 9a on Highway 30a

200 steps from the Gulf in NW Florida

30 ft. elevation and sandy soil

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Were gone from the island, and should have connectivity for a good while....

oh well, the palms will be the least of my worries assuming the house survives ike.


Galveston Island Tx


8' Elevation

Sandy Soil

Jan Avgs 50/62

Jul Avgs 80/89

Average Annual Rainfall 43.5"

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Were gone from the island, and should have connectivity for a good while....

oh well, the palms will be the least of my worries assuming the house survives ike.

Good luck my friend. I wish you and your home well. The toughest part of evacuating is wondering about your home. I know.

Remember, that in due time, this like everything else in your past will just be a memory. Live everyday to its fullest, wherever you are. Find enjoyment in the little things.

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With our significant hurricane activities down here in the last few years, it has not been uncommon to see lots of military aircraft in the skies. For a while after Katrina and Rita, there were BlackHawks everywhere. And a few of the Big Chinooks which make even more racket than BlackHawks.

But today, I saw a couple coming in that I have not seen before. These big Osprey helicopters with tiltable blades coming out of each side are a truly interesting sight. I barely got the Blackberry out in time to snap the second one. Here is one you just don't see that often.


Here is a close up from another site.


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Were gone from the island, and should have connectivity for a good while....

oh well, the palms will be the least of my worries assuming the house survives ike.

Be safe. Galveston right now is a good place to leave, from the pictures I've seen.

You can always rebuild your house, and plant more palms.

We're all rooting for you.

Let's keep our forum fun and friendly.

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Were gone from the island, and should have connectivity for a good while....

oh well, the palms will be the least of my worries assuming the house survives ike.

Be safe. Galveston right now is a good place to leave, from the pictures I've seen.

You can always rebuild your house, and plant more palms.

We're all rooting for you.

I am watching streaming video from there now. http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/feature?sectio...&id=6102015. They just reported that 40% of residents stayed. Amazing.

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That's a V-22 Osprey, operated by either the USAF or USMC. Built jointly by Bell and Boeing, they had a lot of problems with the development, which began already in the early 1980s. They only just recently began to deliver the first production examples in the last few years I believe. I understand one tricky operation is the transition from horizontal flight to a vertical landing. That's when they actually rotate both engines from a horizontal to a vertical direction.


Leilani Estates, 25 mls/40 km south of Hilo, Big Island of Hawai'i. Elevation 880 ft/270 m. Average rainfall 140 inches/3550 mm


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Were gone from the island, and should have connectivity for a good while....

oh well, the palms will be the least of my worries assuming the house survives ike.

Be safe. Galveston right now is a good place to leave, from the pictures I've seen.

You can always rebuild your house, and plant more palms.

We're all rooting for you.

I am watching streaming video from there now. http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/feature?sectio...&id=6102015. They just reported that 40% of residents stayed. Amazing.


Remember 1900!

Or Bangledesh in 1972 . . . .

dear god . . .

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News just reported a tornado about 10 miles west of me. Damned outer bands. Fortunately this one is moving north.

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Alicia spawned 23 tornados if I recall. This one should be abouth the same.

The eye wall is about 50 miles off Galveston shore right now, 100 miles from

my house.


Edited by steve 9atx

USDA Zone 9a/b, AHS Heat Zone 9, Sunset Zone 28

49'/14m above sea level, 25mi/40km to Galveston Bay

Long-term average rainfall 47.84"/1215mm

Near-term (7yr) average rainfall 55.44"/1410mm

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Alicia spawned 23 tornados if I recall. This one should be abouth the same.

The eye wall is about 50 miles off Galveston shore right now, 100 miles from

my house.


Hang in there.

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Just got back home and watched in the news how serious the situation has become for Texas coastline and Houston area.

We send our prayers and thoughts to everyone who is experiencing this stressful situation, or has experienced it during the last weeks, throughout the Caribbean and gulf of Mexico.

For those friends who post here in Palmtalk: stay safe and think positive. Wish you luck.

Sirinhaém beach, 80 Km south of Recife - Brazil

Tropical oceanic climate, latitude 8° S

Temperature extremes: 25 to 31°C

2000 mm average rainfall, dry summers

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Alicia spawned 23 tornados if I recall. This one should be abouth the same.

The eye wall is about 50 miles off Galveston shore right now, 100 miles from

my house.


Tornado 2 just popped up, again about 10 miles west of me. Hey, isn't that our share.

