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Somewhere over the rainbow
by Walter John- 3 replies
Early shower and voila, photo time for my palms.
by Howeadypsis- 1 reply
Just repoted my D.lutescens, and my god did it have some roots! I got a bigger pot prepped but put some polystyrene in the bottom as it was rather deep and I thought it would be wasted compost. Then it was time to unpot the palm. Well, I couldnt get the thing out the pot and had to cut the pot with scissors,wasting a good pot in the process. It was incredibly windy while I was out there too which was annoying the hell out of me(hate working in the wind) and the new compost was fairly dry and very light so I had to keep hold of it while filling with soil as well as keeping an eye on the kids! I then realised some of the polystyrene had to come out as once the palm was i…
Wheres Bob Chang
by Kamipalms- 8 replies
I'm interested in catching up with Bob Chang- Huntington Beach, CA Anyone heard from or seen Bob lately? I Emailed Bob a couple of times since January and haven't heard squat! Anyone?
The disappointment continues
by Surf Guy- 15 replies
I have thrown away almost all of my dead palms from the freeze of 07 and now the question is will the palms that didn't die recover? I have D. lanceolata, P. coronata, and several A. tuckerii that the fronds are opening way to soon. I have heard that this is from stress but will this stress go away? What are the chances of these plants getting back to a normal growth rate? Thanks for the help. Mike
Variegated Palm and cycad
by Jakkrit- 20 replies
Hi , all enthusiasts . I'm a webboard member from Thailand and today I would like to show you the variegated plant from many Thailand nursery and my own as well. The first image is very surprise palm for me . In my idea this is the very rarest vareigated palm. Pseudophoenix vinifera var.
Recovery and non- from the '07 freeze
by DoomsDave- 26 replies
Like Mike "Surf Guy" I took a hit on the freeze, too. Some things are coming back, others well . . . . Big mama R. oleracea is NOT good, but I'm watering anyway, per G. Levine's advice . . .
Promoting palm growing
by Trópico- 5 replies
Bring your hobbies, crafts and collections for display in the Orlando second floor cafeteria from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, May 14 for Day One of Diversity Week: Diversity Week Day One represents Full Spectrum Leadership's "Shape the Future" imperative. Share the results of your creative imagination through your hobbies, crafts and collections. If you are interested and have something to share, please contact .... ... "Diversity week" at work next week. Day one a bunch of people are going to be displaying their favorite passions/hobbies. I have been thinking.. maybe put a display on palm growing. How would you make it interesting, specially for people who thi…
The Mauritia flexousa
by amazondk- 25 replies
I am always impressed with the beauty of the Buriti, Mauritia flexousa. So, I decided to post a picture and then add one every once and a while when I see a nice example of this palm. I realize that most can not grow this palm in their climates. But, for those than can it is a striking tree. It is so common around here that most people do not pay attention to it. But, it is a real tropical gem. This picture is from April 30th in Roraima. I was on the road and the sky grew dark and a strongdown pour was coming. The sky was clear to the west and the sunlight illuminated the foreground. I could not resist registering the moment. dk
Chainsawing my palms 1 2
by bgl- 51 replies
I guess you could say today was a historic day, of sorts: for the first time I deliberately cut down a healthy palm with my chainsaw! The neighbor has a fruiting A. alexandrae and for years I have had volunteer seedlings pop up all over the place. My preference is to dig them up when they are small (less than 2 ft tall) and relocate them to an area just outside of our property. Sometimes I just don't get around to it though, and these Alexandra palms then get up to such a size that digging them just is not an option. We had very strong winds here yesterday, and an 80 ft tall (dead) Ohi'a tree fell, right smack in amongst a grove of good sized Dypsis sp. bejofa. Broke off …
Butia Capitata
by boondog- 9 replies
I planted this Pindo about a month and a half ago. It has slowly gone down hill, some fronds faster than others. I planted another at the same time 25 feet away and it looks fine. I dug a big hole, used potting soil and palm fertilizer the same way on all 5 of the different palms I planted that day. I tried giving this one some extra water but I don't think it has helped. Does anyone have any idea? Thanks so much, Roger Down by Houston
What is this
by redant- 6 replies
I have found this on the undersides of a couple of different palms fronds. It's trying to kill the 6 carpoxylon I have , please HELP!
Syagrus botryophora
by Trópico- 3 replies
This is a 6 to 7 month old Syagrus botryophora seedling, germinated last October from seeds sent to me by Gileno. The first leaf is about a foot long! Still waiting on the second leaf... I thought they were faster than that!
