Interior, Greenhouse, Nursery, or Container Ranch
1,921 topics in this forum
Is a sabal palm possible indoors?
by Andrew19- 2 followers
- 16 replies
Hi everyone, I am an absolute noob and have not attempted at caring for a palm tree yet. I am in Ontario, Canada and take the family to Florida every few years. Each time we go my wife falls in love with the sabal palms down there. I would love to get one for the house, obviously keeping it outside in the warm months and caring for it indoors in the cooler months. Is it possible to have a potted sabal palm, or would temps and the overall eventual size be an issue? I am open to other types that resemble the sabal if they would be more manageable. Thanks and apologies if this is a dumb question. Look forward to spending time with you on this forum Andrew
Rewarding indoor palms
by John in Andalucia- 9 replies
Calyptrocalyx albertisianus has all the hallmarks of a robust ornamental, performing effortlessly in my indoor palm ranch. Fresh seed germinate after a couple of weeks, with subsequent growth rate seemingly 'unrivalled'. They also put on a colour show from 'day one'. The leaves don't appear sensitive to the usual spotting, yellowing or brown tips suffered by so many other palms; they have a stiff, parchment-like feel to them, which probably helps. I've raised these seedlings in a humidity chamber with bottom heat, but frankly, I feel that with summer here, these can continue growing indoors without any special care and hopefully not suffer any setbacks. Wish me luck! …
Phoenix Roebellinis dying
by freddyuk- 21 replies
We bought this pigmy date palm from a local supplier as it was really cheap and looked healthy. It is around 15 years old. I have repotted into a suitable narrow palm pot and it resides in our conservatory with shaded sun (Ireland so not a lot of sun). I soon noticed the growing spikes were not moving at all. After a year the bigger lower fronds have browned off and the trunk is losing any signs of green turning brown too. The growing spikes have still not moved so I guess it was dying from day one. It has been watered sparingly to stop it drying out. Is it time to give up as I know they can take a long time to die. I have another palm which I grew from seed and thi…
Stains on the leaves of salacca zalacca
by Ilovepalm- 1 follower
- 7 replies
My friend has a seedling salacca zalacca and despite the fact that it is being handled correctly, large brown spots appeared on the palm. It doesn't look good. Could you advise me what it could be? What could be wrong? Too small pot? Mushroom disease or something else? I ask for advice.
Heating mat safety tips?
by Andrew19- 3 replies
Hi everyone, Hoping to start my palm tree-growing journey within the next few weeks. Being in a cooler climate I understand the importance of purchasing a heating mat. I am just wondering if anyone has any safety tips? I am sure they are not too fire-prone but just want to take the proper precautions as I have already experienced a house fire in my lifetime (Christmas morning 2009) and wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. Thanks in advance folks, Andrew
In the ground vs in a pot.... it's a race!
by Makaisland Palms- 1 follower
- 17 replies
So I'm just wondering what everyone thinks about transferring a palm from a pot to the ground in the spring, and then back into a pot for winter. The question is, do the benefits of getting better growing conditions in the ground, outweigh the drawbacks of being disturbed so much (as opposed to just staying in a pot permanently). Obviously some conditions apply here; 1) clearly, if I had the climate for these plants to just stay in the ground year 'round I certainly would, so assume this is in a cooler climate, with 6 to 8 months of possible outdoor growing time. 2) some palms just do not like to be disturbed, so I won't be trying this with any of those pic…
cataractarum Help with Palm, please
by Giveawayer- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I live in the DC metro area and got her from a nearby hardware store. I’ve had her in my living room for almost a year now and as you can see, I’m contemplating getting rid of her. Any suggestions?
Good Moss/Grass to put in pot?
by PalmX- 2 replies
Is there a good moss or grass that could be put in the pot to liven up the appearance around the base of the trunk? Or would that be a bad idea? Thanks! Tim
My potted »Double Coconut(s)«
by Pal Meir- 2 followers
- 3 replies
Not a Lodoicea, but only two L weddellianum potted together, today 6 years old: And 2 years ago: And when they were still younger: And 4 months after birth, er, germination:
by Sophie- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Best feed for 4-5 year old Chamaerops Humiilis in pots? Has anyone had good results from any of the following? Phostrogen All Purpose / Chempak 3 / Growmore / Miracle Gro All Purpose Cont. Release / -- each in combo with liquid seaweed Carl Pool Palm Food Miracle Gro Shake N Feed Palm Green 24 Palm Tree Food Tomorite Thanks!
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I have some year-old Bismarckia seedlings that have been growing outdoors in 14” deep treepots, mostly in coco coir with various mixes (some compost, some worm castings, some nothing else). I did fertilize months ago with some Palm Gain but haven’t re-fertilized. Any idea what would cause the leaves to start turning brown from the tips? They’re being mostly watered by rain right now, and other plants have been lush all spring from the rain...although these pots drain much better than local clay soil. Oh, and I have had squirrel trouble with some digging in the top inch or two of soil of some of the containers.
