Selecting and growing palms for colder climates.
4,575 topics in this forum
Trachycarpus Fortunei spear partially pulled!
by GeorgiaPalms- 1 follower
- 28 replies
Hello everyone, I am new to the forum. I have been growing palms on and off for a good portion of my life, and have recently moved into a new home where I have planted a few palms in the yard. Among them are Sabal Minor, Rhapidophyllum Hystrix and also Trachycarpus Fortunei. I live in the northern Atlanta suburbs and there are many fine examples of Trachycarpus that thrive in our area. We are zone 7b according to the 1990 USDA zone map, the 2010 map places my location right on the border of 7b and 8a. I purchased a distressed T. Fortunei from a local garden center back in April and immediately planted it into the yard. It was in very sad shape with many yellow frond…
Can someone help me ID my syagrus?
by palm tree man- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Some of my Syagrus got mixed together in my cold frame and seem to have lost their labels in the move from shade area to greenhouse.. I know that these are very juvenile but I was wondering what you guys and gals might think they are. One of these should be Syagrus Kellyana "I think in the green pot". The other is syagrus schizophylla "which I believe is in the orange pot". My experience with syagrus is limited to only about five or six species not counting hybrids and I am just not sure. Everyone is always very helpful on the forum and I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas. Thank you for your time.
New Windmill Palm Problem
by Tropical6b- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hello, 2 weeks ago I received (2) 6' Windmill Palms. They arrived in good shape, with their root ball wrapped in plastic. I planted them into the ground into a mix of 50/50 sandy soil/Miracle Grow moisture control potting soil. Fast forward to today and 5 of the older fronds have turned yellow on one of the palms. The palm has 4 spears growing simultaneously, which all are healthy. Of the two palms, one has no yellowing of fronds and one does not. There planted in the same soil/yard. The grower told me not to fertilize for the first month. I've included a picture of some fronds from June 5th and June 6th just to show the rapid deterioration that has o…
- 1 follower
- 89 replies
So, this spring I planted 22 new palms in my garden, in Zone 9a. Who wants to start a betting pool on what will still be alive this time next year. All were seedlings, 3 years and older. They will receive very minimal winter protection, if any at all. 5 Queen Palm 'Supernova' (Syagrus romanzoffiana 'Supernova') 1 Windamere Palm (Trachycarpus latisectus) 3 Caranday Palm (Copernicia alba) 2 Silver Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens 'Silver') 4 Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera 'Maktoom') 1 Jaggery Palm (Caryota urens) 2 Cretan Date Palm (Phoenix theophrasti) 1 Manambe Palm (Dypsis decipiens) 1 Pygmy Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii) 2 Bizmarkia (Bismarckia nobilis) (a suppo…
Lytocaryum Hoehnei 1 2 3 4
by Laaz- 4 followers
- 129 replies
The second inground Lyto has sent up a flower stalk. Still nothing from the potted ones even though they are about the same size. This is the one that took 16F & had spear pull.
Pygmy date palm
by South Carolina palms- 2 followers
- 18 replies
I recently planted my Pygmy date palm here in Charleston sc and was wondering how well it will fair in the winter. I have a 9 fit queen palm planted in my yard and seemed to do pretty well for its first winter
How do I protect a Mexican fan Palm
by jvblack930- 5 replies
I have decided I will grow a Mexican Fan Palm, in Memphis Zone 7b and 8a. How do I protect this in winter, as I have a budget to $160. I can protect it up to 12-14 feet tall, and I want the easiest protection possible, and I am willing to buy a small vertical greenhouse for it or something. Please tell me how, and recommend products. Thank you very much.
Sabal Growth 1 2 3
by ZPalms- 2 followers
- 94 replies
I'm going to just start posting my sabals growth here cause I wanna keep all my growth of my palms separate Sabal Palmetto is still in recovery after transplant but it's really pushing out new growth and it's only been in the ground for 4 months. and since it finally pushed up these two leaves I can tell they are just strap leaves I think, but this makes it the 2nd push of growth since I've had it, and the leaf behind the new growth was the first leaf to fully push out being in the ground!
