Selecting and growing palms for colder climates.
4,553 topics in this forum
Amazing Palm Survival
by WNCpalms- 5 replies
This palm was 4' tall when it was planted in 2017; December 24, 2022 it went to -2 degrees in Saluda, NC. These are the new fronds as of July 2023 Picture below shows spear starting to emerge in Spring after head had been drenched with fungicide once the dead fronds were removed
Amazing UK palm video including a huge JxS
by Chester B- 9 replies
I have not seen videos from this gardener before, but he has a really amazing collection of palms for the UK. Lots of Butia and Jubaea hybrids including the holy grail Jubaea x Syagrus that is as tall as his two story house. He even has the years of when he planted everything. Most of the palms seemed to be from 2011-2013, so probably back when it was easier to get palms over to the UK from the US and other spots. JxS starts at 11:22 and its a real beauty.
An Ambitious Project
by amh- 1 follower
- 30 replies
I'm in the beginning stages of constructing hugelkultur bed for noise abatement and privacy. The bed will be about 65 feet long and about 5 feet high in an area of dappled sunlight to shade, due to these conditions I plan on densely growing various shade tolerant palms (chamaedorea radicalis, chamaedorea microspadix, Sabal minor, Sabal brazoriensis, and Sabal Louisiana ), Asimina species, ferns and to be determined. The yard is a warm 8A (temperature range of 8F to 112F not including last February) and the area is protected from frost by live oak canopy. My question is what other palms will survive in these conditions, can Sabal mexicana handle shade? Any Ideas for deer r…
An easy ID?
by DAVEinMB- 6 replies
What are we thinking here
An old photo of large Sabal (louisiana) near New Orleans
by Sabal_Louisiana- 0 replies
I wonder if it's still there. There used to be one on Bayou Sauvage NWR that was about a foot taller than this one but it got destroyed in Katrina.
An opportunity just opened up for palms...
by Manalto- 3 followers
- 31 replies
Last night, we had an unremarkable (and welcome) thunderstorm that brought down a major limb of the 100-year-old live oak on the south side of my house. When I bought the house, the huge tree was a selling point because, in this hot climate, it not only cast shade on the driveway and half of the house, it created an environment for shade plants. In hurricane Sally (2020), I lost the limb that shaded the back patio and 2nd-floor sleeping porch, with significant damage to the house. The arborist said the remaining tree was healthy and sound. However, last night's storm followed an extended drought and the same arborist said the weight from the sudden absorption …
And the winner is.......the green one!
by frienduvafrond- 5 replies
Another beautiful form of Chamaerops!
by Phoenikakias- 2 replies
It is a great pity, that such nice forms have not been systematically preserved in the nurseries.
Another Chamaerops form
by Phoenikakias- 8 replies
The more I look at its pictures, the more I find it appealing! I wait with anxiety for the new fruit production. Fortunately it is a female plant with with some male flowers also, so that a handful of viable seeds is secured. It has very stiff leaf blades of orbicular shape, a bit pleated, which are supported by disproportionally long petioles...
Another cold night.
by Palm crazy- 35 replies
Woke up to 31F the airport 8 miles away had 21F last night. No Morning fog, a sunny day to help warm things up to the mid-40s. So far the plants are still looking good the next few nights are going to be colder I think. My geranium still have flower buds and a block away they are still in full bloom. About the time this mini cold spell is over (by the end of the week) I think the East coast will be getting this cold.
Another new Cincinnati Sabal Minor "Mc Curtain"
by donofriojim1- 5 replies
I planted a new sabal minor "mc curtain" in my Cincinnati zone 6b yard. I received this from and acquaintance in Wichita, Ks whos aid that this plant survived their brutal winter freeze in an un heated greenhouse in a pot! Hopefully it will be happy in my yard. Sabal minor " Mc Curtain" doesn't seem to have issues here.
Another Nice VA Beach Sabal Palmetto 1 2
by PalmTreeDude- 1 follower
- 46 replies
I had a thread with a bunch of things about VA Beach Sabal palmettos, with pictures and streetview links, but just could not find it. Anyway, here is a nice Sabal palmetto in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Notice how it is inland. Also, apparently there is a street called "Palmetto Avenue" in Virginia Beach just down the street from this nice palmetto. The palmetto is the pin on the map, the other pin shows Palmetto Avenue. I did not expect palmetto to be in the name of anything north of North Carolina, so that's neat.
Another PNW goner
by NWpalms@206- 2 followers
- 17 replies
What was once maybe the largest Palmetto in the PNW, sadly after the winter of 21 began declining, and today I see the crown is gone and possibly trunk cut to try and save. Too bad after making to such a size. This is in West Seattle.
Another Sabal pic
by Sabal_Louisiana- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Also on the LSU campus near Tiger stadium. There were some over 20 feet tall nearby before but they got removed for road improvements and these are the few that are left. These are not Sabal palmetto but the arboreal form of Sabal minor.