Majesty palm help!
by Lholland- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi everyone! First time poster and newly obsessed with plants. I recently got a majesty palm and planted it in miracle grow moisture control soil. It’s looking a little sad and wilted and I’m worried that I should have used a different soil. Do I wait it out to see how the palm does or should I report with a better soil ASAP? This soil never seems to dry out but I’m not sure the palm is getting the moisture it needs from it.
Licuala paludosa
by Cape Garrett- 4 replies
This plant has been in the same original pot for 3 to going on 4 years. Rooted in the ground but is doing fantastic. Fertilized once. Do you think I should repot it or leave it alone? Not a brown tip on her. The leaves seem much more sturdier than my Licuala spinosa, as well The winds have not even bent any leaflets at all compared to the spinosa. I even pulled a king palm leaf off of her 3 days ago with no damage. Anyone else growing this palm in south Florida planted out or in pots?
Help save my Majesty palm
by Kavish- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello guys I have been struggling quite a bit to keep my indoor palm healthy but its not doing well. I will try and go in as much detail as possible so I appreciate your patience. I am also attaching pics of the plant when i got it and its placement near the window and some recent pics i took. pics can be viewed here: I bought an 8 feet tall majesty palm in a very healthy condition. it was potted in a 12 inch pot. i did not repot it since it looked very healthy(no browning on the leaf/lush green tall leaves). Over the period of next few months a leaf here and there started browning and i trimmed it away. i thou…
Foxtail palm in zone 7a Ontario
by Rickybobby- 9 replies
My baby has been at my dads in zone 7a. Cold zone 7a for the winter where it has room to grow very tall and get a lot of light. It’s doing very well today is 12c very warm for January. With climate change it has gotten warmer and warmer every year. I sold my snowmobile this year due to this. Crazy for Canada. Here is a few pics of it outside and a video I made about the area
Wonder what's suddenly gone wrong
by cbmnz- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I know it won't cost much to replace at this size but annoyed what has suddenly happened to the little Rhopalostylis Baueri I have been growing since last spring. It has been doing excellent but today I suddenly noticed the newest frond besides the emerging spear has shriveled up. The older two are still ok. I have been watering it almost daily given the hot dry weather but have never watered when in full sun. It should be impossible to over water when growing in free draining container mix, I thought. Any ideas? For now will assume just too much sun and dry heat. It's been getting two hours of direct sun only, about 3 to 5pm, all summer and that has not been a …
How to climate control an indoor palm room
by Rickybobby- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Bottom watering indoor palms?
by sashaeffer- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Just curious if any member on here waters their potted palms by sitting them in a container larger than their pot to let the palm absorb water from the bottom up and if it's overall a better way to water at least the palms that aren't to big.
- 5 replies
Hi, I have recently started with my first palms, planting from seeds. The plan is to have them potted and indoor as I live a cold climate. I have successfully germinated adonidia merrillii and a few other species. For the adonidias I want to grow a couple of doubles and triplets, but I wonder how far apart seeds should be planted to achieve them all growing up? Is there a minimum distances required or are triplets etc typically created by planting young trees next to each other? Thanks
Keep jubaea potted
by palm789- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Can I keep jubaea chilensis potted long term?
Need help with this dypsis
by Alcibiades- 1 follower
- 26 replies
One of my dypsis has a problem since last year. Some leafs start to dry out from the tips of the leafs into the middle of the leafs. I cut out the affected parts of the leafs which slows down the process. Some leafs have the problem and some don't. I have repotted the palm lately and the roots looked healthy. The palm is my fastest growing dypsis and shows no visible signs of nutrition problems. I can only guess it's a fungus problem? When the oldest leafs start to die the leafs start to show white points before getting yellow. The newest 3 leafs are unaffected so far and I think about cutting all other infected leafs. If somebody can help me it would be highly appreciate…
My Coconut Died :(
by clevelandtropicsmaybe- 16 replies
Well I guess the predictions came true. My coconut was not able to even survive half way through the winter. My best guess was that it just didn’t get enough warmth for too long to survive. Every 2 weeks a leaf would turn brown and this continued until the plant was no more. Also when I was getting rid of it, the whole plant separated from the nut. Does this sound consistent with a chilly coconut? I also wanted to keep the wooden part of the nut and see what was inside and what’s inside is pretty interesting. RIP Coco 2019-2020
Trachycarpus in pots
by palm789- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi since I cant plant one, if I buy one can I keep it in a pot long term?if so what's best way to care for it.thanks.
Trachycarpus Mutant?
by David York- 3 replies
If the owner of this plant looks in, would he or she be able to provide some additional photographs, plus some close ups of the petioles? There's a thread on EPS trying to establish what this actually is.
- 8 replies
My container ranch is starting to get pretty stretched out. Hopefully Going outside in a few weeks, fingers crossed!