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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2024 in all areas

  1. Finally planed out my Coccothrinax montana and hope it continues to flourish. It joins Coccothrinax borhidiana (super slow!) and C. miraguama in the garden a few years. Who else is growing C. montana and how well has it done for you in your location? C. montana C. miraguama C. borhidiana
    8 points
  2. I have 2 examples of Coccothrinax montana doing great in the Arizona desert. They both have flowered at this size,but have yet to produce any viable seeds. Grows a little faster than the average Coccothrinax. aztropic Mesa, Arizona
    8 points
  3. Hi I’m new to this forum. I live in Ålesund in the western coast of Norway. Many of you probably think of polar bears, when you think of Norway. My town actually has the warmest winter climate of any Scandinavian city, and the city itself is in US hardiness zone 9a, here at 62 degrees north. My location is between 8B/9A, most years 8B, but with slightly warmer summers than in the city. The record cold the last 30 years was -10 degrees celsius, in 2010. The record high 34,4 celsius (little inland in the city). Winter days average at about 5-6 degrees with most nights above freezing. This winter had a min of -6/7 and high of 16 degrees celsius. Summer days highs average about 19 degrees, With normal range between 15-25 degrees. The huggets this far this year is 30,6 in my garden, which is unormal and a record high for the month of May. This have made several palm entusiasts try different exotics and Trachycarpus can be cultivated without protection here. Also European fan palms, but they May struggle in harsh winters. My Chamaerops has been unprotected for 3 winters. of us have also gotten us a Jubaea chilensis, which is very difficult to get here in Norway. Anyway, here are some pictures from my garden.
    6 points
  4. Well? So far so good. Mild 2023/24 winter and all the palms are doing great. Very hot and dry this summer so @Allen I’m watering a lot. More than ever. Palms look really happy as a result. Trachy has put on about 1.5 feet, I think. It’s stretching at the crown like crazy. Fronds are relatively stiff and healthy. The 2022 winter damaged fronds are the bottom tier now. Will probably cut the off this fall. Gotta deadwood that Leland Cypress in the background. Medi back to normal…good trunk height though not much change and the minor trunks are gaining. McCurtain is growing into the Medi. I always plant things too close together but my microclimate is limited. Brazoria is just a big, old, ugly, clunky palm with massive fronds. I do like its blue hue though. Two new fronds coming up and several seed spikes. Sunny, needle is just taking over. Will be engulfing the deck soon…hot, sunny and yellowish but happy. Shady Needle happy out of the sun. Green and perfect. I deep water this one…so dry under the Holly. McCurtain doing its best to overtake the Medi. Two new fronds launching. And here’s a little 3year old Trachy on its way but I don’t think it will perform like Sasquatch. A bit more teens F. sensitive. Hope everyone is surviving the heat, drought, hurricanes and water bills…😂
    6 points
  5. Both are about 18 years in the ground,planted from 1 gallon pots. It really is surprising that they grow so well under desert conditions. I visited their habitat area in the Dominican Republic, (2020) and it is a high in the mountains cloud forest,where farmers also grow crops of coffee. Tree is very similar to Coccothrinax scoparia,which also grows high in the mountains,just in a different location. Frond shape is almost identical,except scoparia has some white underneath,while montana is totally green. (pics comparing both species fronds) aztropic Mesa, Arizona
    6 points
  6. A different leaf form of Licuala mattanensis.
    6 points
  7. The chamaedorea seedlings aren’t to bothered about the cold quite tough enjoying the cool climate conditions some are even putting on new growth the adscedans Metallica graminifolia Ernest Augustii plus a few others are all enjoying the cool temperatures.
    5 points
  8. A healthy little licuala spinosa that was sitting around in need of potting up not a fan of potting up in winter but the odd one here and there is a bit fun plodding around to keep warm on cool wet day this little one will grown a bit bigger before entering the world in the garden.
    4 points
  9. I've posted for years here about my little piece of PARADISE. I should really try to explain the layout better. About 70 years ago it was almost a 2 acre rectangle but along the road there was not enough flat land to build a house. The owner of this plot also owned the one next to it and so he did some legal "stuff" to get the land needed to build thus the squiggly property line was created. We bought the place w/the house around 1974. The white line is the property line. The blue line is the old property line and the yellow line is the stream bed that only flow after at least an inch of rain w/the neighboring property draining into mine. The green lines divide the land into sections to keep track of what's going on. The 700' line is approximately north/south w/north on the right. Is this to much information? LOL Over the next few days/weeks LOL I'll try to document each section.
