Selecting and growing palms for colder climates.
4,575 topics in this forum
Galveston Queen Palm Carnage 1 2
by mthteh1916- 49 replies
Supposedly only two out of twelve showing any green signs. Will these come back you think? Such a shame. Coldest since 1989.
Palms north of Virginia.
by Mr.SamuraiSword- 1 follower
- 19 replies
Maryland a Hardier palmetto and an even hardier Trachy even more palmettos and Fan Palms in centreville MD. kinda like VA beach Next is Delaware A Palmetto near the border of MD and some trachys New jersey Queens, Cocos and Washingtonias on Long Branch beach and some Sabals and more (small) Washingtonias and of course some trachys. Next is New york cocos from IWPT and another trachy Next is CT Some queens in Waterford and some Trachys in Norwalk Next is Rhode island queens. No hardier palms here Last, Mass S…
Excellent palm garden in PNW 1 2 3
by Palm crazy- 1 follower
- 91 replies
A friend and I went to see a palm garden in Browns Pointe WA. The garden is on a hill overlooking Puget Sound and is a solid 8b/9a. The last six year the lows have been 25F-27F. The gardeners are Vlad and Chris Shakov. The rope lighting on some of the palms is to help keep them warmer in winter and the owner says he gets more palm leaves this way. Lots of photos. Brahea armata
Butia planting in zone 8
by Kai- 2 followers
- 34 replies
I came across a nice sized Butia capitata (I think). There was no name tag and the gardencentres personel had no idea. But for only 25 euro's, I didn't think twice and took it home. I put it in the ground in my garden and it looks great. After the first day in the ground and it has even grown a bit... I know I will have to do something about cold protection coming winter, but for now temperatures seem to be perfect for some good rooting and acclimatizing. Hopefully summer lasts some good months to come. The more time it gets before winter gets here, the better its chances are. My garden is in Amsterdam which appears to have a bit of a microclimate, so I might do ev…
Tree Ferns
by Rothbardian1- 19 replies
I know this is a palm forum, but I was hoping I could hear some of your experiences with tree ferns; specifically in zone 8b-9a. I've read a lot of mixed reviews from people that have grown them in my hardiness zone. I think it gets almost too hot for them here. Most people, I understand, grow them in the shade down here. But then I've read where some a little further south from my area grow them in full sun. Some people claim they retain their fronds during brief freezing temperatures, and others say it can't get below freezing or they will lose their fronds. I know they will survive, but how well will they grow with temperatures will into the high 90'…
- 58 replies
Wanted to post pictures of the Yatay Mule that I put in the ground as a strap-leaved seedling in the summer of 2010. It's showing about a foot of clean trunk now: And lookie first inflorescence on a hybrid: And another one: Bonus shot, Aiders with a Kashmir Mazari:
The life of my Phoenix Theophrasti 1 2 3
by Swolte- 2 followers
- 81 replies
Planning to chronicle the life of my Phoenix Theophrasti in this thread for those who are interested. I received this specimen from TCHP two years ago (fall of 2018, if I am not mistaken...) when it was about 21" long and had a small trunk of 1.75 inches. I am guessing its the green variant but TCHP can probably tell me more about about the origin of the seed batch. Frankly, I was not impressed with how it handled the first winter. I pulled a spear pull and it lost most of its leaves in a fairly mild winter (I don't think we even went lower than 25F that year). I basically left it for dead (no watering or any sort of care) and would have removed it had I not fo…
Can mule palms survive temps between 10f - 15f? 1 2
by donnacreation- 1 follower
- 53 replies
I'm curious how mule palms faired during the recent record cold week in the SE US. Temps at my location dropped to 12f twice in one week, with highs in the 30s. For those who experienced similar temps, especially in the Carolinas, how do your mule palms look? I'd love to hear from you. Thanks.
