Selecting and growing palms for colder climates.
4,576 topics in this forum
Trachycarpus Fortunei and Full Sun?
by smithgn- 1 follower
- 33 replies
Does anyone have a Trachy in full sun? I have two, both about 3-4 feet tall in spots that receive absolute full sun; at least 6 hours of direct, unobstructed sunlight a day. I've read that Trachy's generally like the shade and do pretty well in bright sunny spots, but I was wondering if anyone has their Trachy's in full sun like I do? As for mine, my two have fared quite well. It was kind of an experiment at first since I got both of them for very cheap. They're in ground and putting out new fronds regularly. Although, during one week when I was out of town, temperatures got into the high 90's and hit 100 a couple of days. This had been during a time of 2 weeks with l…
Sabal uresana in Austin, Texas 1 2 3
by MASOALA JASON- 1 follower
- 88 replies
The recent polar vortex nuclear winter event caused immense destruction in many ways and I lost about 25% of my landscape. I had a low of 8F on morning of February 15th and 7F on morning of February 16th. Starting on previous Thursday there was freezing rain that was followed by a large snowfall event then freezing rain then more snow. Temperatures remained below freezing for a consecutive 144 hours. The Sabal uresana individuals in my yard had to remain uncovered as I ran out of freeze covers since I had put them on all my more sensitive plants. I have two forms of Sabal uresana in my yard. One is a faster growing lighter blue variety that purportedly was collected at sl…
Rhapidophyllum hystrix in Knoxville, TN 1 2
by Bigfish- 2 followers
- 42 replies
In 2006, thanks to the Southeast Palm Society Hometown Grant (which the SPS gave out every year to plant palm in public places), I was able to plant a bunch of cold hardy palms on the campus of The University of Tennessee in Knoxville. Here are some pictures of the Needle Palms (there were also Sabal minor and S. sp. 'Birmingham' palms planted) right after planting in 2006. Palm #1: Palm #2: Palm #3: And these pictures of the same palms 8 years later in 2014. Keep in mind that this is after a brutal winter where the temperature in Knoxville dropped to -1F (-18C). Palm #1. This one gets full sun most of the day, and has a lighter color…
Sago palm - is it dead?
by Jeveion Amaluhu- 1 follower
- 21 replies
Hello, I am new to this website and I am pretty new to palm trees. I live in zone 7a North Ohio and I have a dwarf palmetto tree (Sabal minor) and a Sago palm. I had these grown completely unprotected for the past 2 years, but now they are getting brown. The dwarf palm has brown on the leaves and the sago palm is completely brown. It was 7 degrees F this morning. What should I do?
Northeast/Mid Atlantic Palm Discussion 1 2
by Nj Palms- 2 followers
- 55 replies
Hey all I created this forum for people in the Northeast/Mid Atlantic to discuss and banter about palms in our region!Post any sightings in stores or your own.Any interesting things about palms is also accepted, and of course any questions or concerns are more than welcome to be posted on this sub forum!Thanks for all the information you guys provide.
Big box stores -2024 1 2 3
by Chester B- 1 follower
- 119 replies
Huge queens, Pygmy dates, Washies, Bottle palms! And Bismarckia at the Kingwood Lowes here in the Houston area. Only one Bismarckia left as the bluest one is coming with me!
Huge Needle Palm at Watercountry USA (Williamsburg, VA)
by PalmTreeDude- 2 followers
- 28 replies
A month ago I was at Watercountry here in Williamsburg and I saw this really nice Needle Palm. I just randomly found the picture on my phone I forgot I did not post it yet. There were also a lot of trachys there.
Sabal Birmingham growth thread 1 2
by Sabal King- 3 followers
- 46 replies
Picked up a couple of 3yr old Sabal Birminghams and put one in the ground yesterday. Looking fordward to the slow progress on this one, but also great cold tolerance! I'm using this as a progress thread over time. I've got two others that went into 1G pots in the event some of the other palms around my yard don't put out new growth this year from the freeze.. Looking forward to growing this one! Anyone already growing one of these? Thoughts and experiences with them thus far?