    4 points
  10. Those are pretty young palms for that kind of heat , actually most palms would suffer. The only hope is mulch for the soil and water. I would also build some kind of shade cloth structure to keep any direct sun from further burning the poor things. Hopefully they will recover . Harry
    4 points
  11. Florida grown and looks almost as good as Aztropic’s:
    4 points
  12. They look great Jim! I'm growing scoparia, barbadensis, macroglossia and miriguama - all from seed. For me the miriguama is fastest by far. Love me some Coccothrinax!
    4 points
  13. Hi all, I took some advice and moved my Majesty Palm to a shadier spot. I also have a few palms that I have to showcase! first, the Majesty got moved. I am going to try one thing at a time to narrow down what its problem is. New Growths!!! Next up, my prized Bottle Palm (I think) it has grown a LOT since I’ve had it. The leaf in the top right just came in a week ago and there is another coming up as of this writing! (Look in bottom center) Now for my other Pygmy Date. got this little guy at Lowe’s. Here’s a tip for anyone looking to buy one from a home improvement store. GO WITH HOME DEPOT. This guy was $22 USD. As for the much bigger Pygmy in my last post, it was $19 USD at Home Depot. Since you guys seemed to like my chairs I figured I would show you how they look in conjunction with the palm. I plan on getting fertilizer for them soon. I am so excited to keep you all in the loop! I also am very grateful to be part of such a wonderful community of people!
    3 points
  14. Update. After three years of in-ground growth. Syagrus weddeliana x Butia odorata. One of my fastest palms, keeping a close pace with my Queens. This started as a scraggly overgrown five gallon a few feet tall, summer of ‘21. Prevailing winds pushing the fronds this way.
    3 points
  15. Hey Jason, thanks again for the Chrysalidocarpus malcomberi photos. You saw this one a few years back before trunking, it has since grown quite a bit. Great color and nice leaf arrangement, although it still looks very similar to C. mananjarensis to me. Tim
    3 points
  16. First flowering of my previously named Thrinax morrisii. Much slower grower than its radiata cousin. Unfortunately,with our current 118F degree temps,no new seeds will be produced. Still ok though, as I already have a community pot of them growing from seeds I collected in habitat on New Providence island,Bahamas. 😄 aztropic Mesa, Arizona
    2 points
  17. When it comes to growing palms in Pittsburgh, these guys make me look like a joke. Some the biggest palms I have ever seen!
    2 points
  18. I got this as a strap leaf seedling in winter from a fellow enthusiast. He must've got the tag mixed up. I'm thinking a Phoenix of some type.
    2 points
  19. Jim, here is my Coccothrinax montana. Also I have a tall C scoparia but I'll have to check if it is seeding (Hurricane Ian really messed up my palms' reproductive cycles). Coccothrinax montana C. montana trunk fiber weave Coccothrinax scoparia
    2 points
  20. I have not been able to get any of my seed to sprout. That said, I have not given up hope. Saw a video where jub seeds popped up 25 years later. Would love to buy a seedling from whoever is able to get them sprouted. I also ate a couple, highly recommended! That is 1 bad*** palm!
    2 points
  21. I offer one six-pack of Chamaedorea microspadix, shipped anywhere in the 48 contiguous US states, via USPS Priority mail. $25 plus $15 for shipping, PM me for my PayPal address, Thanks !
    2 points
  22. Helluva deal from a damn good grower ! T J
    2 points
  23. When i worked at the Sunken Gardens in St Pete they would crash down so loud and hard you could feel it in the ground as well as hear it through the whole garden. I was told a (likely embellished) story about dignitaries from the middle east that were visiting and about panicked when one fell. They thought it was a bomb going off nearby. Dragging a green one out was very hard work. They are 120 years old now.
    2 points
  24. Alas moisture is what I exactly miss here. Dead rats get mummified.
    2 points
  25. It’s not what you know but who you know the cost of soil and pots now with labour cost electricity it all add up that’s why palms are so expensive now add the import costs I don’t question a price of a rare palm nowadays a lot goes into it.
    2 points
  26. Water, Water, Water, Deep soak 2-3X's a week. Apply NO fertilizer anything right now. ..June / July is a tough time period for planting anything.. Add some mulch, as recommended above also.. Pygmys can handle heat ( Grown by the dozens here, even in full sun ) but only after establishing themselves. Keep the Canna watered as well. They'll snap out of their adjustment period pretty quickly. Several neighbors grow them in all day full sun here w/ out issue.