Anyone using anti-transpirants?
by happ- 1 reply
Every summer palms are damaged, to an extent, during periods of heat. Also extremely dry conditions coupled with strong winds do a number on palms. For example, dew points & relative humidity have dropped into single digits this week. Palm trees with the most exposure to wind & sun eventually show tip burns and premature yellowing. Do anti-transpirants [ie "Cloud Cover"] work effectively to protect palms like archontophoenix, ravenea, roystonea, etc ? It would be a bit difficult to apply/spray anti-transpirant on tall palms but I'll do it if it works ???
Potting up a few things
by MattyB- 9 replies
This nice warm weather has inspired me to pot up a few things that were just begging to be let loose in a larger pot. Here's a few pics: First up was this plant. It was bought from Floribunda last year as Dypsis onilahensis. It has a heel though and some have said it might be D. ambositrae. It's a monster of a grower. It was pushing itself up and out of a 1 gallon and the roots were fat and plentiful. I put it straight into a 5 gallon pot.
Butia capitata
by Kathryn- 4 replies
A friend sent me these pictures of his Butia capitata that has reddish brown spots. I think it was planted about a year ago and had some of the spots already. He used a small amount of palm fertilizer when he planted it and just recently applied some more. I figured it was some type of deficiency, but I'm not good with identifying deficiencies or fungus problems. Any ideas?
more germ tips PLEASE
by wendisplantation- 33 replies
I received another packet of seeds (last for this years ordering). OMG, new seeds in the mail 2 days in a row, most excitement I've had in years :laugh: Any tips on germing the following species would be greatly appreciated, as I can't find much on these: Dypsis sp. Pink Crownshaft Basselinia gracilis Pseudophoenix ekmanii- these are very interesting seeds, have striations on them that look like a palm frond wrapped around the seed. I'll try to figure out how to photograph this Anyway, if possible, tips, experiences,and please tell me if you know what type of germinators each are???? They are all soaking right now (no floaters) Thank You, in advance!
And the winner is...
by Trópico- 2 replies
Finally one of my geminated palms reached puberty and started flowering. Chamaedorea cataractum, from seed to flower, one of the best palms. 2 years from seed. Born March 2005. Then (10/15/2005)
Asian Heritage Nypas?
by Trópico- 1 reply
This I received in an email at work, an invitation to the Asian Heritage Festival. Loved the palms in the background! Are they Nypas?
Ponapea as a Genus?
by TikiRick- 10 replies
I have what I thought was a Ptychosperma ledermanniana. I went to bed last night and woke up to Ponapea ledermanniana. When did this happen? Is anyone else growing this palm? Any luck? Appears difficult to grow from my perspective...certainly not as easy as the more common Ptychosperma species.
Calyptrocalyx forbesii
by palmtreesforpleasure- 12 replies
Here is a picture of the new leaf of a Calyptrocalyx forbesii, grows happily in my climate so it must be a cold hardy Calyptrocalyx, the leaf looks quite spiritual with the its hands together above its head regards colin
Some Pics from Jax
by Tag- 34 replies
The First Caost Palm Society maintians a palm garden at the FCCJ South campus. Here are a few pictures from last weekend. Acoelorrhaphe wrightii and Sabal mauritiiformis
Planting under a pine tree?
by Palmgrover- 26 replies
Im thinking of planting my D. pembana under the filtered shade of a 20ft. pine tree in my yard. My question is will the falling pine needles be a problem in the growth of my Dypsis? Can you plant this palm or any other palm for that matter under a pine?<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k285/palmgrover/IMG_1072.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a> Thanks for your help.
Variability in offspring
by bgl- 5 replies
One fascinating topic is the ability of a particular palm with a unique characteristic to be able to produce offspring with the same, or similar, characteristic. Variegated palms for instance. I have no experience with variegated palms (but hopefully someone else does!?), but based on my very limited experience with a few other palms, there seems to be a LOT of variability in the second generation. Case in point; we have quite a few Areca vestiaria, mostly the maroon variety, but also a few of the standard orange variety. A couple of years ago I germinated my first maroon A. vestiaria seeds. From one, and the same, infructescence I ended up with 239 seedlings that I potte…
Don't people like this make you furious!
by Jim in Los Altos- 34 replies
Here's a letter that appeared in Saturday, May 5 San Jose Mercury News Letters To The Editor titled: Palm trees don't belong in San Jose. Yes, go ahead and move those palm trees! What's good for the San Jose Grand Prix is good for business. In fact, while you are at it, take the palm trees out permanently. Palm trees in San Jose look stupid. No way do I see "classy" in palm trees. California native tree species include four kinds of oak trees and the majestic coast sequoia. Too tall or wide? Then trim them for the desired shape and height. Send those palm trees back to the tropics where they belong! Mike Musumeci San Jose, CA My response to this ig…
"long distance runaround"
by paulgila- 31 replies
since i had the day off today i decided to take a stroll around my neighborhood(rolando park)& document the local flora. first are these well-grown archontos... & this nice triple s.romanzoffiana.