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Corypha Macropoda!

Utopia Palms

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Hi all

Sorry ive been away for a wile I’m back for a week or so before my next trip and i have not had much of a chance to look at the board at all! Too much work!! So I have a few hours today I see if I can answer some of the questions on some of the different topics. But first I did promised Kris that I would list some photos of Corypha macropoda which were sent to me from India of all places, which could be the Corypha that Kris could not ID or get any photos of  (I hope so anyway)

So here they are! It is very similar to C.umbraculifera but looks to have more of a bluish leafs.  I do hope you like them. :)



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Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia

Minimum 3.C -------- maximum 43.C Average Annual Rainfall 1700mm

IPS Membership since 1991



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A few more photos.


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Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia

Minimum 3.C -------- maximum 43.C Average Annual Rainfall 1700mm

IPS Membership since 1991



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one more


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Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia

Minimum 3.C -------- maximum 43.C Average Annual Rainfall 1700mm

IPS Membership since 1991



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Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia

Minimum 3.C -------- maximum 43.C Average Annual Rainfall 1700mm

IPS Membership since 1991



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The leaf.


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Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia

Minimum 3.C -------- maximum 43.C Average Annual Rainfall 1700mm

IPS Membership since 1991



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The flower, and the End!!


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Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia

Minimum 3.C -------- maximum 43.C Average Annual Rainfall 1700mm

IPS Membership since 1991



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:) Cool pic's Clayton,Looks Great I'll tell Rich to check out

the board so he can see what I was telling him about

 yesterday....     Catch up later dude

          Mikey   :)


"Living in the Tropic's

And loving it".............. smilie.gif

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Thanks Clayton.  Always nice to see photos of a palm I've never heard of.


San Diego

0.6 Acres of a south facing, gently sloped dirt pile, soon to be impenetrable jungle

East of Mount Soledad, in the biggest cold sink in San Diego County.

Zone 10a (I hope), Sunset 24

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Dear Clayton  :)

welcome back and i for one really missed your presence in our main board and is Ron too busy...? even i hear less from him these days !

And that still looks like the one that i had seen in all our govermenent nurseries in our state.and as you said that they are sliverish as you have pointed out unlike greenish like the Talipot palms.and that still of your speaks volumes...

And it is clear that the one that i purschased should be one of this kind rather i thought it was talipot or lecomteii..

dear clayton kindly take a look at this still once again of the one that i bought ! is it talipot or is it the one seen in your still.and by the way i have seen the palm in you post and the locals told me that its a male form of Borassus Flabelifer..but when i came to know more about palms they have konked of and their was an article that the palm in chennai horticulture society has flowered and it was a specatular event.but i did not know that after which it is gona seed.i missed it but the superviser gave this specimen plant to me saying that it was that very same plam's young one.but how far this is right i do not know.but its growing like mad in our roof top garden.

And that palm is a corypha variety for shure !

thanks & lots of love,

Kris  :)


love conquers all..



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Hi All

I’m glad you like the photos, thank you.


Wow what can I say….. Looks like you are now one of the heavy weights of the forum with 4793 listings GREAT to see!!!!

Yes I do think your palm is this one (Corypha macropoda) and boy it has really grown fast from the time you first listed the photos of this one!! Your growing it very well, I think you could grow just about anything on that rooftop of yours, its going to be a real jungle on day!

What do the people next door think are they now starting to appreciate your plants (PALMS) as well? Or do they just think that you are a little crazy? The reason I ask is we are setting up a Tissue culture lab over there at the moment but it is very hard to get people to appreciate some of these fantastic different plants, there does not even seem to be any Gardening magazines that promote new or old plants let alone palms maybe with more gardens like yours it will soon become more popular to have a nice garden like yours.

Ps Kris in another 6 months I think the way your one is growing it will look like this…

All the best



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Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia

Minimum 3.C -------- maximum 43.C Average Annual Rainfall 1700mm

IPS Membership since 1991



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Hi Clayton, long time no smell. A couple of Corypha questions for you:

How long do they live before flowering then bidding farewell ?


Do you have any Coryphas at the nursery ? (4 sale)


ps: I have 5 different bamboos inground, I don't know what got into me. :)

Happy Gardening



Queensland, Australia.

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Thanks for posting! It almost looks like Florida in that one picture with the tall Sabal palmetto - looking palms in the background!

I'm always up for learning new things!