    2 points
  27. Mulch. mulch and then add more mulch. Then water and water a lot. Those little date palms are water hogs.
    2 points
  28. Yikes!! Normally it’s a wrong is from the same genus but this is a bit off lol
    2 points
  29. Cyphokentia cerifera, Joeys, and more! Floribunda hopes your summer growing season is in full swing. We have a few new items to share on our new July price list, here are some highlights: Cyphokentia cerifera This elusive New Caledonia gem takes patience to grow, but the reward is a rare and spectacular beauty. Seedlings available at $8.00 Johannesteijsmannia magnifica The silver Joey is offered as a first leaf seedling shipped with or without the pot. The most ornamental of the Joey palms with a stunning silver underside to the leaves. Seedlings $25.00 Johannesteijsmannia altifrons Another Joey with an exotic leaf shape and variable forms. First leaf seedling, shipped with or without pot, $15.00 Hydriastele selebica This clustering plumose leafed Hydriastele is one of the true beauties of the genus. Seedlings $8.00 Areca vidaliana This miniature Philippine Areca fits in any tropical garden. Seedling $8.00 Last but not least, Veillonia alba has been resurrected! So, we have moved it out of Cyphophoenix (as it never really belonged) and it now is listed under Veillonia, and available in three sizes. View Price List Thanks and happy planting, Jeff, Su & the Floribunda Crew
    2 points
  30. really, mulch alone got it through winter in South Dakota/Iowa?! That's just incredible! Are you chalking that up to El Nino or hardiness? So cool that it's flowering! Although also a lot later in the season that I thought would be normal.
    2 points
  31. What I say may not be pertinent to H belmoreana grown in No Cal but I’ve had a belmoreana growing in my back yard jungle for nigh on 20 years (from a 1g to 3’ tall). My H forsteriana now has 5’ of clear trunk after it was planted 20 years ago. I know both my Howeas hate my sweltering 6-7 month summers but glory in our dryer cooler winters. Knowing this I planted them under deep canopy in our jungle, esp the belmoreana so it gets little to no sun and the forsteriana as little as possible. Under deep canopy summer temps run 10-15 degrees cooler than ambient air. Somehow this juggling act has made their survival possible these past 20 years. In addition, both palms managed to survive Hurricanes Irma and Ian because of the canopy. The forsteriana lost most of its canopy to Ian and now gets more sun than I’d like but apparently it is large and robust enough to cope with the increased sun. The belmoreana lost little to no canopy but ended up with wind-burned leaflets from Ian’s cat 4/5 winds. These two Howeas are dear to me but require special care here in SWFL and maybe in CA
    2 points
  32. Chrysalidocarpus Prestonianus Hybrid doing the splits
    2 points
  33. One of my H. forsteriana suffered sunburn on the new, emerging frond during the July 4th heatwave. All of my H. belmoreana palms are sheltered by a canopy of Trachycarpus wagnerianus and Cyathea medularis and showed no damage. Paul, I think your palm has other issues besides excessive sun exposure. My sun-burned frond is a uniform light brown color. I would cover this palm with a shade cloth canopy, then consider moving it a few months later. I agree with Billeb, stop fertilizing now, and for the next few fronds. Some of these images for potassium ( K ) deficiency match your foliage. K deficiency is the most common one, as it is water soluble and is leached out by irrigation. I use greensand (glauconite), an organic, slow release source for K. It is very safe, and cannot overdose. Buy some, or come over and I will give you a quantity. Again, stop the complete fertilizer and use only greensand. https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/EP273
    2 points
  34. You have heat and moisture. Always best to recycle, though I realize it’s a lot of work.
    2 points
  35. I wanted to show a picture but didn’t have a decent one. As stated earlier, facing North, protected from the back, slight protection from the West but after looking at it more today, it gets more sun than I thought in the late afternoon. Picture looking North. Been in the ground 3 1/2yrs from a large 15G -dale
    2 points
  36. Another old crownshaft on a Chrysaltidocarpus prestonianus came off today and the new color never fails to catch my eye.
    2 points
  37. Morning garden walk with Suubi at the new house and these Chrysalidocarpus Sp Mayotte hybrids caught my eye.
    2 points
  38. Im excited to plant my incoming everglade palm and just wanted to see other peoples on here, I don't see them often on palm talk or lots of pictures in landscaping in personal gardens so I would love to see them if you got them! 😍
    1 point
  39. I remember similar drives as a child. South of the Border was a fun place on I-95. You could drive 7 hours east-northeast and see the northernmost Sabal palmetto stand in North America. You take a ferry from Southport, NC and rent a bike or golf cart to explore the island. I've done it twice.
