Direct line to/from the current IPS President Dr. Andy Hurwitz
3 topics in this forum
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As most of you may know, PalmTalk is one of the many things the IPS supports to help with the education, conservation, and enjoyment of palm trees. Our current President Dr. Andy Hurwitz will use this page from time to time to post notices and to stay in touch with the IPS Membership.
International Palm Society executive committee, 2024 - 2026
by IPS President- 1 reply
The International Palm Society boasts 34 volunteer directors. I am pleased to introduce the 2024 - 2026 executive committee. I am especially delighted that all have an account on our forum. President: Andy Hurwitz @ASHCVS Vice President: Mary Lock @MaryLock Immediate Past President: Robert Blenker @Robert Blenker Vice President, Finance: Jeff Brusseau @Mr Rare Treasurer: Tom Jackson @tom jackson At Large: Horace Hobbs @Horace Additionally, the IPS is a mission-based organization, and I am quite proud of our devotion toward research, education and conservation. These are the chairpersons for those divisions. Research Grants: Cindy A…
Save the Species, 2024
by IPS President- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello, my name is Andy Hurwitz I am excited to be the 26th president of the International Palm Society. I am also a daily reader on Palm talk. So it should not be a surprise that I have chosen to make sporadic announcements about the IPS here on our forum. Today I am thrilled to report that the IPS annual conservation initiative, Save the Species, achieved our donation goal for the fifth consecutive year! We collected over $25,000 in donations which will provide ample funding to repatriate Basselinia vestita in habitat in New Caledonia. I wish to thank each and every one of our PT community for their interest and donations. andy