Interior, Greenhouse, Nursery, or Container Ranch
1,852 topics in this forum
Ponapea a good palm for pots
by User00- 4 replies
I usually plant palms on ground. but this ponapea doing great in pot. now its trunking
Tropical potted palm
by limoncik- 5 replies
What feathery tropical palm can grow in a pot (not Chamaedorea and Phoenix )? Not higher 2 meters, with dense crown. What types are suitable for this?
Winter protection
by palm789- 0 replies
I need winter protection for my big 90liter potted Jubaea,I got no shed or garage or shelter to put in and it's heavy to move,. How do I protect roots from damage and leaves from defoliation,what do I need to buy and how to do it thanks.
Dypsis hovomantsina seed germination
by palmad Merc- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hello folks, I'm about to germinate a few Dypsis hovomantsina seeds, anyone had success, what method, heat moisture ect, ect, thoughts please Cheers
Grow bags
by OC2Texaspalmlvr- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Has anyone used these type of grow bags to grow palms ? I have thought about using them to put climate tender palms in the ground then dig them back up before the first cold snap. Thinking i can enjoy the palm in the landscape instead of the container ranch. With a regular nursery pot im afraid roots could possibly get thru the drain holes, so when i pull the palm back out , it could get root damage and possible death. Just throwing this out as an idea, anyone's opionion or pros and cons would be appreciated…
Germination of palms
by petquack77- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hey guys I had question about germinating palms. First off I'm currently germinating a few Mexican Fans and Windmill palms . The Mexican fans have sprouted and are slowly growing tiny green green fronds. They are doing okay ,but they thing I notice is I see these little tiny black bugs walking around the soil . What are they? Are they harmful to the palms? How do I get rid of them? Is there anything I could buy online to kill these little bugs with harming the baby palms? These bugs have already shown up so advice on how to prevent them or lectures on what I did wrong doesn't really help at this time. Please let me know and thanks.
Rabbits love bismarkia nobilis
by Rickybobby- 1 follower
- 10 replies
So I have 2 Bismarck seedlings. Just over a year old. They have been on my outside gravel play area. I know rabbits did this they have water my wife’s precious flowers before. I’m lucky he spared me the spear other wise this plant would probably be a goner. He ate half of my other one as well but spared a lot more. Anyone else have rabbits eating there palms. See members on here said put your seedlings on the ground but all my little guys I put them on a table outside just because of this all you can see is a little spear here. A day ago there was 2 12” fronds
How do you Decide, who Lives and who Dies?
by Funkthulhu- 1 follower
- 17 replies
I'm moving again. Finally back into a house, not an apartment, with floor to ceiling windows on the East side, smaller high windows elsewhere. However, I'm now going to be sharing space with my beloved. As much as she would probably let me, I can't bring myself to hoard all of our space with palm trees. I have all that space in front of East windows, but I also have to take into account the big pots outside that will need to come inside in the next couple months. I have a number of "winners", like my oldest palms, my dwarf date, my wild collected Veitchia, and several others that are happy and healthy. However, I also have about a dozen pots of seedlings in va…
Adonidia growing out of dead trunk
by Rickybobby- 1 reply
I got my parents this 7 g Adonidia that has 3 in the clump. Or so we thought it had a very small dead or so we though trunk in the clump. Low abs behold I go to get the palm today and it is growing out of the trunk we thought was dead. Just thought it was neat how it wants to live
Royal Palms from @NOT A TA
by Mostapha- 0 replies
After seeing and reading what @NOT A TA, about his experimenting with germinating Royal Palm, posted some nice pics of the seedlings and a cross section of a pot showing the roots. Some were sun germinated and some shade grown, being as I live in N.Y.S. the idea of shade grown caught my eye. I wrote to him and asked if he would consider selling me a few shade grown. Well long story short, he agreed and also told me that he had some that he thought were much nicer than the ones in the pics, that he had utilized a different shade technique for germination. So, for just a few dollars and shipping, I received 16 very nice seedlings today via usps. I wanted to post pics befor…
Winter protection prep advice
by palm789- 2 replies
I know its early but i need to prepare. I have very large potted palms that are too heavy to move in 100liter pots. what can I use for winter protection?palms are jubaea,chamaerops,brahea.
