10,193 topics in this forum
Costus barbatus in coastal "SoCal"
by Billy- 7 replies
I planted out two Costus barbatus this summer and both are flowering and have grown nicely since. Alpinia zerumbet "variegata" look great year round in my yard but I've never had Costus barbatus until this summer so I'm curious how they fare during winter here in coastal Southern California. Please share your experiences. Mahaloz
What extreme heat does.. 22 days, and counting..
by Silas_Sancona- 2 followers
- 37 replies
We often talk about how cold temperature exposure effects plants.. Rare we talk about the other extreme ..Exposure to long duration heat. While -to some at least- this might not sound like much of a big deal can be since in both cases, you are damaging tissue, which can invite other trouble.. In many cases, there are plenty of ways to protect plants -from either extreme- In other cases, not much you can do except hoping the heat breaks. A few examples of what 22 days ( incl. today ..and counting ) above 110F plus dry air/ no rain can do to stuff.. Things that can't be moved to a shadier spot, until the worst of the heat ends. Ficus microcarpa…
N. H. Plumeria Season 2K24 1 2
by Silas_Sancona- 49 replies
With temperatures on the rise, the Plumeria are starting to awaken.. Some faster.... Some slower ..For the moment. ...They'll catch up soon enough.. Ellen should leave her ugly beheading behind once new growth starts pushing from dormant nodes.. Hard to see now but, at least a couple may try to flower this year, inc the " Is likely Celadine " currently in " Plumeria Jail " planted last fall.. Almost time for some white washing to keep those tender young trunks and branches from burning. Lets see what yours are doing…
Cycas taitungensis is a flushing new growth
by happypalms- 4 replies
I have a nice row of cycas taitungensis that are planted along the driveway and they are flushing new growth at the end of winter in some warm weather I get good viable seeds from there easy to propagate there kind alien like new growth is a nice feature.
Any Ginger Growers?
by metalfan- 2 followers
- 34 replies
I like gingers. They are easy here. They either go dormant in winter, or, if they freeze, they grow back as perennials. Some, I have to greenhouse. But most are out in the yard
Ti Plant I.D. possibilities
by -2 brian- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Have had this Ti plant for quite awhile and I have no idea what the name may be. It is a smaller scale Ti probably 12"-18" tall but the color is such a bright shade of pink it almost looks like it's fake. Below is a straight, non color enhanced photo. Very skinny stalk maybe 1/4" diameter. Anyone have any ideas on the variety name? Thanks in advance.
ID help
by MobileBayGarden- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello, Can anyone help with this Cycad ID? I’m guessing it’s a Zamia, but would like to narrow it down. Thank you!
Welwitchia mirabilis from seed
by Marius- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hi everyone. I received seven Welwitchia seeds from my sister last winter. I planted them in a deep clay pot this November when all the last cold spells were over. I planted them in succulent mix that I mixed with sandbox (children’s sandbox) sand. About a 50/50 mix. I placed the seeds on the surface and covered them with a very thin layer of the mix. Five of the seeds germinated in about a week and the other two a week or two later. They were orange in the beginning, but have turned green now. The cotyledons grew much larger and this morning I noticed the beginnings of the permanent/ true leaves emerging! Fingers crossed….. growing well.
Pushing Yucca in one direction?
by Palmensammler- 5 replies
Hi all, I have a Yucca filamentosa x rostrata "Blue swan" which had bloomed last year. Now it's growing three heads. Unfortunately the biggest one is growing into the direction of a small path. Would it push the other two heads which grow into save directions if I cut the big one? Or will it only lead to more heads? Thanks Eckhard
Growing Ocottilo from seed?
by Palmensammler- 13 replies
Hi all, I want to try to grow ocotillos from seeds. Does anyone have some good advice for a successful trial? Later, they have to stay in pots as my outside winter conditions will not be suitable for them. I bought seeds from a guy in the US. Thanks Eckhard
- 5 replies
I have been germinating Waratah seeds an Australian native plant highly prized for its flower fresh seeds have been used no smoke treatment or any other fancy dips or solutions just coco coir perlite a fine mixture in trays with a plastic placed over the top in a warm environment as soon as they started to germinate I removed the plastic they only got watered lightly once once a new set of leaves appeared I transplanted them into a standard potting mixture I will let them dry out again before watering they will only get watered when absolutely necessary remembering they are not palm that wants to drink or need humidity leaning on the dry side of life.