    1 point
  40. Hello All, I mostly just read the exchanges on Palmtalk but the time has come to ask for your expert advice. I’m located in Redondo Beach less than a mile from the coast with a large Kentia that’s been in the ground for almost 10 years. About 6 months ago I noticed the crown changing shape and eventually recognized that the new spears were getting jammed up and no longer coming out. A few months ago I started periodically applying Clearys 3336 Fungicide around the root zone but nothing appears to have changed. More recently I climbed a ladder and dumped hydrogen peroxide down the meristem but no results yet. From the photos you’ll also notice that my Kentia is located right next to a grass lawn. About 18 months ago I began fertilizing with Milorganite. Is there a possibility that this has created a manganese deficiency or something similar? I periodically fertilize this palm with PalmGain but perhaps I need to provide a larger standalone dose of manganese. Thank you in advance for your guidance! Dan
    1 point
  41. Dan, Welcome to Palmtalk ! Read this, and scroll down to Figure # 21 https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/EP273
    1 point
  42. Today we’re releasing four very nice sized and ready to be potted up Sabal minor (Baker,FL) seedlings. Price is $45/each and we don’t have many left after these sell. They are needing a home in the ground or a much larger pot as they’re wanting to split fronds.
    1 point
  43. I believe that most palms receive excess fertilizer. Fertilizer is not food, and is more like vitamins. Eliminating a broad spectrum fertilizer removes one potential variable in Paul's problem.
    1 point
  44. @TampaBayRay, forgive me for being proud of what I've grown
    1 point
  45. Thanks for all your comments. @Billeb, can you expand on your thought about it being in too wet of an area? It does get regular drip irrigation, and I augment that from time to time (it's right next to a C. plumosa which seems to need it). I can certainly put smaller emitters on the irrigation. @Jim in Los Altos, I agree that a morning sun location would have been better, but we didn't have one available. (PS I still want to arrange a visit to your garden! I'll PM you.) @Darold Petty, I don't fertilize it that often, maybe 3x/year, and it is surrounded by gravel "mulch" so the fertilizer perhaps doesn't get dissolved as it would in typical mulch. And drip irrigation doesn't dissolve it anyway, so that's another reason I hand water occasionally. Can greensand be made to work with drip irrigation? We could rig up a shade cloth too. I'll look into that. Our young Hedyscepe in the corner gets a bit of burn too, but not enough to take such steps.
    1 point
  46. My giant Roystonea reemphasized how ginormous its leaves are, apparently in response to this thread.
    1 point
  47. would've never guessed a garden like that could be in Norway! Beautiful!
    1 point
  48. Scott, 'Aztec Gold' (aka 'Key West Yellow') doesn't have a lemon scent...it is very notable for the fact that a full inflorescence taken in hand smells like a basket full of peaches. I have one and it is really crazy in re that distinctive scent. I'm not sure what the most common yellow is in Hawai'i but I believe in the past it was most commonly 'Celadine,' and you can identify that one by the unique double-vein along the abaxial perimeter of the leaves. I just had a first bloom the other day on a seedling that I bought from an eBay vendor a couple of years ago...this was sold in a group of seedlings, from mother trees of 'Miami Rose,' 'Candy Cane,' and 'Polynesian Sunset.' This one was labeled as coming from 'Miami Rose' although judging by the baby's rainbow flowers and the supposed parent (not), if I were to look at it against the three plants it would be the last one I would select as the probable mother. I guess it's possible the tags got mixed up but I don't think so (at least not on my part). I haven't grown seedlings to flower before and am not familiar with flower appearance and its relation to mother or father genetic contributions/variability. This one is very identifiable as compared to my other Plumerias via its relatively short/stubby, tear-drop leaves, which I think are quite attractive. Maybe some of you other Plumeria growers have an idea on this.
    1 point
  49. I'm late to the party, This is my first flowers of the year, don't know the variety as it was just labeled " frangipani". I've settled on " Tex Midwestis" . Didn't have much scent the last couple seasons however it's smelling nice this year. Kinda of a floral perfume scent? Anyways
    1 point
  50. Here is mine that I got from @Jubaea_James760 not to long ago. Mine has got a long way to go to get the size of the others on here.
    1 point
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