Please recommend some palms to keep indoors
by Hardypalms- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hi First of all I want to let you know that I searched the forums prior to post and couldn't come up with threads answering my question. I want to start a few indoors palms from seed this winter. I don't want the usual suspects (P. canariensis, H. fosteriana, Washingtonias, S.romanzoffiana, P. roebelenii) I am thinking Brahea edulis for example, slow growing and likes dry conditions. What else out of the ordinary would you suggest for dry indoor conditions. I do drag my palms outside on warm winter days. Thxs Pat
Trying not to kill a Chamaedora elegans
by Hardypalms- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi I am just restarting a potted palms collection. I don't have a green house and will not go crazy buying palms as in past years. I just bought a small Chamaedora elegans and intend to keep it alive and have it grow. I did some research online and came up with the following: -Likes a window facing north -Do not over water. Water when the top 1 inch feels dry. Yellow fronds indicates it needs water. -Vulnerable to pests, check often -Keep it away from vents. -Likes moderate humidity (Shall i spray it with water lightly once or twice a week?) -Fertilize during the growing season, not in winter. (I knew that) -Re-pot only every other y…
Cyrtostachys renda Problems
by AshW- 13 replies
Hi Guys, I thought I was getting on top of the problems with my lipstick palms, but they seem to be struggling again. After around 6 months of no problems, I noticed a few of the fronds on one palm has started to dry up. Seemed like it is starting at the tip of the fronds and working the way down. I gave one a little "tug" and it pulled completely out. The bottom was brown and squishy. As you can see from the photos, they are looking pretty sad. Any help would be appreciated.
Advice for Indoor Grow Light
by ActualTrachycarpus- 3 replies
Hi all, I have a 6 foot 7 gal adonidia palm that I was looking to use a grow light this winter for it. Does anyone know of a good grow light that I could use?
Pygmy Date Suckers
by Beachpalm- 1 follower
- 17 replies
Has anyone cut the sucker roots out and replanted them successfully? How large were the suckers when they were cut? Thanks for any input
Droopy Pygmy date palm
by yezishu- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hey guys. I've noticed this past week my Pygmy date has been looking rather droopy. I feel like it might be because of too much water or sunlight but i cant be sure. Any ideas how to fix this? or am i just an idiot.
repotting tips and advice
by palm789- 2 replies
Hi im repotting a big palm from a 90liter pot to a 130 liter pot, 1st how do you judge how much soil to put in the bottom of the new pot as there is roots coming out if old pot so how do you guys do this? do you lift this heavy palm and put into new pot with soil in by hand (i have no access to machinery and noone for help). it safe to repot this jubaea at end of august as autumn and winter is upon us. 4.what soil is best for potted jubaea?(i cant plant as private renting and its a small garden).
Pseudophoenix ekmanii, I won't give up hope
by palmad Merc- 1 follower
- 7 replies
This is my 2nd attempt of germinating these. I won't give up until I get one to pop
- 9 replies
These guys have hated lots of sun so they are in a spot that only gets some late evening sun. Temps are nice and hot here in the tobacco belt and my palms are growing like crazy. I have dypsis from Jamaica and Dominican Republic collect. Vestiaria are from seedman
Queen palms indoors
by Chester B- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Does anyone have experience with Queen palms indoors? I'm thinking of adding a couple to the landscape, but bringing inside for 3-4 months of the year. My living room is south facing and double height. Or can they go in dim light in the garage?
Christmas Palms in Pot
by Patrick Palms- 1 follower
- 36 replies
My 3 Christmas , 2 a double, 1 a single, out side on terrace. I think in good health, temp never gets under 15c, mostly always very warm. But windy alot. Hence the brown leafs. Do my palms look healthy, apart from that?
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
After repotting my Joey, it was time to repot the L. peltata var. sumawongii. I adopted these both in 2017. The sumawongii was starting to need water more frequently than once/week, was pushing a new spear, and showing roots at the pot’s drainage holes. Also, the sumawongii was likely getting jealous of its brother Joey’s new larger pot . As you will see in photos below, it has been 24 months since it was repotted. First photo dated 2017 and the remaining photos are June 2019 repotting time. At first I thought the new pot would be too big, but once the root ball was in the pot it seemed just right. There was enough room to add fresh media below the root ball and abo…
V joannis and spiralis roots
by SilverDragon- 6 replies
So I have a few joannis and spiralis seedlings that are doing quite well in some one gallon pots, bit now a few have roots coming out of the bottom. Should I transplant them to a deeper pot? If so, I'd really appreciate it if someone could link me a site where I can order the deep black square pots I see many growers using on here.
I hate pots
by Steve Mac- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I have been trying to get rid of all of my pots for years now. We like to go camping off grid now for weeks at a time. We have over the last few years reduced our propagation, to be free to travel in the van. We only grow them to give away to our friends/neighbours and have reduced it from 100's, to scores, to now just dozens of pots. Half of them are ready to give away now. Being such a mild climate here, plants can go into the ground much earlier than in a lot of other places. After one more summer most of the rest will go and maybe one half a dozen may go into the ground squeezed in somewhere here. My last ones include, Ch. Arenbergiana (fine leaf for…