About to get pimp-slapped. 1 2
by buffy- 1 follower
- 66 replies
Looks like 14F for Monday night. Good bye marginal friends. Let's see what will surprise.
- 9 replies
Realistically I know the plants are listed hardy to Zone 8, which would mean they tolerate down to 10F, however I think that would defoliate the palm from what I’ve read. My idea is to keep my tree in a hole in the ground in a pot until it gets too cold outside and then put it on a cool porch (above freezing) for the winter and then take it out early in the spring and put it back in the hole. It’s going from a cool porch in the spring to outside, not indoors so I’m assuming I wouldn’t shock the plant as it wouldn’t be actively growing? I’d like to not defoliate the plant in the process, but I’d also like to take advantage of the fact it tolerates sub-freezing temperature…
New appreciation for the Mules 1 2
by Xhoniwaters1- 1 follower
- 50 replies
Here is a picture of one of my three seedlings I have in the ground. They were unprotected throughout these deep freeze episodes we've had this winter. 60+ frozen hours and counting. Still looking perfect. Awesome palms..gotta plant more!
This is bad. Ft. Worth is having rotating outages. 1 2 3
by WestCoastGal- 3 followers
- 111 replies
Just read a post from a fellow member on another forum who lives in the Ft. Worth area. Said his outdoor temp was at 6F and their utility was saying rotating outages were starting and asking for conservation. He just posted he lost power and his house heat had been set to 62F which to me is already pretty cold. Apart from devastated landscaping, concerns over frozen pipes (let your water drip in your sinks), now we have real concerns about people loosing power/heat and getting so cold inside they get sick on top of covid rates high. Heart goes out to all of you in this freeze.
How long before cold hardy palms start growing post storm? 1 2 3
by Sabal King- 3 followers
- 106 replies
So we have some larger 15G+ Windmills, Texas Sabals, and Mexican Fan Palms around our pool area and they all have a varying degree of green post the storm. The Windmills have nice green tight spears, and the sabal is actively pushing a tiny spear from its center. They all got copper now twice since the thaw happened (mild copper) just in the event we had some fungi issues. In general, with the weather looking nice how quickly should we start seeing visible growth? I marked the new spears so I can track progress but nothing noticeable quite yet. Located in the DFW area.
Availability of Cold Hardy Palms 1 2
by Ken Johnson- 44 replies
Now that nurseries have found the huge market for Cold Hardy Palms they have begun production in huge ways. Soon the entire US will have Windmill palms!
Sabal Louisiana in habitat
by 1 follower
- 15 replies
Took a little trek from my home in Kansas down to central Louisiana in search of native Sabals. I hit the jackpot! These palms grow vigorously from Alexandria and south...I was able to collect seed from several palms, unfortunately, they are infested with weevil eggs, so I must find a way to kill these before the weevils invade the seeds (any tips from the experts here? I've never had luck killing these unless I freeze the seeds, but I'm guessing there's probably a better way). I found some massive palms near Alexandria, these must be ancient. I'll post pictures shortly.
Acoelorrhaphe wrightii 1 2
by Chester B- 3 followers
- 42 replies
Has anyone had any experience growing Acoelorrhaphe wrightii in zone 8B? I saw some of these in Florida in zone 9A and they looked pretty good and quite healthy. I'd like to give it a try in my neck of the woods. I'm assuming these need heat to grow at a normal rate? Picture taken in Crystal River Florida in Feb.