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Dear Kyle  :)

those palms in the back ground are not sabal's and to my knowledge goes we hardy grow any sabal's except folks like me... :D

And the palm is none other than Borassus Flabelifer...we call it locally as pulmera palm.


Kris  :)

love conquers all..



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(Utopia Palms @ Oct. 20 2007,04:11)


Wow what can I say….. Looks like you are now one of the heavy weights of the forum with 4793 listings GREAT to see!!!!

Yes I do think your palm is this one (Corypha macropoda) and boy it has really grown fast from the time you first listed the photos of this one!! Your growing it very well, I think you could grow just about anything on that rooftop of yours, its going to be a real jungle on day!

What do the people next door think are they now starting to appreciate your plants (PALMS) as well? Or do they just think that you are a little crazy? The reason I ask is we are setting up a Tissue culture lab over there at the moment but it is very hard to get people to appreciate some of these fantastic different plants, there does not even seem to be any Gardening magazines that promote new or old plants let alone palms maybe with more gardens like yours it will soon become more popular to have a nice garden like yours.

Ps Kris in another 6 months I think the way your one is growing it will look like this…

All the best


Dear Clayton  :)

I must say that i can never be a heavy weight of this forum. instead feel like a Naughty kid in front of the real heavy weights like you,jeff,phil,tad...the list keeps going on...

iam just tamed or passified by seeing all nature loving guys,

i feel its a honour for me living in asia to get an oppurtunity to talk & also get suggestion as to how once garden could be improved..& tweaked etc.

And now to what my neighbours think about my roof top garden..i must say the place has become more commercial in the years and i have very few residential house in my locality rest is all shops & godowns stocking dress materials for the retailers.

when i started creating that roof top garden people around become curious and some used to smile standing in their roof top while i was working with some assistants..but now with all the barrels full of healthy looking palms and the varities being new & bit peculier for south india they are admiring my work.and at times compliment that our family is doing some thing in creating more greenery in our locality..and me with my cameras taking stills every forthnight of those roof top plants,they realise iam very serious about results of my work !

And iam glad you have realised how starving south india is when it is plant related informations and also specilised products..and to my best of my knowledge goes not a single nursery was able to sustain not more than 12 years except the goverment run which hardly stock any exocitic varities...

I just hope all those barrel grown palms all come to the ground in months or years form now.and at present i have talipot palms,Lecomteii(from Komikrit),Seeds of Buri palm yet to germinate(from RPS) and one unidentified palm bought from the horticulture society.if all grows well they will grow side by side with CIDP's that's all is my dream..

"that is people standing in front of our house seeing huge giant palms from the jurasic period.. :D

lots of love,

Kris  :)

love conquers all..



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Nice Corypha Clayton!! I especially loke the color!!

Dave Hughson

Carlsbad, Ca

1 mile from ocean

Zone 10b

Palm freaks are good peeps!!!!!

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(krisachar @ Oct. 20 2007,12:27)


(Utopia Palms @ Oct. 20 2007,04:11)


Wow what can I say….. Looks like you are now one of the heavy weights of the forum with 4793 listings GREAT to see!!!!

Yes I do think your palm is this one (Corypha macropoda) and boy it has really grown fast from the time you first listed the photos of this one!! Your growing it very well, I think you could grow just about anything on that rooftop of yours, its going to be a real jungle on day!

What do the people next door think are they now starting to appreciate your plants (PALMS) as well? Or do they just think that you are a little crazy? The reason I ask is we are setting up a Tissue culture lab over there at the moment but it is very hard to get people to appreciate some of these fantastic different plants, there does not even seem to be any Gardening magazines that promote new or old plants let alone palms maybe with more gardens like yours it will soon become more popular to have a nice garden like yours.

Ps Kris in another 6 months I think the way your one is growing it will look like this…

All the best


Dear Clayton  :)

I must say that i can never be a heavy weight of this forum. instead feel like a Naughty kid in front of the real heavy weights like you,jeff,phil,tad...the list keeps going on...

iam just tamed or passified by seeing all nature loving guys,

i feel its a honour for me living in asia to get an oppurtunity to talk & also get suggestion as to how once garden could be improved..& tweaked etc.

And now to what my neighbours think about my roof top garden..i must say the place has become more commercial in the years and i have very few residential house in my locality rest is all shops & godowns stocking dress materials for the retailers.

when i started creating that roof top garden people around become curious and some used to smile standing in their roof top while i was working with some assistants..but now with all the barrels full of healthy looking palms and the varities being new & bit peculier for south india they are admiring my work.and at times compliment that our family is doing some thing in creating more greenery in our locality..and me with my cameras taking stills every forthnight of those roof top plants,they realise iam very serious about results of my work !

