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So I went on Google Maps and was looking around near Cairns Australia just to see what it looked like, and I saw this. Does anyone know what cycad this is? It looks really cool. 




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5 hours ago, Darold Petty said:

My guess is Lepidozamia hopei, but I am Not a cycad expert !

I'm not an expert either, but definitely qualify as a cycad fan.  My assumption with those wide leaflets in an Australian cycad was immediately L hopei as well.

33.0782 North -117.305 West  at 72 feet elevation

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I can't see where its located in the state, but it appears to be quite a ways north on the coast.   Media is native north of Brisbane. 

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Media is the most common Cycas around Cairns although there are others inland. You see plenty only a few hundred metres from beaches/coastline. This is a C. media near Cairns only about 7 or 8 kms from the coast.


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