Suggestions, problems, or questions related to the smooth operation of the site.
336 topics in this forum
by PALM MOD- 45 replies
Allowing comments about nurseries and growers in the "Discussing Palms" forum has turned into a fiasco. Not only is it off-topic to what we would like to discuss in that forum, it has turned into a disrespectful free for all. The IPS wants to allow feedback on growers, so that buyers can get some idea of who they are dealing with when they find a nursery here or elsewhere. So, in order to provide some order, and to provide a more worthwhile service, we are instituting a new area that will be used exclusively for the discussion of those who sell seeds and/or palms. In addition it will contain a rating system for individual nurseries and backyard growers. Jungle Music…
EDIT note
by Pivi- 2 replies
When i post and want to edit it after posting the note comes up after that: This post has been edited by Pivi: Today, 10:23 PM But today i saw a user of this forum posted, and his post changed after few minutes (it was edited) but it doesn't have edit note. How come?
Posting a reply
by Lauriek- 1 reply
Dear Admin, I'm new on this list, how do I post a reply? I have obviously not found the 'SEND' button on the screen. I am a bit confused! Cheers, Laurie
by gsn- 2 replies
test photo
Problems with Messages
by osideterry- 9 replies
I was reading a message from someone, and was thrown back to me messages Inbox. The message I was reading was not in the InBox Folder, the latest message being 4 days ago. I've also recently sent messages and they do not appear int he Sent folder. Is this normal?
- 6 replies
I was late in reviewing Jeff Searle's Sale Thread and when I finally made it all the pictures are gone.This was very diappointing because I know the quality of Jeff's Sales as augmented by pictures put forward outstandingly by Palmarum. This morning I am told by another Member that all pictures on my second Royals Gone Wild have disappeared and are not viewable.The Dialog is in place like Jeff's but the Photos are gone. This is strange because I can view them on my computer.Any ideas about what is going on?
Merging two Posts
by bubba- 0 replies
I am learning how to Post Pictures and I attempted a photo essay but did not realize that I simply needed to hit Reply instead of New Topic.As a result,I have two Posts that are interelated instead of one cohesive Post.Is there anything that I can do to merge the Posts?Any imput would be appreciated.Thank you.
Error message
by harries- 0 replies
See attachment
Changing Avatar?
by Wai`anae Steve- 5 replies
HELP! I've changed my Avatar. Size in 159 x 119 or approx that. My control page shows the new one.....but not when I post. Any idea what's up? Mahalo Wai`anae Steve
by PALM MOD- 30 replies
Previously the only way to post photos larger than 100 kb was to use a hosting service such as Photo Bucket. The direct attachment to your post by uploading to PalmTalk was restricted to files under that size. Now, for IPS Members only, we have found a way to allow photo sizes of up to 250 kb to be attached to your posts, and avoid the need for a hosting service. In fact, we would encourage you to post photos this way, so that PalmTalk will never lose photos if members change hosting services, or purge their libraries. You will need to be an IPS Member to take advantage of this new benefit. Please consider doing so. To learn more about the IPS, or to sign up, you c…
Problems with SEARCH
by Kim- 3 replies
Try a search for 'San Diego Zoo'. Notice two of those words have only three letters, which seems to stupefy the search engine.
Problems logging in!
by Dean W.- 5 replies
Today I have had problems logging in. I changed my password twice. Finally, the second time I was able to login. Dean
IPS member logo
by mike in kurtistown- 2 replies
I have no idea how to contact the forum moderator, but I have been advised that I should have an IPS atavar that automatically attaches to my posts. I have been an IPS member since 1980. Mike Merritt
problem retaining log-in details
by Paul S- 21 replies
Hi team Since the new incarnation of the board I need to re-enter my log-in detail seach time I visit the site - the cookies don't seem to be sticking! My browser is set for accepting cookies and I have no problem with all the other boards I visit. I have had a look through my control panel and can't see anything there - any ideas? Thanks
Site is Very Sluggish Today...
by joe_OC- 3 replies
Major performance issues today. Looks like Palmtalk is in a funk right now. Taking a very long time to get in an load pages. Browser keeps posting "waiting for palmtalk" message as it tries to load the page.
too many quotes rule in PM's
by MattyB- 1 follower
- 13 replies
OK, has anyone else been annoyed by the "too many quotes" notice in PM's? I correspond with many forum members via the PM, not email. After 3 or so replies the quotes build up, and then the software dosen't like it and I have to delete all the previous comments just to get the PM to go through. Then all our previous correspondance is lost. Can we turn that feature off?
by Walter John- 4 replies
Excuse my ignorance, but where's the calendar link exactly ?
The "friends" Feature
by Gbarce- 15 replies
I got a message that I was added as a friend my another forum member. I said - wow - new feature! So I started adding forum members as friends too. Basically the regulars that respond to my posts and vice versa. I don't mean to exclude anyone ok, I consider everyone on the forum as my friend But beyond the things that we associate with the term "friend" - what excactly are the intended uses of the feature? Note : I never got the hang of sites like Friendster, My Space, Face Book and other social networking site so please educate me on this.
Can't post in Palm Sale area
by Alicehunter2000- 2 replies
Why can't I post?
Why am I having difficulty posting
by palmmermaid- 0 replies
Is anyone else having a problem posting? Even when I log out and back in. When I hit add reply, it takes me to page cannot be displayed.
PalmTalk getting slower and slower
by tropicalb- 35 replies
- 6k views it just me, or does opening PalmTalk nowadays seem to take at least four times as long to load as it ever did BEFORE it was changed over to php? I'm thinking it has a LOT to do with the fact that Palmtalk is now hosting WAY more pictures on its server than it ever did before. All I can say's REALLY getting slow in here. Dean.....have you noticed this also? Anyone else?
Travel Logs Discussion
by PALM MOD- 27 replies
Presently we have a Travel Logs section that mentions in it's description "Botanical Gardens" among other things. We created it after member suggestion and discussion, due to so many nice travel topics appearing in "Discussing Palms." So as long as we have it, we should use it as intended and described. I have not been as strict when enforcing these guidelines as I could/should be, and there is a gray area. I can not read every post anymore. I can't even read every thread anymore. I skim as best I can, but may miss things. So I encourage and appreciate when members report items to me that may need correcting. Consider yourselves as mini-moderators. Please use the "repo…
Time is fouled up somewhere?
by BS Man about Palms- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Dean just had it fixed, but apparently all the posts from earlier posts today will continue to display the incorrect time.
missing topic
by Pivi- 8 replies
garry levine opened a nwe topic half an hour ago about parajubea sunkha. I posted there. Now that topic is missing?
invite new member box .. gone
by aussiearoids- 3 replies
One the old forum there was a box down the bottom were you could put in an email address and invite that person to join the forum ... it is no longer available ... I just had someone ask me how to join , and then realised that feature had gone .. it was handy ..I had used it a few times , and I am sure other members would as well ..