Selecting and growing palms for colder climates.
4,575 topics in this forum
Pindo Palm Progress
by DTS- 1 follower
- 22 replies
From February to September The Butia has suprisingly put out 4 fronds since when it was in that pot, never seemed to have transplant shock at all.
Mule Palm Fruit
by Gville Palms- 8 replies
This is a mule from Merrill Wilcox that is on campus where I work. I have watched it for a number of years and have never seen it produce anything. This year it is loaded with seeds and fruit (pics below). Any chance these could be viable? I’ve read quite a few discussions on here and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen someone say that they’ve successfully germinated one but wanted to ask for some fresh thoughts on the matter.
Washingtonia hybrid? 1 2
by Nikoskater- 42 replies
I just came across this plant shop and looking around I saw some Washingtonia leaves. Looking at the badge it was named “filifera” and near there were other small ones classified as robusta. i have my doubts it’s a 100% filifera, could it be a filibusta? Pics attached
Hardy palm trees
by COpalms- 21 replies
Nobody responded to my last post but I was wondering if there are any good trunking palm trees hardy to zone 6. Including the Mazari Palm.
Texas Sabal Video
by Chester B- 1 reply
They don't really focus in on the Sabals, event though they are in the title. However there are some great shots in here.
- 7 replies
I got this palm tree a few weeks back now I'd like to decide it to plant it in the ground. I have quite a few palms that already take up a good amount of space in future in the backyard . So I have only one spot left with space but most of the sun that shines through our trees is filtered . It won't get 6 to 8 hours of full sun probably until it reaches a certain height. I will dig out my Filifera which didn't seem to like it there too much. I also didn't water it too much at all. What are your opinions. Should I try or not ? It's 10am and I took some pictures where the sun will move ( clockwise) . There will be some shade coming from our neighbors huge oak tree. I …
Trachycarpus WagnerianusXPrinceps 1 2 3
by Aldert- 1 follower
- 82 replies
For some years I was trying to make this cross. After being hold up by some one who had the Princeps male flowering for some years already, I finally succeeded in pollinating my Waggy with pollen from a dutch palm enthousiast. The result off sowing some seeds in January, is so far two seedlings. I think that the seeds behave as the true Princeps, a few will germinate in the first year, and the others the years to come.
Phoenix ID
by thyerr01- 5 replies
Anyone have an ID on this Phoenix? Just P. sylvestris? It has a couple of offsets on the trunk. It grows in my neighbourhood and has survived our various megafreezes into the teens unprotected without issue. Its also survived (so far) whatever disease is killing off all the CIDP in the area.
New Texas Sabal Palm
by Noob- 5 replies
Hello everyone. I purchased a Texas Sabal for my front yard this past week. The install guys said to water it twice per week but having done a lot of supplemental research I'm not sure if that's adequate. I really want to get a good care plan of attack set up so that this thing gets good and established and lives a long happy life. It was watered tuesday when it was planted and I just gave it about 45 minutes with the hose. Can you guys tell me if the fronds look healthy? I've noticed a little bit of brown splotchiness on some of them. Pics are attached. I ordered some root stimulator and it should be here tomorrow so I'll apply that when it gets here. …
Newfound Survivor
by SeanK- 2 replies
Well, I was out driving around and remembered a B.odorata from a few years back. Since almost none survived Dec 2022, I expected to find a boxwood in its place. Not 100% sure, but about 90% sure that this is the same plant, as it ungroomed.
Bottle Palm for z7b?
by SeanK- 2 replies
This is one of a matched pair, the other died. After a low of -14.5ºC
- 1 follower
- 35 replies
I've seen some discussion here about whether it's possible to over water a trachycarpus and I just thought I'd share my findings that it definitely is. Last weekend I accidentally left my root watering tool in the ground for one of my trachies for probably 25 minutes. Which is much longer than I normally would. I have clay soil. In a weeks time it's gone from drooping to pretty significantly browning. I assume it's going to die at this point. The soil has been reading "wet" up until today. First picture will be when I noticed the drooping and then second is today.
Dwarf butia
by Gallop- 1 follower
- 33 replies
Anyone else growing a dwarf Butia that looks like this?
