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Gileno's trip to the Big H


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Back in February of this year, Gileno came up to visit us here in Cali from down-under in Brazil, and we had a wonderful time touring the Big H with him and his son.

So, I post a few pics from that trip.


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This is me in front of a dypsis baronii, taken by Gileno.  (Or elHoagie.)


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This is Gileno's son, Gileno Jr., getting close to an Acrocomia:


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This is elHoagie in the shadow of a Brahea brandeegii.


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Me and the Dypsis decipiens (we got a thing, going on . . . . )


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Mr. and Mrs. Gileno in front of the Serenoa repens.


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(jam99 @ Jul. 04 2006,08:07)

Seems like you guys had fun :D

Come visit, and you'll have fun, too!


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Ah, Gileno, that was a wonderful day to remember!


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Looks like you and your family had a great trip!Thanks for sharing. My VERY first (Southern California) Palm Society meeting in the early 1990s was at the Huntington so it was great to see your photos!


Leilani Estates, 25 mls/40 km south of Hilo, Big Island of Hawai'i. Elevation 880 ft/270 m. Average rainfall 140 inches/3550 mm


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(Dave from So-Cal @ Jul. 04 2006,16:08)

Ah, Gileno, that was a wonderful day to remember!


Hey Dave! It's been quite a few years since I've been to the big H.  Maybe we can plan a visit in the near future? I'm sure B.S. a man about palms would like to join in the fun. How about mattyb as well?

Dave Hughson

Carlsbad, Ca

1 mile from ocean

Zone 10b

Palm freaks are good peeps!!!!!

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Yeah Dude, we should do it.  I haven't been there since I lived up in L.A., about 7 years now.

Matt Bradford

"Manambe Lavaka"

Spring Valley, CA (8.5 miles inland from San Diego Bay)

10B on the hill (635 ft. elevation)

9B in the canyon (520 ft. elevation)

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(MattyB @ Jul. 05 2006,09:01)

Yeah Dude, we should do it.  I haven't been there since I lived up in L.A., about 7 years now.

Allrighty then!! let's see who else wants to chime in n' we'll set a date!!

Dave Hughson

Carlsbad, Ca

1 mile from ocean

Zone 10b

Palm freaks are good peeps!!!!!

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Thanks for the photos Dave and Gileno!  That was a nice day...  

Dave - The first photo isn't D. baronii, it's the still unidentified Dypsis sp..  Also, I'm pretty sure the third pic is B. aculeata.

Gileno - I think your mystery palm is Serenoa repens.  I have no idea what the tree in the background is...

Jack Sayers

East Los Angeles

growing cold tolerant palms halfway between the equator and the arctic circle...

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(elHoagie @ Jul. 05 2006,14:22)

Thanks for the photos Dave and Gileno!  That was a nice day...  

Dave - The first photo isn't D. baronii, it's the still unidentified Dypsis sp..  Also, I'm pretty sure the third pic is B. aculeata.

Gileno - I think your mystery palm is Serenoa repens.  I have no idea what the tree in the background is...

You're welcome about the pix!

I respectfully disagree.  If that's not a baronii, it sure looks like one.  I know, I 've got a lot.  That said, I know we're still learning about them.

The Mystery Palm was Serenoa repens, the good old Prostate Palm.  I wanna invest in a plantation to serve all of the old-fart male baby boomers who'll need the extract . . .

And if I EVER do that moronic arms-on-chest pose, kick me in the you-know-where.  

GADZOOKS!  Toes curling in red shoes.


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I hesitate to wade into a disagreement but.....................

I seem to remember the ID on that palm was uncertain. Several people on the old forum thought it might be D. 'bef'

At any rate, the following pic is of a D. 'bef' at the garden of Jeff and Suchin Marcus on the Big Island. They do look very similar.



Kona, on The Big Island
Hawaii - Land of Volcanoes

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(Dypsisdean @ Jul. 06 2006,02:35)


I hesitate to wade into a disagreement but.....................

I seem to remember the ID on that palm was uncertain. Several people on the old forum thought it might be D. 'bef'

Dean's correct.  Greg in Lake Forest posted a picture of this palm on the old board.  After much debate, no one could ID it.  Greg even contacted Kathy Musial, who keeps records of such things for the Huntington.  She had no record of what palm this is.  Unfortunately I don't have a current picture to show, but the trunk is about twice the diameter of D. baronii.  Also, the growth rings are about 15cm apart, which I've never seen on a D. baronii.  The crownshaft also lacks the typical reddish/yellow color that D. baronii has.

Jack Sayers

East Los Angeles

growing cold tolerant palms halfway between the equator and the arctic circle...

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(elHoagie @ Jul. 06 2006,13:04)


(Dypsisdean @ Jul. 06 2006,02:35)


I hesitate to wade into a disagreement but.....................

I seem to remember the ID on that palm was uncertain. Several people on the old forum thought it might be D. 'bef'

Dean's correct.  Greg in Lake Forest posted a picture of this palm on the old board.  After much debate, no one could ID it.  Greg even contacted Kathy Musial, who keeps records of such things for the Huntington.  She had no record of what palm this is.  Unfortunately I don't have a current picture to show, but the trunk is about twice the diameter of D. baronii.  Also, the growth rings are about 15cm apart, which I've never seen on a D. baronii.  The crownshaft also lacks the typical reddish/yellow color that D. baronii has.


The cesspool of disagreement deepens.

Or, more likely, it shows how much we DON'T know about such palms.

Gonna go back out to my garden and look.  That palm at the Big H sure looks like one of my baronii.

Baronii is, after all, a somewhat variable species; is it not possible that D. bejoufo is really baronii (or, vice versa?).

It seems that the only truly conclusive evidence will be a chromosome study, or, perhaps, comparing flowers/seeds.

You may indeed be right.  Or, we may all be wrong . . . .


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For clarification purposes, I was talking a palm that came in as D. 'bef,' not D. bejofo, which is a large solitary palm.

P.S. I think you knew that, but I didn't want to further confuse an already confusing genus for the newbies.


Kona, on The Big Island
Hawaii - Land of Volcanoes

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Dypsis dean:

I don't really live in the state of California.  

It's Confusion, USA.


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  • 1 month later...

Ok I am going to bump this back up. Seems like a few of the people pictured in these photos are at the Big H quite a lot. Would Danny and The Hoagie please stand up. Thanks again guys for meeting me and Ricardo there that day. It was a blast. I just wish we could have gotten Dave to come along. It looked like fun.



Living to get back to Mexico

International Palm Society member since 2007

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