San Antonio River Walk after 2021 freeze 1 2
by mulungu- 2 followers
- 62 replies
I debated whether or not to start this thread... those of us in Texas and other U.S. states hit by the severe winter freeze last month have certainly seen more than enough dead and damaged palms. But I have always been curious how large public plantings of palms and other subtropical/tropical plants respond to these historic freezes, and there is often little photo documentation. For example, I wonder what it looked like at Disney World in Orlando, Florida after the 1989 freeze. Although absurd, in my mind's eye I some…
Types of palm growing in Russia
by Igor_Kii- 19 replies
I noticed the surprise of some people who have seen the foto of palm trees from Russia. A small tour of what kinds of palms are growing in Russia Trachycarpus fortune - Grows and gives a rich self-sowing. Along the coastline from Tuapse to Adler Chamaerops Humilis - Grows and gives a rich self-sowing. Along the coastline from Tuapse to Adler. Sabal minor - Grows along the coastline from Tuapse to Adler. Very rare Sabal palmetto - Grows along the coastline from Lazarevskoe to Adler. Rhapidophyllum hystrix - Grows along the coastline from Tuapse to Adler. Annually flowers but …
Unusual Places you Believe palm trees could grow 1 2
by Palmfarmer- 3 followers
- 51 replies
as title describes. I start with my list of what places i believe could work and you guys continue listing of a location/s and give your opinion. Here are mine: Faroe Islands, Falkland Islands and Sable Island, Canada.
- 116 replies
Stores north of Dallas, for some strange reason, are full of Pygmy Date palms. Also a few European and Mexican Fan palms. What is available in your area?
Livistona Nitida in zone 8? 1 2
by Swolte- 3 followers
- 65 replies
I have been reading up on these forums about folks trying Livistona Nitida in zone 8. I was wondering if there were any updates, especially after last winter!
North Florida Queen Palms, zone 9a expanding 1 2
by The7thLegend- 3 followers
- 74 replies
Posting this topic in Cold Hardy since it's about northerly zone expansion. Depending what cold hardiness zone map you refer to, the Lake City, north Florida area would mostly be an 8b or barely 9a zone. Lake City is about 30 miles north of Gainesville, FL. Easily found on the map where I10 & I75 intersect... that's pretty darn north Florida. Looking around the area I was surprised to find as many Queen Palms thriving. As a reference, we all know how bad the 2010 winter was and the 2018 winter had temps that remained below freezing for hours! In addition, this area experienced sleet (but no actual snow fall) this past winter. I captured some pics of Queen Palms…
Washingtonia Robusta in Virginia Zone 7a/7b?
by PalmTreeDude- 1 follower
- 21 replies
I was thinking in March that I would plant a Washingtonia robusta here in Virginia (zone 7a/7b). Do you think I should do it? Of course, every winter (starting in early November, when tempature start getting below freezing) I would protect it. I heard they are a good palm to protect in this zone because every spring, since they are so fast growing, they come back nicely and look great in summer. That would really be an eye catcher here. What do you think?
Palma after - 15 ° C with strong wind
by Igor_Kii- 22 replies
In January 2016 in the village of Lazarevskoye Russia. The temperature dropped to -15 C. killed many palms. But the old Washingtonia received minor burns on the leaves. ,
Trachycarpus princeps 1 2
by Palm D- 3 followers
- 43 replies
Tracvhycarpus princeps. Does anyone have one of these beauties or growing seedlings or young palms? This nis still a rarity in Canada but I see it often for sale in Europe and Asia. Lets see some photos of yours! Cheers
Palm freeze protection 1 2
by KsLouisiana- 2 followers
- 52 replies
Hey palmtalkers. So here in Lake Charles they are forecasting around 20 for a low over the next few nights! Terrible... But I have a few Queen palms. The tallest is about 20ft. A bismarck that is about 7 ft and a phoenix roebelenii that is about 5ft. Along with a myer lemon, satsuma, lila avocado and a grapefruit tree. I bought a bunch of fabrick and heat lamps and some heat tape. I plan on doing a heat lamp on the bismarck, citrus, and definitely the phoenix. What do y'all think? Should they all be okay? What about the queen palms? Should I bother protecting the 20 footer? Any comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Windmill palm damage after winterization