N. Florida cold hardy palms 1 2
by tank- 51 replies
Some recent photos of some of the palms I have planted out here in north Florida. Livistona australis Trithrinax acanthocoma
Ravenea Xerophila
by palm tree man- 1 follower
- 32 replies
I know that this is a very slow grower and that it has a root that reminds me of a cycad. I also know that despite its name it does not like to be dry all the time and does enjoy being watered regularly. What else do we know about it? Does anyone know anything that is not listed in Dave's Garden or on Palmpedia or in "An Encyclopedia of Cultivated Palms". This is a really cool palm in my opinion, some people prefer the other more lush Ravenea but I like this one because it is so different.
- 14 replies
Sabal Palms in North Texas. The palms to the left are Sabal mexicana. Native to the Rio Grande valley and recent arrivals from South Texas. To the right are Sabal palmetto with dramatically shorter petioles. They were delivered from Florida, where they are native. .
Sabal palmetto vs birmingham hardiness 1 2
by Ben G.- 2 followers
- 47 replies
I thought this was a pretty good testament to the difference in hardiness between sabal palmetto and birmingham sabals. I don't think we got below 10F to 12F at my house this winter, though we did have a spell or two where we went between 2 to 3 days without getting above freezing. We had a few small snow events, none more than about 1.5" at a time. The birmingham is in the SW corner of an L-shaped bed on the south and west sides of my garage. Both are shielded from north winds by the house. Here is the difference between the two at my house given the above winter conditions:
Mule Palms in Texas
by Collectorpalms- 2 followers
- 19 replies
Hello, in a previous post I mentioned that I was told Lowes in Texas would be bringing in Mule palms according to a nursery manager friend from Acosta. I haven't been to Lowes this week but I went to Acosta website. I found in the picture gallery 7 gallon mules. That seems right, too bad I was hoping they might have 25 gallons, lol I have seen very large ones in Houston private nurseries, but too much too $$ to truck load 90 miles each way. When they grow so fast anyhow.
Mexican Fan Palm (Washingtonia robusta) in 6a? 1 2
by PashkaTLT- 2 followers
- 47 replies
Hi guys, I found a 15 gallon Mexican Fan Palm. I like how it looks. But I'm in 6a. I think there's no way I'll be able to protect in ground? So I will probably have to take it inside for the winter. I know they grow very tall though, can this be a problem? Also, what do you think about how it looks? It's about $400 with shipment. Expensive, but I guess that's the fate of us folks in northern states?
Cold hardy palms and cycads for SC Oklahoma 7b 1 2
by Jerrrod- 3 followers
- 70 replies
Hi everyone, I'm new here and need help. I just moved here from southern California and really do miss my palms.😀 I'm about 75 miles north of Dallas (7b), have clay soil and keep getting conflicting information about palms, like cold hardiness, growth rate & max size. I did try Bismarckia and date palms (Canary and regular), last year. I had the seeds growing good in a baggie floating in my aquarium. By the time winter set in they ~2' and had about 3 leaves. I heard that they were cold hardy and planted all of them (10). Never heard of a polar vortex, but you know what happened. I want to try again but don't want to lose them again. I don't mind protecting them, as …
Henderson TN Palms
by Mr.SamuraiSword- 3 followers
- 29 replies
As I am presently living in Nashville, I wanted to get the scoop on palms in the area. On a FB palm group (NAPA I believe) I found a guy who lived in Henderson (20 minutes north of East Nashville) Tennessee who offered to show me some of the palms in the area. I was very surprised that there were any unprotected palms besides Needles and Sabal minor, and was more surprised at how many I saw in a relatively small area. Ill add he knew of more but It had gotten late, and we plan on doing another palm "hunt" in the future. First this large windmill palm near Old Hickory Lake. According to the owner he bought two windmill palms about 15 - 17 years ago (this being one)…
- 28 replies
I bought this in Knoxville, TN from a nursery about 7 or 8 years ago, and it has been sitting in a pot since then in my mother's yard in Gainesville, FL. I finally got around to separating the pups today. Here's what it looked like stilll in the pot. I think it's a 15 gallon, maybe 20 gallon pot. Closeup. Took it out of the pot and it was clear I had a job cut out for me!