And iam glad you have realised how starving south india is when it is plant related informations and also specilised products..and to my best of my knowledge goes not a single nursery was able to sustain not more than 12 years except the goverment run which hardly stock any exocitic varities...

I just hope all those barrel grown palms all come to the ground in months or years form now.and at present i have talipot palms,Lecomteii(from Komikrit),Seeds of Buri palm yet to germinate(from RPS) and one unidentified palm bought from the horticulture society.if all grows well they will grow side by side with CIDP's that's all is my dream..

"that is people standing in front of our house seeing huge giant palms from the jurasic period.. :D

lots of love,

Kris  :)

Trust me Kris, you are a heavyweight in the palm growing family of the planet. Everyone on this board would not deny that claim, especially Clayton, Jeff, Phil etc.

One planet

One family

Keep that dream alive brother.

Happy Gardening



Queensland, Australia.

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Real nice palm.

I would like to ad that to my other 3 Corypha.

Nice bluish color.

Clayton, Does the name refer to the size of it's seed?

Kris, yours is looking like it likes your roof top and growing very well.

Located on Vanua Levu near Savusavu (16degrees South) Elevation from sealevel to 30meters with average annual rainfall of 2800mm (110in) with temperature from 18 to 34C (65 to 92F).

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(fiji jim @ Oct. 21 2007,18:35)

Kris, yours is looking like it likes your roof top and growing very well.

Dear Jim  :)

yes all the palms that are in our roof top garden get full day sunlight & rain water and the bottom floor on which these black barells are placed becomes extremely hot and the soil medium is very porous too..all works out be very ideal for all the giant palms..and by the way the CIDP is growing like mad in our terrace top... :D

But the Corypha that i posted was not raised form a seed but got it ready made so only when the leaves spread open and show its full charasteristic iam yet un shure what this palm is.

Since these guys once in ground show their true colours and varying stoutness in respect to its fronds & dried leaves and the trunk circumference and the stiffness of the leaf fronds and also colour of the fronds.since buri palm has a mild yellow or dim brown colouration unlike green seen in talipot's..

And Jim can you start a thread with stills of all the 3 corypha's you are growing..since it will be of immence help for guys like me to I.D. their Corypha's !  :)

thanks & love,

Kris  :)

love conquers all..



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Hi Kris,

Not good timing for that now as we have just moved them all to larger bags and cut off most of their leaves to prevent dehydration and wind damage while their roots get going again.

The 3 var we have were all planted as seed in October 2004.

I will do this for you when they look ok again.



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Located on Vanua Levu near Savusavu (16degrees South) Elevation from sealevel to 30meters with average annual rainfall of 2800mm (110in) with temperature from 18 to 34C (65 to 92F).

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  • 7 months later...

Hi Kris

I had forgotten about this topic your quick to go back and find it!!

This species was just named the largest of the genus with the largest inflorescence in the world of any of the palm genera.


Ps I just had a quick look for the article but could not find it at this time when I do I will list what was written, but hey Kris I think I sent it to you so maybe you would like to list it?? :)

Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia

Minimum 3.C -------- maximum 43.C Average Annual Rainfall 1700mm

IPS Membership since 1991



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Dear Clayton :)

yes,you have sent me that to my e.mail account as attachment,while you have posted this lovely topic ! But by any chance have you got acces to these seeds or young saplings ? Iam shure its a collectors item for real palm enthiuest.... :drool:

keep us posted if you come across any new info on the above species..?

thanks & love,

Kris :)

By the way how are the R.Wieler puppies doing,wish to see its stills in our pets topic.or PM me those stills i will upload it in hi res..if you are bit busy at the moment... :)

love conquers all..



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Is there waiting list?? Can I go on it, please... pretty please :drool: ? I bet it will look good next to my 2 other coryphas.

Regards, Ari :)

Ari & Scott

Darwin, NT, Australia

-12°32'53" 131°10'20"

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Very pretty Corypha...thanks for posting the pics.


Rusty Bell

Pine Island - the Ex-Pat part of Lee County, Fl , USA

Zone 10b, life in the subs!...except when it isn't....

