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Majesty Palm (Ravenea Rivularis) in trouble


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I have few majesty palms in my green house and they are not looking good anymore they are all dying, I dont know what to do to save them :( The other palm next to them (Veitchia and Archontophoenix are looking good !)

I feel like they are overwatered maybe ? I have read that they love water, I checked the roots and they seems okay ... 

Pls help !

















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Ravenea rivularis is almost impossible to overwater so I doubt that is the culprit, maybe nitrogen deficiency? 

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Zone 8a/8b Greenville, NC 

Zone 9a/9b Bluffton, SC

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I over watered some and they died. Watered daily  (in pots) also I had a clump of 3 like you and one day one died off while the other 2 were perfectly healthy. When this happened I separated the other 2 removed the rotted one and since have. Been fine 

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If you grab the trunk and press and it seems likes it’s getting soft then it’s not well 

pictured is a split. Neglected. Watered once a month majesty in a room that faces west and average temps are 73f


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Over watering is my diagnosis.

I didn't sleep in a Holiday Inn last night, but I do have experience with Majesties.

Good luck!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I took some pictures today of the roots of few of them with yellow color leaves, the roots seems not rotten but it looks like there are some small white insects on the roots I'm not sure if this is why it's getting yellow leaves ? Or maybe the soil and they need fertilizer ?

Are these small insect dangerous ? What to do to kill them and what to do to make the leaves look green again ?









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Mealy bug infestation.  Inexpensive way to treat is soak them with soapy dishwater as insecticidal soap.  Where are you keeping your palms?  Looks like they are in a place that has very still air.  You need to have more circulation.  

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Huntington Beach, CA

USDA Zone 10a/10b

Sunset Zone 24

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White insects are mealybugs, which are pests. If you can't find an insecticide, you can make a solution of soap (not detergent) and water to spray on them. If those palms were mine I would repot them, ideally in separate pots as they are solitary palms and get large. And I would rinse potting mix off the roots to eliminate hidden mealybugs. And I agree that good air circulation is vital.

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Palms of Victory I shall wear

Cape Coral (It's Just Paradise)
Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal
Elevation: 15 feet

I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade.

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Here’s a majesty that I neglect. Explain this one. Hasn’t been thoroughly watered in 2 months and it’s turning yellow like it’s over watered I’m guessing the lack of water malnourished it. Even though. There’s barely any brown tips. I think majesty’s are a challenge which I like but not worth the effort with so many amazing species out there 


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14 hours ago, Rickybobby said:

Here’s a majesty that I neglect. Explain this one. Hasn’t been thoroughly watered in 2 months and it’s turning yellow like it’s over watered I’m guessing the lack of water malnourished it. Even though. There’s barely any brown tips. I think majesty’s are a challenge which I like but not worth the effort with so many amazing species out there 

Bruh, how about you stop neglecting your masjesties! :P

To the original poster, it appears that some of your palms' lower leaves might have spider mites along with the mealy bugs. Closely look at the undersides of the leaflets. They can QUICKLY suck the life out of plants.

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Naples (inland), FL - technically 10a but more like 9b in the winter :hmm:

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To get rid of the mealybugs you can also spray your plant with a mixture of vinegar and water in the evening and cover it with a plastic bag. Leave the bag on the plant overnight and in the morning the majority of the mealybugs should be gone.

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