Single-Trunked Rhapidophyllum hystrix pictures 1 2
by Bigfish- 1 follower
- 45 replies
So in another thread, some were wondering what a single-trunked Needle Palm would look like. There are many, many examples out there. Some people call this form a "Bull Needle," but that is usually referring to a large, single-trunked male with large leaves and a rather sparse crown. I have seen single-trunked female Needle Palms also. Often times single-trunked Needles can be observed in habitat. It's not clear why some have no pups. It's possible that some Needles in landscapes have their suckers pruned on a regular basis, but that would be some dedicated maintenance. It would be nice to find a seed source of needle Palms where they produced only single-trunk…
Medjool date palm or Canary Island date palm zone 7b/8a
by climate change virginia- 2 followers
- 19 replies
Hi I was wondering should I plant a Medjool date palm or a Canary Island date palm in zone 7b/8a. I don't know if I made this same forum but if I did please tell me and post on the other one. Thank you
BUTIA X JUBAEA X QUEEN in the Pacific Northwest 1 2 3 4
by Love them palms- 4 followers
- 124 replies
So this last winter I let one of my Butia x Jubaea x Queen out for a winter test here in Mukilteo Washington Z8B. Well its good to know it took snow, a few nights of 20s F cold.and rain with no protection. Good to know this one is a great candidate for this area. Pic 3 is today. Took Pacific Northwest lickin and is still tickin
New Mature Additions to Our Yard
by WestCoastGal- 35 replies
Wanted to share the latest additions to our yard which were installed on Friday a.m. before the temps rocketed upwards during this extremely hot spell we are having. Hopefully the maturity of the palms will carry them through fine. Historically our inland valley which has some marine influence has temps anywhere from low 20sF to around 113F (a few years ago). We were in the mid 20s last winter overnight for about 12 hours when the winds ceased. Despite a current 9b designation we are trying to plant for Zone 9a for the most part. Our nights generally cool off to the 50s-60s during the summer, although it was in the low 80s around 10pm last night. The x…
Less common Sabals in the Pacific NW? 1 2
by MarkbVet- 46 replies
Hey everyone, I'm curious if anyone has tried growing some of the less commonly-discussed Sabals in the northwest... e.g. Sabal Rosei, S. bermudana, S. mexicana, Sabal 'brazoriensis' or brazoria, etc. Feel free to chime in if you're also growing S. palmetto, S. birmingham, or any other trunking Sabal. How about Sabal "Oregon" from Desertscape nursery, possibly a hybrid of birmingham with another palm, supposedly cold hardy and faster growing than usual birmingham. Hit me with your best wisdom & experience!!
Washingtonian Filifera in Idaho 1 2
by IdahoPalmGuy- 1 follower
- 41 replies
Palms of Austin, Texas 1 2 3
by DreaminAboutPalms- 2 followers
- 103 replies
Thought I would start this thread to showcase the kinds of palms growing in the Austin area. I lived in Fort Worth before I lived here and I’ve always thought it was so cool driving south on the 35 and all of the sudden seeing tall Washingtonias as you get close to Austin. Nowhere near SATX, but there are a lot of really old filiferas and sagos and sabals and canary’s and they decrease rapidly as you drive north. Dallas has impressive specimens but they still get more nights below freezing, and 61 vs 65 in January makes a difference. Post the most impressive palms in the area
Sabal sp. 'Birmingham' in Knoxville, TN
by Bigfish- 1 follower
- 36 replies
Back in 2006, as part of the Southeast Palm Society Hometown Grant, I planted a couple of Sabal sp. 'Birmingham' palms in Knoxville on the UT campus. Thought I'd show the progression of one of them here, and how it is doing today. Planted on June 29, 2006 as about a five gallon palm: Here's a 2010 picture of the palm, starting to form a trunk: Fast-forward another four years to February of 2014, right after the Polar Vortex. This was after a low of -1F and a few other single digit lows, as well as several times where the temperature didn't rise above freezing for several days. As many of you know, cold damage doesn't show up sometimes fo…
- 31 replies
