Selecting and growing palms for colder climates.
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Two diffrent Rhapis spss flowering
by Phoenikakias- 0 replies
The first one is supposed to be R. humilis and the second one R. subtilis big form R humilis: R. subtilis: What is your opinion about their identity?
Dypsis Decipiens Gradual Decline...
by BeaumontTropics- 1 follower
- 16 replies
hey all, i have a "friend" who wishes to remain anonymous. He has planted and unsuccessfully (to this point) tried to grow several dypsis decipiens. His climate is identical to mine, lets call it a harsh 9b, more likely 9a. We had an abnormally long and cold winter here this year, with a low temp as low as 24F. It didn't last that long at that temp, but several weeks we were below 30F at night. In the summers we get up to 102F, but mostly stay in the mid to high nineties. Here is the problem with the dypsis decline. It doesn't "frost" burn like many of the other tropicals I've tried to grow. Rather, my buddies dypsis will start browning right at the very …
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Botany Bay Plantation, Charleston, South Carolina This is from the low country of South Carolina. Maybe not as palmy as the tropics, but it does have palms and a fascinating beauty all to its own.
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
The Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens has been been growing over 35 species of palms in zone 8b . Their trials are of particular interest to me as I am an assistant director of Grounds and Landscaping at Florida State University in Tallahassee,FL also in USDA zone 8b and wish to expand the number of palm species planted on campus.If you live in the southeastern portion of the U.S. (or a similar climate) I am interested in your experiences with the species in the list-some I know are iron-clad hardy for us but there are a number of other species in their trial list that we have not tried such as Chamaedorea plumosa and …
Big Potted Windmills Endure Winter
by tjwalters- 6 replies
These guys (and/or gals) are out year-'round with few ill effects in Z7A at the Villages of Waugh Chapel in Gambrills, MD. I was pretty amazed when I noticed them in the dead of winter still sitting on the patio of the cigar shop next to Caribou Coffee. They're in a little sheltered area, which I'm sure helps a bit, but it gets cold here and I'm surprised they do so well. I think the general consensus is that potted plants are more exposed and therefore less hardy than those planted in the ground, but these seem to defy that reasoning. Any thoughts on what might be helping these through the winter?
Planting best practices
by LI_Pets- 28 replies
In Fl 9A and have the nicest red clay U can have Spoke to the Fl state plant extention folks and they said just make the hole do not amend the soil, but place pine chip round. Since that soil will not drain well I'm second guessing them What do you folks think? Ps: how do you do spell check on this forum, using FF?
- 0 replies
Winter keeps hanging on down here but its all good. Having my coffee looking a great palmy view. Put a picture of yours.
Best Collection of Cold-Hardy Palms?
by JasonD- 19 replies
For a long time I've considered Dick Douglas's garden in Walnut Creek, California, as the best garden of cold-hardy palms in California, or at least Northern California. Of gardens I've seen it hits the sweet spot as the most beautifully designed and the one that contains the most cold-hardy species. Most of his palms tolerate or regrow from temperatures below 22F. What other really important gardens comprising all cold-hardy palms are out there? In California? In the Southeast USA? The Mediterranean? East Asia? Australia?
Cold tolerance of palms in florida
by sonoranfans- 5 replies
I came across this interesting article on the history of cold fronts in florida. Advective and radiational events with temps are discussed and also data on survivability and mortality of quite a few palms species. Its a good article for those trying to understand some of these species. I did note that a coconut in clearwater survived the '89 freeze event of 19F! Of course many aspects of a cold event can impact survival like duration of cold, frost etc.
March 14th
by Texeltropics- 21 replies
Winter returned in full shape...we had a record in Holland. -13,3 celsius. I dont believe in Spring anymore
Rising from the ashes
by _Keith- 13 replies
It is impossible for a cold hardy palm gardener not to push the zone occasionally, and just as impossible not to get bitten by the cold. I got away with it for many years, then in 2010 got bitten by 15 year record lows. Among the 20 to 30 palms that were lost was a pair of gorgeous triple trunked P. robellinis, they were under Live Oak cover, but the cold, 3 nights in a row at 20,19,21 was too much. Now, over 2 years after their death, it appears that one is indeed rising from the ashes. I was shocked to see this today. My robellini is rising from the ashes.
Water requirements
by LI_Pets- 6 replies
Just bought the following; most 4-6.5 feet Canary Island - date palm mule pindo bizmarkias windmill sabal causiarum rhapis multi arenga elgleri Sabal minor silver saw c. microspadix seashore Allagoptera arenaria they are still in the containers for a few more days, two questions how much/often water should I use now? After planting, should I install a bubblier on all or some of these? how much is too much or to little. I know these are basic questions to you experts, just want them to thrive. Lastly fertilizer needs tks
Cold hardy substitutes
by Kailua_Krish- 17 replies
So we all have those tropical palms we've seen and had to have, but sadly they won't survive your freezes. What do you use instead? Here are some of mine: Coconut- Mule palm Royal- Queen palm Cocothrinax/Thrinax- Chamaerops/Trachycarpus What others can you think of? -Krishna
The survive of the Trachycarpus fortunei
by Texeltropics- 3 replies
I have one big trachy in my backyard. He is there for many years. In all these years different things happend. We started with winter from -1/-2 celsius, last 2 winter where as you know -10/-17 celsius. My palm was damaged by the last -17 celsius but it totaly recovered. Next pics will show you the same trachycarpus after different circumstances. The pic with the leaf shows how its folts together when it is protecting himself against the frost by this way. Last picture shows the severe leafburn after the -17. It totaly recovered from it, like this never happend.
Cold Hardy Garden
by ghar41- 1 follower
- 14 replies
I really was not sure about the value in having a cold hardy forum but I must say am really enjoying all the posts. Keep them coming. Here are some random photos from over the years of my cold hardy garden.
Chamaerops humilis--flowering and determining sex of
by WestCoastGal- 10 replies
We are currently considering two Chamaerops humilis palms for our yard. One of them is flowering right now and is a beautiful buttercup yellow color. I have allergies and know that the male palm's pollen can be highly allergenic to some; the female bearing no pollen would be a better choice for allergy sufferers. I can't seem to find anything in the web searches I've done to find out how to differentiate between the two sexes. Is there a color difference in the flowers, like the trachycarpus? Can anyone be of help? Photos of male and female flowers or other signs to look for would be really great. Given that this is an armed palm and it's pretty tight quarters at the t…
check out these hybrids cold hardy fans
by sonoranfans- 2 replies
In the main forum at the end of the post of another thread, member Paul Gallop posted pics of some of his cocoid hybrids from patrick shaffer, starting with post 21 Growers in 8b 9a should take a look as some of these are great palms in any zone, but are going to be rare as they are typically hand pollinated. I didnt want these to go unnoticed by cold hardy growers at the end of a copernicia thread... My favorite is the butia parajubaea cross...
What is a "cold hardy" palm?
by Palmə häl′ik- 11 replies
....just curious to know the definition of such a term when all my palms seem to be "cold hardy", but not 'frost hardy"... I zone push alot of z10 palms under oak canopy, so frost doesn't have contact with the palm foliage... Should I start pushin' the envelope with 10b palms? ...carpoxylon. Ken, you wanna donate one fer science? ....or is that just plain ol stuuuupid? - Ray.
Cold hardy palm videos
by Caryota_gigas- 1 reply
Cool a new forum, will this rival EPS as the new Cold hardy palm resource? Time will tell I guess. Anyway I will show my support by posting a few vids of palms that will take more cold than most... cold hardy?... I will let you decide. Chamaerops humilis var. argentea