No matter what happens, listen to our local saying, dance your misery.

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Getting pretty windy here, this is something I saw eariler on the news and died laughing watching. It's funny I was able to find it on youtube and post for you guys. Midnight it should get pretty rough here.


LMAO. Too funny.

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Hee hee hee!

Note how the newsdude got all uptight, and wanted to divert attention . . . . .


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Living in the middle of this, I can tell you that from a national media perspective some of this stuff is over blown, some is under blown, but make no mistake the world is changing before your eyes...

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Well, I am signing off for the night. The winds are really cooking here 150 miles away, so I can only imagine what is in store for my Houston area friends. I am praying for you guys.


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I was on Galveston Island in 1983, in the administration offices on the 10th floor of John Sealy Hospital when Hurricane Alicia hit. It was, in a single word, terrifying, and the aftermath of that storm lasted for months. The hospital flooded then, and I have read this morning that it is flooded again and that fires have been burning that can't be put out. The old Brennans in Houston has been leveled.

I am with you guys in that area in spirit so strongly. I grew up in the Corpus Christi area, all my relatives were in Houston, and I lived on Galveston Island for almost 8 years. Even when we didn't live there, we went there for trips and vacations some years, using it as a meeting place to connect with family in other parts of the state.

I can only hope recovery is swift, and that all of your houses are safe, but the most important thing is that you are still living. You can go forward from this day, and rebuild, as long as you are still with us.

You have the thoughts and prayers of everyone here on this forum, and of people across the country that you don't even know.

"You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes"---SliPknot


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Anybody in Houston or surrounding areas still have internet.....how you doing this morning?

David Simms zone 9a on Highway 30a

200 steps from the Gulf in NW Florida

30 ft. elevation and sandy soil

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Anybody in Houston or surrounding areas still have internet.....how you doing this morning?

News this morning is reporting 100% power loss in Houston for those with overground power lines. Remember, there are 5.6M people in the Houston area.

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Just got a text message from palmsrgreat, he and wife are fine, lost some shingles on his house, and his fence blew down and he lost a xerophyla and a decipiens...still very windy and rainy!

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.

Abraham Lincoln

The way of the transgressor is hard

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Just got a text message from palmsrgreat, he and wife are fine, lost some shingles on his house, and his fence blew down and he lost a xerophyla and a decipiens...still very windy and rainy!

Good to know they're safe . . . .

Thanks for sharing.

Hmm. Apparently things weren't as horrific on Galveston as feared.

Which is good.

Sometimes you can't have a false alarm, and have to settle for a partial . . . . .

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Just got a text message from palmsrgreat, he and wife are fine, lost some shingles on his house, and his fence blew down and he lost a xerophyla and a decipiens...still very windy and rainy!

Good to know they're safe . . . .

Thanks for sharing.

Hmm. Apparently things weren't as horrific on Galveston as feared.

Which is good.

Sometimes you can't have a false alarm, and have to settle for a partial . . . . .

Nothing is usually as horrific as the press says it might be, but this is one heck of a partial false alarm. - Keith

Hurricane Ike Batters Texas, 4.5 Million Lose Power (Update1)

By Brian K. Sullivan and Tom Korosec

Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Hurricane Ike plowed into Texas early today, driving the Gulf of Mexico's waters into Galveston Island, blowing out office-building windows and cutting power to at least 4.5 million people in the Houston area.

The Category 2 storm flooded areas, shut oil refineries and prompted panicked calls from residents who didn't join the 1 million-strong exodus from its path. Winds blew pine trees sideways in Houston, the nation's fourth-biggest city, where electrical transformers sparked and residents waited out the hurricane in their homes last night under a citywide curfew.

``Virtually every customer who receives electricity on the overhead distribution network is without power,'' said Floyd LeBlanc, spokesman for Houston-based CenterPoint Energy Inc. ``This was a really big hurricane; we looked at a wind field when it was on land of 250 miles.''

Houston's 75-story JPMorgan Chase Tower had windows on its west side smashed out, according to the local CBS affiliate, KHOU-TV. The Enron Building and Crown Plaza Hotel were also damaged, the station reported. The city's George Bush Intercontinental Airport and William P. Hobby airports remained closed.

Landfall in Galveston

Ike, which made landfall in Galveston at 2:10 a.m. local time today with winds near 110 miles per hour (177 kph) was the first storm to hit a major U.S. metropolitan area since Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005.