by Tropical6b- 11 replies
Hello fellow palm experts, After winterizing my windmill palm, it had suffered extensive damage to all of its fronds. But it is still alive. Up to today it has produced 4 new fronds. My question is where do I go from here. Can I remove all the dead fronds? I would like a thick diameter trunk and read somewhere that one should not remove fronds until they hang below 90 degrees. That this will grow a nice thick trunk, is it true? Attached below is what the palm looked like after the winter. Thank you, Joe
Ranking Hybrid Palms in Terms of Cold Hardiness 1 2
by Scot from SC- 57 replies
I know various threads exist on this site looking at different hybrids and discussing their cold hardiness. I would love to start one thread where people contribute temperatures their hybrids have experienced and the extent of the damage exhibited. Please list your zone and area if it is not in your avatar since a zone 8 here in South Carolina is a bit different than one in Oregon. Pictures are always welcome too. Thank you in advance. Here is a list of ones I would like to see commentary on: (please add to list if you have information) 1) Butia X Jubaea 2) BJ X B 3) BJ X J 4) BJ X Q 5) J X B 6) J X Q 7) B X Q 8) B. Paraguyensis X Queen 9) Yatay X Queen …
Queen Palm Planting 1 2
by Dartolution- 2 followers
- 63 replies
So today I picked up about an 8ft queen palm (syagrus romanzoffiana) from HD for about $50. She's just barely fitting in my house as is. I am in 8a, and while I know this isn't the best cold hardy palm, I wanted to give one a try my very hot south facing back yard mostly because they are fast growers and look beautifully tropical. I plan on leaving it in the nursery pot this fall and winter and planting in early spring after frost. If she's going to have any chance of making it long term its going to be planted in my back yard. It being south facing, very hot in the summer and warms first and quickly in winter with no trees around to shade it …
Could Dypsis decipiens be the only Crownshafted Palm for Zone 9a 1 2
by Alicehunter2000- 1 follower
- 45 replies
Could Dypsis decipiens be the only reliable crownshafted palm for zone 9a. This is the conclusion that I am starting to draw as my quest for a hardy crownshafted palm continues. Another contender would be the trunking form of C. radicalis, but this palm is very dainty and doesn't compare to D. decipiens IMO. In California and other Meditteranian climates I guess there might be something else that can take temps into the low 20's, but in more sub-tropical climates I think D. decipiens might be all we got. Any thoughts concerning hardy crownshafts that can take 20 degrees F. (-6.67 C.) as an ultimate brief low?
- 1 follower
- 31 replies
I am going to be using heat cables this year to protect my palms through the winter. I'm looking at either the Frost King cables with built in thermostats or the "Prime Wire" on Amazon which don't have a thermostat but I'd then use a thermostat such as the Farm Innovators TC-3. I am wiring circuits for these so was concerned about total amp draw but looks like I'll be fine. For any others interested, here's the data I've gotten on the cables and thermostats: Frost King - 7w/ft - Max @15A =257ft, Max @20A = 342ft Prime Wire - 5w/ft - Max @15A = 360ft Max @20A = 480ft Frost King built in thermostat unit: On 38F / Off 45F Frost King separate thermosta…
Best Method for Winter Protection?
by ChrisA- 21 replies
As summer nears its end, I can’t help but think of the cold weather that is coming. Miraculously, in this high desert, I’ve been able to get a filibusta established to the point that not only can I not protect it so well, but, outside of a freakishly bitter winter, it really does not need the protection. However, I have two young palms, one newly planted this year, which are not robust and established. These need my best efforts for several more years until they are possibly large enough to balk at our average winter. These are a Sabal uresana, planted in 2016, and a new Brahea armata, just planted in May of this year. The sabal received zero damage, under …
Jubaea hybrids growth 1 2
by yabazid- 2 followers
- 68 replies
Today I put in the ground my potted hybrids. I hope this thread will help me track their growth. I think there's a few of us in the southeast upstate SC growing these hybrids. Here they are today 3/25/2016 first picture from left to right: BxJ then BJxJ then BJxB(flat leaf) second picture left to right: JXB then a BJxB(V-leafs)