Phenakospermum guyannense
by Josue Diaz- 16 replies
Has anyone had experience with this species? Its cousins in the strelitziaceae family are fairly hardy for my zone, with the exception of ravenala madagascarensis . Other strelitzia (reginae, nicolai, juncea...) are no-hassle plants, I wonder if phenakospermum is a good alternative to ravenala.
Ficus abutifolia
by Tracy- 15 replies
I only found one post on this species of Ficus and that post didn't have photos that were accessible because the link was no long good. I'm curious if anyone else has any experience growing this. I'm keeping it potted because the description is that it is a true rock splitting ficus. I read that they may defoliate in the winter but if you have any first hand knowledge please share. I may use this to post updates in the future. I was attracted to it's large leaves and the red leaf stems and have only had it for about a month, planting it up this last weekend from it's tiny 4" x 4" x 4" plastic pot.
- 0 replies
To my surprise this little beauty mad3 it through winter with flying colours the sonerila var extra spotty everything I read about it says super warm tropical plant it took temperatures 2 degrees Celsius and it was on the floor of the greenhouse totally amazing to me while not planted in the ground as of yet that will be the next test proving you just have to try you never know what will succeed.
- 438 replies
Similar to "favorite" palms, it is always changing which is my "favorite" cycad. Over the weekend, I would have picked this hybrid, big green ancient and twisted looking Encephalartos horridus x woodii. While my favorite will likely be different with a new flush, a cone, or maybe just different lighting, this gets the award today. My son, my dog, and his ward (the black lab pup) all give this perspective on how long the leaves are given it's partial horridus parentage, but then again, the woodii is coming through. The mother was a Steytlerville E horridus, which may explain part of the look. I just love those vicious looking leaflets too! So what is your current…
Dendrobium speciosum blooming
by Tracy- 1 follower
- 30 replies
Dendrobium speciosum ssp pendunculatum... a very prolific bloomer!
- 1 reply
Here is my 13 year old Encephalartos nubimontanus flushing again! I got it as a 1 leaf seedling in a 3"x9" band in 2011. Puzzled? Yes this is the correct photo.
Growing Australian native flowers
by happypalms- 0 replies
With spring upon us in Australia the native flowers are almost in full bloom with a great selection of kangaroo paws, flannel flowers, proteas, western Australian daisies silver bells, western Australian mulla mulla, geraldton wax flower and pimplea nivea endemic to Tasmania all these will be planted around my garden in the future some stunning flowers that will surround my tropical garden creating a microclimate to separate the bush land from my tropical garden.
Meryta balansae
by LJG- 1 follower
- 18 replies
I took this picture today of my three Meryta balansae. They are growing well and one is now branching. I hand pollinated them this year and ended up with seed. I have 90 plants growing up now I will eventually sell. This is a great plant from New Cal and does well in the SoCal and San Fran.
Dendrobium speciosum-rock orchid
by happypalms- 3 replies
My rock orchid I inherited from my late father Harry Moy has flowered putting on a show of remembrance for me in the garden.
Germinate MULBERRY seeds
by natureberry- 3 replies
What's the easiest way to germinate Mulberry Seeds?
Australian native coastal heathland flowers
by happypalms- 0 replies
some coastal heathland a very special unique bush it takes years to grow these plants to look like this if a fire goes through this scrub it totally devastates it taking many years to recover and if the fires are to frequent rare plants can become totally wiped out in that area this land is part of yuragir national park a coastal strip of protected land that stretches along the coast for almost 200km and going inland for about 30km with some amazing wildlife and plants very unique on the north coast in the state of New South Wales Australia.
Meryta sinclairii
by Phil Petersen- 30 replies
I like this NZ native. Easy to grow and has huge glossy leaves similar to Ficus lyrata. Will get a photo when this latest leaf flush pops up.
Ravenala in Europe
by Than- 20 replies
Are there any Ravenalas in the ground anywhere in south Europe? Please share your experience if you've ever tried it.
- 0 replies
There are many Araucarias around Rome and not many I thing get some suplemental water Mine too, but it currently goes through the most massive leave shed I have ever seen so I ask myself, is this related to the fact that this year is probably the driest one I have ever experienced? The tree was probably planted 20 years ago