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Areca catechu dwarf x Areca macrocalyx red

Bill Austin

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Didn’t think this would really happen when they were planted , but was hopeful and it did. Areca catechu dwarf X Areca macrocalyx red. The pic. With the three 1gal. Starting from left to right Areca catechu dwarf true form next is Areca cat. Dwarf Areca Mac. Red and the next one a cross also.Anyway I thought this was very interesting.Also a pic. Of the parents.The seed came from the arca catechu.




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Kailua, Oahu HI. Near the beach but dry!

Still have a garden in Zone 9a Inland North Central Florida (Ocala)

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Whoa, just imagine how cool it would be to have a dwarf A. catechu with a fat red crownshaft! Keep up the good work, Bill!

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Kim Cyr

Between the beach and the bays, Point Loma, San Diego, California USA
and on a 300 year-old lava flow, Pahoa, Hawaii, 1/4 mile from the 2018 flow
All characters  in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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6 hours ago, Kim said:

Whoa, just imagine how cool it would be to have a dwarf A. catechu with a fat red crownshaft!

I can kind of photoshop that look in my mind when looking at Bill's photos of the parent plants.  It would be very striking, and you wouldn't have to worry about it growing up and out of view, as it would remain at human level!  If I lived in a place where these could grow, it would definitely be on my try to get list. 

12 hours ago, Bill Austin said:

The seed came from the arca catechu.

Great job Bill, now you will just have to fend away everyone that wants to get seed from you on this one, both now and in the future every time it sets seed :D!

33.0782 North -117.305 West  at 72 feet elevation

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Excited to see how this cross grows up. Could be quite the little stunner. 



Hilo, Hawaii

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Did you hand pollinate these?

Searle Brothers Nursery Inc.

and The Rainforest Collection.

Southwest Ranches,Fl.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Second the photos. This is one I'd love to try as I've done all right with A. catechu Dwarf. Is the hybrid cold hardier than pure macrocalyx? That one is a struggle to grow long term.


Palms of Victory I shall wear

Cape Coral (It's Just Paradise)
Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal
Elevation: 15 feet

I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade.

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Fantastic mix.

5 year high 42.2C/108F (07/06/2018)--5 year low 4.6C/40.3F (1/19/2023)--Lowest recent/current winter: 4.6C/40.3F (1/19/2023)


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