With winds decreasing to about 80 mph, making it a Category 1 storm, Ike was moving north at about 16 mph near Trinity, Texas, the National Hurricane Center said in an 10 a.m. local time advisory. It is likely to remain a hurricane through the afternoon as it weakens on its inland path curving toward the northeast toward western Arkansas, the center said.

Anthony Melillo, his wife, two children and their dog spent the night at the Hotel Derek in the Galleria section of Houston listening to a howling wind and crashing debris.

Melillo said he boarded up his house and office in the Clear Lake section of Houston -- ``a potential storm surge area'' -- two days ago and then took his family, three days of clothes, food, water and important documents and left yesterday morning.

``This is a very rough and dangerous hurricane,'' Melillo said in an e-mail. ``Our house is in Clear Lake and I hope its still there without much damage.''

Flooding Reported

Around the region, flooding was reported. White Oak Bayou at Heights Boulevard in Houston rose 6 feet (1.8 meters) above flood stage to 38.45 feet at 6:45 a.m. Houston time, according to the National Weather Service. Buffalo Bayou in downtown Houston was rising up to the edge of its banks.

The Coast Guard suspended rescue operations last night when the wind speed got too fast to fly, said Alan Haraf, Coast Guard petty officer first class. Up until that point, the Coast Guard and other agencies had rescued 103 people.

Since then, people have been calling to be rescued, particularly from the Bolivar Peninsula that juts out between Galveston Bay and the Gulf of Mexico.

Haraf said 65 helicopters were standing by to take to the air as soon as conditions improved. Coast Guard Petty Officer Tom Atkeson said when winds got below about 85 mph the helicopters could fly.

Refineries Shut

The storm has closed 19 percent of the refining capacity in the U.S. At least 13 refineries in Texas shut down including those operated by Exxon Mobil Corp., Valero Energy Corp., ConocoPhillips and Royal Dutch Shell Plc. Gulf Coast refineries and ports are the source of half of the fuel and crude used in the eastern U.S.

About 1.2 million people evacuated the area surrounding Houston, Texas Governor Rick Perry told CNN. A dawn-to-dusk curfew was enforced in areas under mandatory evacuation orders to deter looting, Houston Mayor Bill White said at a press conference yesterday.

CenterPoint's LeBlanc said there are about 4.5 million people in the company's Houston service area and ``almost all of them are without power.'' Before the storm hit, CenterPoint estimated it could be weeks to restore power, LeBlanc said.

``We may have to revise that,'' he said. ``We have gotten literally thousands of calls from customers reporting downed power lines.''

Louisiana Flooding

In neighboring Louisiana, Calcasieu Parish, home to three oil refineries, has widespread flooding, parish spokesman Tom Hoefer said by telephone. ConocoPhillips, Citgo Petroleum Corp. and Calcasieu Refining Co. have refineries in Calcasieu.

Ike may cause $8 billion to $18 billion in insured losses on land as it moves from coastal Galveston to Houston and further inland, according to Oakland, California-based Eqecat Inc., which predicts the effects of disasters. Flagstone Reinsurance Holdings Ltd., the Bermuda-based insurer, predicted damage of $10 billion to $16 billion industrywide.

About 40 percent of Galveston's 57,400 people decided to stay and ride out the storm, Steve LeBlanc, the city manager, said in a televised press conference yesterday. The storm surge may be 3 feet higher than the city's 17-foot seawall, he said.

Houston's population is 2.2 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the sixth largest in the U.S.

Ike left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed four in Cuba as it swept through the Caribbean earlier this week. CNN reported at least three people have been killed so far in Texas.

Before making landfall, Ike's winds covered an area larger than that of Katrina, said Jeff Masters, director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather Underground Inc. Hurricane-force winds stretch across 240 miles, equivalent to the distance between New York to Washington.

President George W. Bush said this morning the federal government was ``prepared to move'' quickly to help Texas recover. He has already declared an emergency in Texas. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members are on standby.

To contact the reporters on this story: Brian K. Sullivan in Boston at bsullivan10@bloomberg.net; Tom Korosec in Houston, via the New York newsroom at mschoifet@bloomberg.net

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Yeah, you have a point about partial false alarm, but I think a 20-foot storm surge would have htings several orders of magnitude worse.

Fortunately, they have the seawall, which will probably avoid another 1900 disaster, in which whole parts of the island were reduced to primeval beach . . . .

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Jeez we used to go eat seafood in Kemah.