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Dear Friends ! :winkie:

its seems all are preety excited to collect this beauty,and i think amoung the members who have interacted in this thread,iam the only one who has see this beauty "LIVE" in our horticulture society in chennai.and like always i said when i like a plant or a beauty i sit in a distance and admire its beauty like a nice poet say william wordsworth or robert frost ! :)

to be in front of it is really breathtaking.... :rolleyes:

Okay i understand that you folks have all started scoulding me....as to where are the visuals...! :angry:

shall i say that this is the same horticulture society that our present ruling goverment has shutdown in a leagal battle it won recently over the lisensee ! :( that place is a tressure trove of beautiful palms from around the world,but my intreast was the adsonia boboabs & crayophas :hmm:

Okay i have spoken enough..and can see that your eyes are all fuming... :mrlooney::D

Long shot of the entire palm..its a kid now !


Close-up of its trunk


base stalk which holds those leaves


Now to its leaves..its mild silver to ash coloured ?



Kris :)

By the way on that day while i was taking pictures,it was cloudy and was about to rain...so the colour of the leaves and my photography did not do proper justice at all... :unsure:

love conquers all..



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Is there waiting list?? Can I go on it, please... pretty please :drool: ? I bet it will look good next to my 2 other coryphas.

Regards, Ari :)

I sincerely hope you get on to one of these Ari, that would be a sight to see. In fact you property is going to be an amazing garden in a couple of years, and I'll be back to see it for certain, if that's okay with you and Scott and the girls.

Slightly off topic but I found some bamboo links I though you may be interested in checking out.



Happy Gardening



Queensland, Australia.

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Hey Ari, I've just received a telegram or palmagram in this case.

"one Corypha macropoda to be saved for one person" - stop

"person must say something incredibly nice to Wal" - stop

"decision on who gets this plant is entirely up to Wal" - stop

Ummm..............let me think.............do do do dum diddly dee, okay, I select Ari... :lol:

and here's some info on this monster..

  • It is the tallest of Coryphas
  • It has been described as having the largest inflorescence of any tree in the world
  • Botanist Dr Dayanandan collected seeds from a tree in 1967, two plants raised are in the Madras christian college campus.
  • Estimated to take 40-70 years before flowering
  • On the way to Wallajabad, there is a plant with germinating seeds at the base.
  • Wallajabad is not a Jet Star destination.

Happy Gardening



Queensland, Australia.

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Wal.... don't tease me... it is not nice :mrlooney: . Where do you find it? I am always nice to you.... :) :) :)

BTW, you are welcome anytime....

Regards, Ari :)

Ari & Scott

Darwin, NT, Australia

-12°32'53" 131°10'20"

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Wal.... don't tease me... it is not nice :mrlooney: . Where do you find it? I am always nice to you.... :) :) :)

BTW, you are welcome anytime....

Regards, Ari :)

:lol: :lol: for further information , await my PM, sending soon.

Don't you love all this top secret jazz ?

Happy Gardening



Queensland, Australia.

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Thank you Wal... now you are really getting me excited!!!

Regards, Ari :)

Ari & Scott

Darwin, NT, Australia

-12°32'53" 131°10'20"

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  • 4 weeks later...
and here's some info on this monster..

  • It is the tallest of Coryphas
  • It has been described as having the largest inflorescence of any tree in the world
  • Botanist Dr Dayanandan collected seeds from a tree in 1967, two plants raised are in the Madras christian college campus.
  • Estimated to take 40-70 years before flowering
  • On the way to Wallajabad, there is a plant with germinating seeds at the base.
  • Wallajabad is not a Jet Star destination.

Thanks for the precious information!

'Estimated to take 40-70 years before flowering' :o:o That's almost a human lifetime....


Greetings from Amman/Jordan


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Hi Wal

Hey can put that info regarding the article in here

as well, Great Job...

Cheers Mikey :)


"Living in the Tropic's

And loving it".............. smilie.gif

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Hi Wal

Hey can put that info regarding the article in here

as well, Great Job...

Cheers Mikey :)


anything else you want man ? want me to run down and scrape up some fresh roadkill for ya or what ? :lol:

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Happy Gardening



Queensland, Australia.

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Thank you Clayton and Wal... I owe you one ... or many :wub:

Regards, Ari :)

Ari & Scott

Darwin, NT, Australia

-12°32'53" 131°10'20"

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anything else you want man ? want me to run down and scrape up some fresh roadkill for ya or what ? :lol:


Yes Please,

Just make sure its really fresh

regards Mikey :lol:


"Living in the Tropic's

And loving it".............. smilie.gif

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Ari, You Owe Me..............


"Living in the Tropic's

And loving it".............. smilie.gif

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