Best palm tree for Colorado zone 6a
by COpalms- 14 replies
What do you think the best palm tree for zone 6a in colorado? (where I live the winters arent super harsh)
Engineers of PalmTalk 1 2
by LouisvillePalmer- 2 followers
- 59 replies
Not sure if there are any engineers or hobbyist that like tinkering with things or creating things.. but I have had an idea the past year in my head and wanted to see if it can come to fruition. Basically, I want to make an outdoor solar powered air heater that you can place around a palm tree. In theory, it would have a vent that blows air up, pushing it towards the crown of the palm even though it is on the ground. I can't seem to find many, if any, products online that are outdoor solar powered heaters. If anyone tinkers with things or specifically tinkering with solar, please let me know if we can experiment this. If possible - imagine the zone…
Queen Palms in San Antonio 1 2 3 4
by ChrisA- 2 followers
- 158 replies
Hello Palm Friends, Reading back in the posts it seems Queen Palms are not long term viable in the San Antonio area due to some pretty severe cold weather that comes every 10 or so years. While walking in the King William area I came across a very large sized Queen palm and was curious how long it had been there to have grown so big. Google street view goes back to 2007 on this street and shows a good size Queen palm in the residence at the corner of Adams St and Forcke St. This queen looked obliterated after the cold winter of 2011, but has since rebounded quite nicely. The photo is from a visit in May of this year. Any others in the Alamo Cit…
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
I planted this palmetto as a seedling about 1979-80 at my parents home in Mocksville, NC in USDA Zone 7b. It has never been protected nor fertilized. It survived the severe freezes in the mid 1908s, but the bud was still underground at that time. The first photo is the palmetto in May, 2018, after the severe winter of 2017-18 in which there were approximately 8 days in which the temperature never exceeded 32F. I'm not sure what the absolute lows were but they were probably in the mid to upper single digits. The fronds were burnt, but not the petioles nor the bud, both of which which remained mostly green. It does have a southwestern exposure with a light, deciduous canopy…
Suggestions for microclimates
by COpalms- 1 reply
I live in zone 6a, so I should take advantage of microclimates but I'm looking for suggestions and recommendations to help. I wondered if planting a palm on the west side of a house close to a fence would do well. It also faces the south but its primarily the west. Its also protected by a neighbor's house from winds and cold drafts (seeing as most cold drafts come from the west). I also am wondering if planting on the east side would be fine too. It would be facing my house and pretty close to another person's house. It would also be protected from snow because there is a tree that catches pretty much all of the snow that falls. it is somewhat facing the south aswell but…
Newly added Sabal Uresana.. 1 2
by SailorBold- 3 followers
- 77 replies
So excited! I finally picked up a Sabal Uresana from North Texas Cold Hardy palms. This has been on my wish list for some time.. and I had an area saved for a large sabal that has been sitting bare for a number of years now. The spot where i planted it was a toss up between a Mexicana and Mexicana seems to do well here... It will be interesting to see how well it will tolerate our dry winters. It seems all of the reports on cold damage and hardiness come from humid areas around the country... the one thing that interests me is it is native to an area that is fairly close to perhaps at least some of its growing conditions will be similar. Its…
by COpalms- 14 replies
Hello, I am in Colorado Zone 6a and I was wondering if there are any other palms besides the needle palm and sabal minor 'McCurtain' that would be hardy here. Also, I will add that Colorado isn't as harsh as many think. In the winter it usually only gets to the negatives during cold snaps. Most winters where I live it doesn't even get to -10 degrees Fahrenheit. Also its usually not very windy. Regardless zone 6 is zone 6 and I know I need to be cautious when planting palms. I have a trachycarpus fortunei that I'm planning on planting next spring as well as Mazari palms. Mazari palms will take less winter protection because they are hardy to zone 6b so I decided to buy tho…
Dick Douglas garden/house on the market
by WestCoastGal- 10 replies
I was reading Apple News this morning and saw this story (10/2) in the Miami Herald titled “Northern California home with world famous palm tree garden is for sale. Take a look”. I just knew from the title this Hardy Palm Garden was Dick Douglas’ and sure enough was. Thought others here would want to check out the article and video tour of the house and garden . Dick had invited us up to see his garden but weather etc delayed our accepting his invite and he passed away before we could schedule a trip there. We have however seen many photos from members here of his garden tours over the years. We were fortunate to have picked up one of them his named Chamaedorea hybrid at …
Dick Douglas garden species list?
by Dwarf Fan- 0 replies
The recent discussions in one of the Dick Douglas garden threads got me curious, does anyone have a comprehensive list of all the palms that Mr. Douglas had planted on his property? Or an idea of how many different species of palms he had collected in total?
Butia x Monty
by Gallop- 6 replies
Update on my Butia x Monty? This paticular BXMonty is thought to be a miss -(pure butia). Observations…It’s been a fast grower. I’ve noticed a few petolies are armed and some are not. It’s recently flowered and no seed held on. I have two other B X Monty coming along in the garden much smaller, in a few year it will be interesting to compare them. Anyone else growing B X Monty? I’d love to see some pictures.
How should I overwinter this Sabal Minor?
by Colin1110082- 19 replies
Hello, this is my Sabal Minor I planted back in June in Zone 6A in Massachusetts. It is raised above the ground up on a rock wall. How should I overwinter it? Hoping there is a way where I can somehow take the lid off and get some air and sun if the weather is nice, which sometimes it is. Thanks
Worth Keeping?
by SeanK- 3 replies
This palmetto is seed-grown, in-sitio since 2000. Severely damaged when we went from mid-50s and rain to 5° within 36 hours back in December, 2022. I am thinking that it will never recover properly. Three or four new leaves, all with short petioles. Petioles all less than 12-inches. Should I just replace it with a B/R palmetto next spring?