Hello. I have an Arenga Micrantha that is gorgeous when I successfully prop it up. However, my props always fall over after a day or two because this tree so desperately wants to grow lying flat along the surface of the ground. Is this normal? I have looked at other photos of this palm, and they all appear to be upright. Even the suckers in those photos do not insist on lying directly flat against the ground horizontally. I am not sure what to do. I have tried using stakes to hold the Arenga Micrantha upright, but I am not very gifted at building staking contraptions and may have to build an actual upright reinforcement structure. This is becoming annoying…
Largest Zone-Pushed Bismarckia 1 2 3
by ahosey01- 4 followers
- 105 replies
So I planted a Bismarckia this year, and I acknowledge that in 9A with average Jan lows around 33-34 and usually at least one or two mornings between 20-25, I’m pushing it a little. However, there is almost no humidity here, the palm is situated in a spot that gets first morning light, and these morning lows usually last a few minutes before daybreak. We’ve also never had a daily high to my knowledge below 45 in the winter, either. So my fingers are crossed. Anyways - can anyone point me to a good example of a large Bismarckia that is growing in a marginal climate zone? I’d love some info about temps, protection methods, etc. I read about a dude in Florida once w…
Giant sago palms - LOOK! (cycas revoluta)
by Sandy Loam- 19 replies
This week I drove past these giant sago palms (cycas revoluta) and I could not resist taking a photo. There are a lot of sago palms here in Gainesville, Florida, but the ones in these 3 attached photos are possibly the biggest I have ever seen. The one in the first photo had a central trunk that was possibly twice my height. I recall exactly, but it was huge. The houses in this district were mostly built in the 1890s, so these sago palms may be as old as 125 years if they were planted when the home was constructed. PHOTO 1 - huge sago PHOTO 2 - same huge sago, but slightly different angle PHOTO 3 - different multi-trunk sago; not as tall as the tree in…
Another Nice VA Beach Sabal Palmetto 1 2
by PalmTreeDude- 1 follower
- 46 replies
I had a thread with a bunch of things about VA Beach Sabal palmettos, with pictures and streetview links, but just could not find it. Anyway, here is a nice Sabal palmetto in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Notice how it is inland. Also, apparently there is a street called "Palmetto Avenue" in Virginia Beach just down the street from this nice palmetto. The palmetto is the pin on the map, the other pin shows Palmetto Avenue. I did not expect palmetto to be in the name of anything north of North Carolina, so that's neat.
- 20 replies
I had heard a couple of years ago about Spanish moss growing out in the blackwater cypress creek in Wendell NC, only 10 miles from Raleigh. Originally I had assumed it was carried there by birds as the actual range of Spanish moss starts somewhere along the Neuse River in between Smithfield and Goldsboro, and birds are known to carry it inland. I finally got the chance to kayak out there and I found it, clumps of it. I only managed to grab 1 picture, there were smaller clumps in lower branches of the cypress trees as well! Some still green! It could only mean they reproduced rather than bird drop off! Thoughts? We really need updated maps on plant/animal ranges. …
S. Birmingham, Louisiana & Brazoria... let's see'em! 1 2 3 4
by Sabal King- 3 followers
- 125 replies
I've got a bunch of both, albeit young ones planted (3-5 year) and know a lot of folks here have these. Let's see them!
Is my Mule Sterile? 1 2
by Alicehunter2000- 72 replies
This is the second inflorescense to do this on my smaller mule. Fruiting Butia likely in the neighborhood. Lots of bees. Sterile?
Jubaea Chilensis explosive growth
by Banana Belt- 2 followers
- 32 replies
In a prior forum post the growth rate of a Jubaea Chilensis was discussed by many and is highly recommended. In 1989 I planted two Jubaea Chilensis that were 5 and 7 years old. The following 6 pictures and graph shows growth rate of one of those palms, with the first picture taken in 2006. I could not find earlier pictures between 1989 and 2006 as they are packed away someplace in the pre-digital age. The first 20+ years a Jubaea palms growth is slow with each new frond or leaf emerging slowly and just slightly bigger but holding on and staying gree…
Mule Palm Arrival 1 2 3
by Dartolution- 2 followers
- 86 replies
Mule Palm arrived today from MPOM! Had to throw a pot together for it and Im not entirely sure I like the soil blend I had. It drains, but slowly... Either Way, around the end of March to early April its getting planted in the yard. Anyway, here it is! Let me know your thoughts!