My sister lived in the Heights in Houston for a bit in 1976-77. That was a wild time.

Looks like Texas Gulf Coast is not the place to be at the moment...good karma going out to everyone there. It took us about a month in 1983 to get all the power back to the Island after ALicia. I was dating a guy that worked for SW Bell...they cleaned up on overtime restringing all the phone lines in Galveston. I remember my apartment was trashed...we lost the roof off the building. It was 2 months before the old moldy carpet was replaced. It was a long haul. Will be again.

"You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes"---SliPknot


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ahhh almost forgot, palmsrgreat has electricity now but phone/cable/internet were still off!! still no word from steve9atx

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.

Abraham Lincoln

The way of the transgressor is hard

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I have noticed a serious backlash in the media regarding the 40% of people in galveston that refused to evacuate before the storm and the number of people refusing to be rescued after the storm even though they were hanging out in their attics with a submerged house around them. That is a serious number of people. I don't get it.

Coastal San Diego, California


Dry summer subtropical/Mediterranean

warm summer/mild winter

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I hope everyone down there in the path came through alright.

The remnants of Ike combined with a big cold front and swept through Cincinnati yesterday with winds in excess of 70mph. I went to Kings Island early in the day and left my potted palm collection on the deck. I lost about 75% of them along with about 1/4 of the shingles on my roof. It could have been much worse, but hopefully we don't get any rain anytime soon otherwise I am going to have lots of water damage.

Cincinnati, Ohio USA & Mindo, Ecuador


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I am here at Bro in Laws place in Rockport,Tx after riding out Ike in my Condo on the west side of Houston...(Dairy Ashford and Briar Forest for you locals)

As Ike was making landfall Friday/Saturday , I watched it on the television until 1:30 am sat morning. Thats when the power went out.I went to bed, only to wake at 3:30 am as the violent shaking and movement of the *third floor* I was on sent me in to survival mode. The wind was really throttling the place and the worse was to come...... I suited up - Long pants , longsleeve denim shirt, socks/shoes.... and packed a backpack with gear in case the dang place let go.... I took a single matress and laid it in the hall , laid down and waited things out....... dozing off every now and then to ... well.... terrifying short dreams of the movie Apocalypto ( if you can believe that...lol).............hearing things hit the roof and side of the place, feeling the floor move and sway......the ROAR of gusts passing through ....and brief bursts of strobing green light - transformers blowing up.......indeed, the wind increased to maximum around 6 am.....God knows how hard , but not what they got East of me..........

By 10 am people were poking their heads out,walking around ...not a lot of damage really- a few gutters down, some fence panels down, some shingles blown off, but overall , pretty dang good considering the terror.............

Cleaned the fridge and freezer out, packed up and drove down here to Rockport Saturday afternoon. Rum flowing by 7pm, swatting mosquitoes by dark.

The Humminbirds are migrating, one can see literally hundreds in a day......

Back to work tommorow...


The view..........


Melbourne Beach, Florida on the barrier island -two blocks from the Atlantic Ocean and 6 homes from the Indian River Lagoon

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BTW - I know this is the off topic forum , but here's a pic to keep this one Palm related...!


Melbourne Beach, Florida on the barrier island -two blocks from the Atlantic Ocean and 6 homes from the Indian River Lagoon

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Just got off the phone with Steve9aTx, he is alive and well, no electric/cable, but alive and well, no flooding,no major damage to house etc..

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.

Abraham Lincoln

The way of the transgressor is hard

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Tad, thanks for the update on those folks.

Rusty Bell

Pine Island - the Ex-Pat part of Lee County, Fl , USA

Zone 10b, life in the subs!...except when it isn't....

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Hi all, just got back to work today.

I do have power/phone/cable which is good. I lost a few sections of fencing, one which collapsed right on top of a very nice L. decipiens and R. xerophila. I think the Ravenea is dead. I’ve staked the decipiens and a B.nobilis that may be a goner. I am glad I pruned as much as I did, because we received some very heavy winds. I also had an oak tree which got uprooted and I staked it back.

As for the house, I lost quite a bit of shingles and now have a leak issue in two areas of the ceiling. The water from the next morning’s rain leaked through the roof into my living room and hallway.

All in all not too bad as my siblings and friends are still without power, much like a lot of folks in Houston.

Now it’s time to move everything back outside and start repairing things.

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Dude,good to have the Dude back!!

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.

Abraham Lincoln

The way of the transgressor is hard

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