Anti Freeze
by NC_Palms- 12 replies
Apparently they an antifreeze for plants that can increase hardiness by a few degrees. Does anyone use this and does this work? I can only imagine the palms I could grow with this.
by Swolte- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Has anyone tried these to help overwinter palms? I happened to read about them on an information sheet from Nurseries Carolina. They say it helps zone-pushed plants with overwintering. Once you spray anti-transpirants like 'Cloud Cover' or 'Wilt Pruf', it prevents plants from drying out when they are frozen since the coating will prevent excess moisture loss. Thoughts?
Any Chance for My Robustas? 1 2
by WacoPalm- 1 follower
- 43 replies
The deep freeze in central Texas from mid-January did a number on my Washingtonia Robustas. They have about 3 years in the ground, about 5 years old total, 3-4' trunks. I protected with frost cloth and C9s, which usually works, but we lost power for nearly 8 hours while temps were in the low teens. Initially they seemed to be alright and were pushing new green growth when the temps rose. I was keeping a watch for fungal growth, saw no signs and so did not treat the trees. I just returned from a ten day trip out of town to find mold and fungus in the heart of one of the trees. I gave a tug and got a spear pull. There is still some green in the heart area. I have sprayed p…
Any chance of survival for my Trachycarpus Fortunei?
by Estlander- 8 replies
Planted this Trachy in January this year. Otherwise looks good, but lately the spears have heen turning brown. The growing point smells very musty as well. No spear pulls yet. They’re still tightly in there. I hand water it (no sprinklers) and never get the growing point wet with tap water. About a month ago, when i first saw dried out spots on an emerging spear, I sprayed it with copper fungicide, but looking at it yesterday it has gotten worse with two newest emerging spears looking pretty bad. I soaked the growing point with copper fungicide yesterday. Considering that this is FL zone 9A with plenty of rain, heat and humid weather still left until…
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Here is my Sabal minor 'Bountstown dwarf' flowering
Any Hope in Saving This Palm?
by Alex High- 6 replies
Hello everyone, I was in Columbia, South Carolina today and there was a massive 40 foot tall T. fortunei with a lot of volunteers underneath. I attempted to yank one out, but I didn’t pull the roots out! Is there any way of caring for this young palm so that it can grow back its roots? Thank you! PalmsUSA
Any hope?
by ahosey01- 14 replies
Long story, but this Rhapis excelsa was planted in a terrible spot in the yard. Then, I dug it up and put it in a pot. Then it needed to be moved, so my wife placed it in a super low light part of the house. Then we forgot to water it for too long. About a month ago, we put it back outside and started to water it. It’s not getting any worse - but certainly looks ratty. I’m wondering if it’s worth planting in my lawn - it’s on the east facing side of the house and gets great sun until 11 or 12, and gets a lot of water and has good soil. Here is the sad palm: And here is the lawn: Thoughts?
- 11 replies
My family and I enjoyed a great trip to Orlando in October, and I couldn't make it home without a few seeds. This time it wasn't my fault though. While all of my kids spend a fair amount of time gardening with me, my six year old is the only one who has started filling her pockets with seeds when we are out and about. While at Discovery Cove she found a seed buried in the sand that already had a big tap root growing. I brought it home an planted it for her, but I have no idea what it is. I didn't see where she got it, so I don't know what plants were nearby. All I know is that it was dark brown, roundish, and very close to ping-pong ball size. I know it is still very smal…
Any info on S minor from Barton Creek Greenbelt?
by WestCoastGal- 2 replies
We just purchased a Sabal minor that looks to me much like the one listed as "Barton Creek Greenbelt" in Bob Harms' comparison study of Sabals from the Texas region (the Barton Creek Greenbelt lies south of Austin): I'll post photos of our Sabal later today, but in the meantime I'm curious if anyone has this palm. I'd like more info on it, particularly anything on it's inflorescence and inflorescence height. From what I've been reading the S minor's inflorescence extends above the fronds. The 5 that are on our palm (2 in flower, 3 spent but still with seed) however do not. This is our first sabal so in …
Any Livistona Chinensis in PNW?
by Paradise Found- 19 replies
I've been thinking of planting one soon. and like to know if anyone else has any experience with them in the PNW? Good or Bad results.
Any Mature jubaea or hybrids in PNW? 1 2 3 4
by NWpalms@206- 1 follower
- 154 replies
The current weather just has me wondering… are there many, or any mature jubaea or mule or hybrid palms in the northern Oregon/western Washington area that are gonna make it to true adulthood or long term? I mean the various butia and jubaea hybrids, and jubaea mostly. I know the trachycarpus hybrids do. Would Love to see some pics of the biggest baddest hybrids/jubaea in the PNW. Protected or not just wondering can these things really live to maturity, Even jubaea?